Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1948: , Where is the parting funny!

Two days later, Zhang Xiang everyone left.

Yes, there was no battle as envisaged before, and nothing strange happened.

Qi Ya was only called away once halfway through.

Then, after disappearing from the worried expressions of everyone for an hour, when he came back, he looked happy, saying that he had received his father’s forgiveness and was free to do what he wanted to do in the future. .

Two days after being greeted in good condition, Zhang Xiang did not meet the so-called assassination or other entertainers, so he chose to go for a walk.

As for following Xiaojie and Qiya?

Although Zhang Xiang thought about it, he finally denied it.

Although, following the protagonist, you can see a lot of things, but once they think that they will go to the Sky City after the two of them, and have stayed there for at least three months, Zhang Xiang feels boring.

No way, he has been soaking in the Sky Arena for so long, and now he hasn't much time to come out, telling him to run back again.

He was unwilling.

So, when the door of the Enemy Hakka family was beaten open again.

Zhang Xiang said goodbye to Xiaojie and others.

Not surprisingly, the direction Xiaojie and others are heading is really the Sky Arena.

In the process of saying goodbye, it is worth saying.

When Zhang Xiang and others pushed open the gate, which was said to weigh 256 tons, the familiar tour guide outside the gate was still facing the tourists, indicating that the gate weighed two hundred and fifty. Six tons is a time when no one can push.

At that time, that one was still the expression on the face of the beautiful tourist guide, and it could be as exciting as it was. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Then, it was when the flashing lights and the voice of questioning the beauty guide rang.

Moreover, there are also the two funny guys who were like the last time. After asking if you were a member of the Enemy Hakka family, they started to do it.

However, it was over without Zhang Xiang.

Because the people who followed Zhang Xiang and others out to see off the guests, except for the Patriarch, Shiba, there were also Il fans who did not blink.

Facing those funny comparisons, Yi Er fans taught them to be human directly.

I saw that Yi Erfan threw out a few spikes casually, and the few teasers who rushed over were already wailing and kneeling on the ground.

When they stood up, they were under the control of Ilmi, and they were actually fighting each other.

And just when Yi Erfan wanted to get rid of those tourists by the way, he could see his thoughts, but Qi Ya, who had a better heart, made a move.

Although he hasn't learned the power of mind yet, his speed is already super fast.

In the blink of an eye, he already grabbed the camera from the camera guys in the crowd and squeezed it into a ball by the way.

In that scene, there are as many pretences as you want.

It's just that Qi Ya is also doing it for the good of ordinary people.

After all, the information of beating the enemy's family is worth millions even in photos.

If it is a group photo of the entire family, you can get a reward of close to 100 million.

And knowing this, in order to avoid harassment of the tribe, Yi Er fans will definitely start to get rid of these guys.

After all, Yi Er fans still have a lot of resentment for Qi Ya's departure.

And those ordinary people, after such a thing happened, how could they stay here, screaming and rushing in the direction of the tourist bus.

So, just like the last time.

Under the leadership of the screaming female tour guide, everyone rushed into the bus and quickly fled from this place.

Well, I hope that the female guide will not leave a shadow in her heart.

After the separation, Zhang Xiang also began to feel a little troubled about his journey afterwards.

He has already been to the Sky Arena.

Next, he was interested in only a few places.

Among those places, there are two places, Youkexin City and the Island of Greed.

But it is a pity that Youkexin City has not yet held a gang conference, it is just a slightly chaotic city.

Zhang Xiang wanted to go to the island of greed.

However, he has no relevant equipment to enter the game.

As for running to the sea to find, God knows where that island is.

As for the other interesting places introduced by Jin, there are either some relics or some remote areas. It takes a long time to go back and forth and is hard to find.

Because, after three months, something interesting will happen in Youkexin City.

He wanted to come here to join in the fun at that moment.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang became annoyed the more he thought about it.

"Ah...! If I knew it, I asked Jin about the location of the Island of Greed!" Zhang Xiang said helplessly, covering his head.

Or maybe it was looking at Zhang Xiang's troubles.

"Baby" Doudou stretched out his wings, patted Zhang Xiang, and comforted him.

But at this moment, Zhang Xiang suddenly felt his eyes shine.

"By the way, there is another place to go! Although it's a little far away, the goal is clear!" Zhang Xiang suddenly remembered the big tree that skyrocketed in the next mainland, but it was a big tree that really skyrocketed. It has grown out of the atmosphere.

"If you want to come, that place should be very interesting. In that case, let's go!" Zhang Xiang's right fist hit his left palm and said suddenly.

"Furthermore, you can also go and see if there is any of your kind on the other side. I can't find your relevant information in the hunter information of this world, maybe the Dark Continent will have it!" Zhang Xiang turned his head and looked at'Chickling 'The direction of Doudou.

Because Zhang Xiang borrowed the database of the Hunter Association before, but he failed to find specific information about the "Chickling" Doudou.

On the contrary, there is information about that big bird.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang had to doubt that the egg of the "Chickling" Doudou might really have been placed in the nest of that big bird by another bird and let it hatch.

In this way, it can be explained why the mother bird did not chase and kill Zhang Xiang when he encountered the "Chickling" Doudou.

"Then, let's go!" Zhang Xiang made a decision instantly.

At the same time, even though the "Baby Bird" Doudou didn't understand what was going on, it still raised its wings and responded!

So, on this day, Zhang Xiang and "Baby" Doudou officially set off towards the dark continent...

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