Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1951: , Clear the customs and harvest a nuclear bomb

"It's really bright and splendid fireworks...but it's just a little too dazzling..." Zhang Xiang took the'Baby' Doudou and appeared in another high altitude, squinting slightly to watch the blooming. If you look at the three ways from a close distance, you can blind your eyes, and you can't help but sigh. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

Although it was very dazzling in the distance, it was right for him to be a little confused.

At the same time, ‘Baby’ Doudou also raised the green onion on the right wing, agreeing.


"Do you think it's too dazzling? Well, next time I will prepare my sunglasses first, and then I should be able to watch them closer." Zhang Xiang said as he opened the protective cover. Come, protect him and the "Baby" Doudou.

After all, the light and dust from the explosion of a nuclear bomb contains a lot of radiation.

Even if Zhang Xiang can be immune, but "Baby" Doudou is not necessarily.

Not to mention, radiation is still something that can be carried. If you bring it back to kill a few other unrelated or people you know, it’s not good, isn’t it?

However, with the radiation and smoke from the nuclear explosion, there is still one thing.

A long cylindrical shape with a fusiform thing in front of it, hovering towards this side.

"This is?" Zhang Xiang stretched out his right hand, and took the spinning and leaping thing onto the palm of his hand.

Then, he took the contents in his hand and took a look, but it was a nuclear bomb that was blown out in the nuclear explosion, but was magically not affected by the shock wave of the nuclear explosion.

This discovery made Zhang Xiang stunned slightly.

"Impossible, it's such a coincidence?" Zhang Xiang glanced at the things in front of him with some doubts before he confirmed that this was a genuine nuclear bomb.

It's just that the detonating auxiliary material leaked, and it was not powerful enough to detonate the nuclear fuel in it.

However, at this moment.

No matter where the fighter plane was located in the distance, or on the two islands, there was another violent explosion.

Moreover, this time the explosion was even more powerful than the previous ones. Not to mention razing the two islands on the sea to the ground, even the surface of the sea was temporarily exploded with two super large holes.

This is the true power of nuclear bombs.

Looking at the power of the detonated nuclear bomb, Zhang Xiang took another look at the nuclear bomb in his hand, but he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, this nuclear bomb has failed, if it is still intact.

Then, the nuclear bomb in his hand should also explode at this time.

And being bombed at such a close distance is not a joke, even Zhang Xiang might be injured a bit.

Of course, this is under the premise of using only the flesh to resist.

If you use other powers, if you want to take it down without getting hurt, it's easy.

"However, if it's so coincidental, let's put it away." Zhang Xiang weighed the nuclear bomb in his hand and received it into the space bag.

After all, if it is left outside, if it detonates because of an accident, isn't it just playing out?

At least, the ‘Chuckling’ Doudou still does not have the power to resist nuclear bombs.

"That's good, let's continue towards the destination!" Zhang Xiang turned around, ignoring the two ruins of the islands still burning with raging fire, and the dust clouds in the sky. He continued to fly in the direction of the dark continent.

And beside him, the "Baby Bird" Doudou followed him and continued to fly towards the Dark Continent.

It's like, Zhang Xiang has no guilt or care about killing so many humans by himself.

In fact, Zhang Xiang would feel a little guilty before.

However, after experiencing these worlds, in addition to the lives of certain people, the importance of other lives in his heart has dropped again and again.

Especially after Zhang Xiang created the world before, and after the transformation of his life level, his vision of seeing things also changed.

After all, no one can call a person who can create a world and destroy a world, and treat those who are waved by him will destroy countless existences, just like ‘ants’.

By now, he felt it was natural for him to kill those who dared to attack him.

Well, let's expose this topic.

After Zhang Xiang and "Chuckling" Doudou left for about ten minutes, the following troops arrived.

However, they were shocked by the scene before them.

Because the two defensive islands were built according to the level of resisting the navy of a country, no one would have thought that these two places would be completely destroyed in less than a few minutes!

Moreover, it was destroyed by a nuclear bomb!

You know, these two islands have a lot of facilities to prevent nuclear shooting!

An ordinary nuclear bomb would be destroyed hundreds of kilometers away.

Even if it is a special nuclear bomb, it is approaching close to tens of kilometers at most.

However, in the scene before him, it is obvious that the nuclear bomb was detonated on the island.

Suddenly, the reinforcements who rushed in thought of many things.

I even wondered if someone sneaked into the two island bases and detonated the nuclear bomb suicide.

However, thinking about it is impossible.

Because every nuclear bomb needs to be unlocked by the top commander of the base before it can be detonated.

Especially when he learned from the information left over that they were attacking a person or a big bird, he fell into deeper doubts.

However, if they knew that Zhang Xiang possessed the ability of space and could transfer the nuclear bomb that was about to detonate to the island, they would not be so confused.

However, these things have nothing to do with Zhang Xiang.

Because, when the enemy's reinforcements arrived, he and "Chuckling" Doudou were hundreds of kilometers away...

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