Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1973: , The human complement plan!

And after explaining a series of words, even Zhang Xiang himself had some unclear words. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

He began to explain the relevant content about the gate of truth.

"The so-called'gate of truth' is the indispensable gate for mortals to become saints in the legend. Anyone who is greedy, selfish, and contains all kinds of human inferiorities will never be able to reach it. Seeing the gate of truth, the world of man must be the only I, the world removes my view..."

However, when Zhang Xiang explained this one, Jin next to him was already confused and turned into circles.

"Wait, wait a minute! I know every word you say, but how come I don't understand it when I read it together?" Jin said with his eyes wide open, staring at Zhang Xiang.

And listening to Jin's words, Zhang Xiang also showed a wry smile on his face.

"Don't say it's you, even me, I don't quite understand it. What I just explained to you is just that I learned something from something, and then said it according to the book. What exactly it represents , I am afraid that only people related to it can explain clearly. Moreover, in my world, there are too many explanations about the'tree of truth' and the'gate of truth'. So, you understand... "Zhang Xiang stretched out his hands helplessly.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's explanation, Jin also scratched his head helplessly.

However, in his heart he already secretly wrote down the phrase "My World" by Zhang Xiang.

"Well, then you go ahead." Jin said helplessly.

"No, I don't know much about more specific things. However, after reading the four murals, I have an idea. Because the things painted on the murals are different from what I have learned. There are many similar things." Zhang Xiang's face showed a thoughtful expression.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Jin couldn't help but shine.

"What is it?" Jin asked impatiently.

"Then I first say yes, this is just what I learned. I don't know if it is really related to the murals. If I say it, it may interfere with your judgment, you must listen to it. ?" Zhang Xiang showed a serious expression on his face.

However, to Zhang Xiang's surprise, Jin nodded without even thinking about it.

"Listen, I want to listen." Jin said immediately.

"Well, first of all, let's talk about the first thing, no, it should be a plan. However, before talking about this plan, we must first be familiar with a legend. In the legend, on a certain planet is There is no life. But in a certain period of time, a super-massive meteorite attacked this planet. Then, two god-like creatures were already born on this planet. Those two were equivalent The names that generally exist in the gods are called'Adam' and'Lilith'."

"And then, after a series of changes.'Adam' was sealed up, and one day nearly four billion years later,'Lilith' didn't know for what purpose, using a kind called'black The power of the Moon' (Lilith’s Egg) created a creature of humanity."

"And after 1.6 million years, mankind discovered this mystery. And, in the end, the major countries jointly formulated a plan-the human complement plan!"

When Zhang Xiang said this, he paused slightly.

"Human Completion Plan?" Jin Wei frowned and asked.

"Yes, the human complement plan. The whole of this plan is to return all human life to one point, to return to the'Black Moon' (Lillith's Egg) to fuse together, and finally become the original existence. ......" Zhang Xiang explained this plan.

However, before Zhang Xiang finished speaking, Jin had already interrupted Zhang Xiang's words.

"Wait, let the human life return to one point. That is to say..." Jin's face showed a shocked expression.

"Yes, it is equivalent to killing everyone, no matter the body or soul is merged together." Zhang Xiang nodded and responded to the other's doubts.

"How is it possible... how can there be such a crazy plan!" Jin's face showed a shock and doubt.

"Because those who implement this plan think that human beings (whether physical or spiritual) are made of fragile substances, so they are very vulnerable. And between people, the spiritual world is isolated from each other. Yes, in order for humans to evolve to a higher realm, it is necessary to free the human mind from the shackles of the body and return to the birthplace of human beings in the "Black Moon" (Lilith’s Egg). Only in this way can the final Dismantle the spiritual barrier between people, so that different spiritual worlds can complement each other and move towards the end of evolution—to become the eternal'god'. The Human Completion Project was created to achieve this seemingly sacred purpose." Zhang Xiang was a little sorrowful to express his views on the human complement plan in the EVA world.

"Such a view..." The shock on Jin's face did not fade.

"Although, this kind of thinking is generally wrong. Because even if you go back to a point, it is difficult to become a **** in the true sense, unless you repeat this process countless times to get enough information and power. However, , But still right in some respects. Human beings are indeed a very fragile and mutually hurting creatures. If it can be done, it can indeed disappear the gap between people. However, At that time, does human being refer to an individual or a population?"

Before Jin could answer, Zhang Xiang was already asking and answering himself.

"The existence of oneness can only be regarded as the existence of one individual. And will an individual conflict with oneself and kill oneself? This is again contradictory to eliminating the gap between people..." Zhang Xiang sighed and said.

"Clear the gap... Fusion... Is there still evolution..." Jin's face showed a thoughtful expression.

However, he quickly broke free from the thinking of life, and pointed out the key point.

"Just now you said that even if humans are returned to the point where it is impossible to become a true'god'. Unless this process is repeated countless times, that is to say?!" Jin's face showed a shocked expression. , Looking in the direction of the fourth mural.

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