Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1967: , Meet gold again!

"Why are you here?" Jin's face was full of surprise.

"I should say why you are here." Zhang Xiang also asked with surprise on his face.

When the two saw each other, they were very surprised.

Because, in Jin's idea, Zhang Xiang should be traveling in the interesting places he introduced!

In Zhang Xiang's thoughts, Jin should go to some ancient ruins, pulling some dusty things, and exploring the mysteries.

Therefore, the two are so surprised that each other will appear here.

However, just when the two were talking to each other.

The super huge flying dragon under Jin's body also flew in front of Zhang Xiang, and the gust of wind that was set off when its wings flapped already made Zhang Xiang and the "Hatchling" Doudou feel like they had to retreat.

It's not just Zhang Xiang and Jin Zheng talking face to face.

Even the "Baby Bird" Doudou is watching each other with the flying dragon cubs sitting with Jin.

The two of them looked at each other as if they had seen a curious stranger, blinking their big eyes.

As for the large flying dragon, he also looked at Zhang Xiang and others curiously.

And watching this scene, Jin couldn't help scratching his hair that looked like a bird's nest.

"Well, let's find a place to land first, and then continue talking." Jin said helplessly, patted the flying dragon cub under him, and made the flying dragon cub let out a tender cry. .

And the large flying dragon also issued a strong cry at the same time, which was considered to be flapping its wings and flying towards the branches of the World Tree at a higher level.

"Mr Zhang Xiang, follow up..." Jin waved his hand in the direction of Zhang Xiang.

And Zhang Xiang also nodded.

"Okay." Zhang Xiang also slapped the "baby bird" Doudou under him.

And the proficient "Baby Bird" Doudou had already followed Zhang Xiang's voice as soon as he said.

And that large flying dragon is indeed a few hundred meters tall, with wings spread enough to envelop an entire village in the human world. Just flapping the wings below has already caused an extremely violent hurricane.

Moreover, the speed is also super fast, it is only a second, and it has already climbed a distance of thousands of meters.

Seeing this, Zhang Xiang not only hurriedly followed.

However, Zhang Xiang didn't let the "Baby Bird" Doudou directly follow the opponent's back, or another location, but let it fly above the large flying dragon, at the same height as Jin.

In a short while, the large flying dragon and the "Hatchling" Doudou had already soared into the sky at an unknown height.

However, no matter what, the huge canopy still hung over Zhong's head.

At this moment, a surprised expression appeared on Jin's face.

"Here." Jin said with surprise on his face, looking in a certain direction.

And Zhang Xiang followed his gaze and looked in that direction.

The Bird's Nest, a super large bird's nest, appeared in Zhang Xiang's field of vision.

It is a super large bird's nest spanning two branches.

You know, the World Tree is extremely lush.

However, the distance between branches and branches is still quite large.

With the addition of the world tree's thick trunk, the bird's nest looks like a small town.

Two seconds later, in the gusty wind, the large flying dragon finally landed in the bird's nest, making a bang.

However, the bird's nest, the size of a small town, did not experience any vibrations, as if it was growing on a branch.

However, Zhang Xiang was not surprised at all.

After all, the building materials used in the bird's nest are all branches of the World Tree.

So, just think about it and you can know how big and thick the branches of the bird's nest are.

Most are tens of meters in size, and the length is at least a hundred meters long.

After landing, Jin also jumped from the head of the flying dragon cub and landed on the edge of the bird's nest that was thicker than the city wall.

And Zhang Xiang also jumped from the back of "Baby" Doudou.

"It's been a long time!" Jin showed a smile on his face and stretched out his right hand.

"Yeah, I haven't seen you for a while." Zhang Xiang also showed a smile on his face, stretched out his right hand, shook hands with the other party, and leaned in to give each other a bear hug.

However, Zhang Xiang was a bit miserable.

While embracing each other, due to the excessive strength, a cloud of smoke rose from the other's clothes.

"Cough cough... what are you doing? Why is there so much dust on your body?" Zhang Xiang felt the dust rippling around, waved his right hand and swept away the dust, clear He coughed a few times and said.

And seeing this situation, Jin's face also showed embarrassment.

"Hehe, that, I have been studying in an ultra-ancient ruins near the World Tree for the last two days, and I didn't have time to change clothes. So..." Jin scratched his greasy head and said embarrassingly.

"I'll take it, don't you even have a bath?" Zhang Xiang stepped back and took a closer look at the other party, and couldn't help but vomit.

"Ah, did you see through this?" Jin also pretended to be surprised and embarrassed.

"It's weird if you don't see through, greasy hair, clothes that have never been changed, and a puff of dust just now. What are you studying for ultra-ancient ruins? How busy you are to take a shower..." Zhang Xiang couldn't help but continue to complain.

"Who said that the ruin is so interesting? Let me tell you, that ruin is about the super ancient times, it is a ruin about 10,000 years ago..." When Jin said the ruins, he immediately beamed his eyes. Speaking of it.

Only in his introduction did Zhang Xiang know what the ruins he was studying were.

It is a relic built ten thousand years ago.

However, this one is not the key.

The key is that Jin knew from the collapsed murals inside that there was actually a country on the dark continent 10,000 years ago.

Moreover, what they are using is not a kind of ‘read’.

It's called...

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