Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1982: , Half-step Gaia!

Yes, half Gaia's power!

And what is the definition of Gaia?

Gaia's definition is the aggregation of all biological consciousness on the planet, that is, the life on this planet.

And half of Gaia's power means that it controls half of the power of this planet.

Half the power of a planet, how ambitious is that? !

At least, things on this planet are probably nothing it doesn't know, there is nothing it can't control.

And what Zhang Xiang said before underestimated the power of the World Tree because of this.

Because when Zhang Xiang received the enormous spiritual power of the World Tree, he was already following the direction where the roots of the World Tree spread, exploring in all directions.

However, the result of the exploration surprised him.

He found that his judgment on the spread of the World Tree was simply wrong.

When he saw the remaining mural before, he judged that the World Tree already controlled this continent and the seas around the continent was simply wrong.

In fact, the scope of World Tree's control is far greater than he imagined.

In the spread of Zhang Xiang’s spiritual consciousness, he saw that the roots of the World Tree had been deeply submerged under the ground, and even explored a place close to the center of the earth. The roots of the tree even turned a whole. The center of the earth is wrapped up.

And the spread of the rest of its roots has spread all over the ground of the entire planet.

The young World Tree on the Hunter Continent was actually just formed after one of its roots accidentally spread out of the ground.

It can be said that almost all of this planet has been completely mastered by it.

The evolution of the opponent far exceeded Zhang Xiang's imagination, and he had already controlled the entire planet in half a step.

It can even be said to control all the entire planet.

Although it controls the entire planet, Zhang Xiang still said that it only has half of Gaia's power, because the other half of the power is spread over the entire continent.

Yes, all over the whole continent.

All life consciousness on the continent, as well as the energy in their bodies, can be said to be the other half of the power of the world tree.

Although, most of this half of the power is not under its control.

However, as long as it launches actions like destroying the previous civilization, swallowing all the life of the entire planet, and returning it to the body of the only world tree.

Then, it can definitely reach the true God position of Gaia.

At that time, even if it wants to move the planet, it is not impossible for the planet to roam freely in the universe.

At the beginning, Zhang Xiang still had some doubts why World Tree didn't absorb this half of its power back to return to the true oneness and control everything.

If this were the case, Zhang Xiang wouldn't be able to find the opportunity to refine the core of the world tree.

Because, if it really incarnates as one, ascends Gaia's divine position.

Then it is both one and all.

Its true core can be anything on the planet, and it can wander freely with thoughts, or it can be an entire planet.

In that case, unless you can refine the existence of the planet, you don't want to control the core of the world tree.

But after thinking about it, Zhang Xiang already understood.

Although the World Tree can swallow half of its power, it can make itself ascend to the position of God.

However, it will lose the power of rapid progress.

After all, it is very difficult for an existence like the World Tree to grow.

For an existence like it, if you want to grow, it needs more than energy and matter, but also countless knowledge and insights.

And these can only be born when countless existing consciousnesses collide with each other.

In this case, it is not difficult to understand why it will destroy the civilization on the planet again and again, and then re-separate part of its power to cultivate other civilizations.

That is, it wants to use this method to allow itself to move forward steadily during countless years of accumulation.

Although, it will take a long time.

However, for existence like it, the last thing that is needed is time.

For ordinary creatures, one hundred thousand years is the development of a civilization from scratch.

However, for the World Tree, I am afraid it is just a nap.

"It seems that my luck is very good. I actually encountered such a creature that has already been crowned Gaia's throne, but divided his power in half, and fell into a deep sleep!" Zhang Xiang's face A smile appeared.

However, in the next moment, the smile on his face turned into a wry smile.

Because the resistance at the core of the World Tree is getting stronger and stronger with the passing of time.

As mentioned earlier, the world tree is asleep.

Although he was awakened due to being sealed and suppressed by Zhang Xiang, its power was not fully released because of being awakened.

But now with the passing of time, it has gradually begun to show its true power.

"However, even if you are stronger and suppressed by me, it is impossible to want to come out again!" A sharp light flashed in Zhang Xiang's eyes. Refining the core of the world tree came.

Although, this time will be very long, it may take several months, even several years, more than ten years.

However, compared with the harvest, the time spent is not worth mentioning at all!

Because, refining such a planet-level existence means not only getting the control of a planet, not just the **** of Gaia, but also representing Zhang Xiang plundering most of the energy of this world. Luck!

Although the world of the second dimension, every world has a wide universe with infinite distance.

But it is undeniable that in that vast universe, there is only one core.

And at the core of the two-dimensional world is the planet where the story took place, as well as the protagonists and supporting actors on that planet.

It can be said that the world itself has expanded because of this planet and the protagonist on the planet.

If Zhang Xiang succeeded in refining the planet where the Hunter Continent was located, the luck he would get could not be estimated in words.

It is even okay to forcibly plunder this already mature world under your newly born ‘world tree’!

That is a catalyst that can accelerate the "world tree" in the chaos and derive more worlds!

And the more worlds he was born, the more things Zhang Xiang could comprehend, and the faster he could recover to his great power.

Therefore, it is no wonder that Zhang Xiang made such a decision!

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