Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2055: , From birth to now...

At the next moment, the living room suddenly darkened.

However, with a ray of light projected from the projector onto the white wall, a series of pictures already appeared on the white wall.

"Wow, it's Mom and Dad!" Xiao Chi stood up and looked at the picture projected on the wall with some surprise.

That's right, the images projected on the wall are the images of the young children's father and mother.

However, it's not just the father and mother of the little chicks.

In their arms, there was a little baby.

"But, who is the baby that father and mother are holding?" Xiao Chi asked with some doubts towards Xiao Kong next to him.

However, before Xiaokong could answer, Zhang Xiang was already helping Xiaokong to answer.

"Who else can it be? Of course it's you little cute" Zhang Xiang stretched out his right hand, touched Xiao Chi's head, and said to her with a smile.

At the beginning, Zhang Xiang still had some doubts about what the birthday gifts Xiaokong and others would give to Xiaochun.

But now he already understands.

The birthday gifts that Xiaosora and Xiaoshou want to give to Xiaoshu are probably to make a slide show of photos taken by Xiaoshu from childhood to adulthood.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's explanation, Xiao Chi's face immediately showed a surprised expression.

"Ah, is this a little chick? But, how was it that little chick was so small at that time? And, it doesn't look like a little chick, is it so ugly already?" Little chick tilted his head, with a small face. Asked with a puzzled expression.

And listening to Xiao Hina's words, everyone couldn't help being a little bit ridiculous.

"Little chicks, this is a photo of you when you were just born, so naturally it is very small. Look at the 1 Mao 2 X 3 Chinese website and ah, this is ugly, every child looks almost the same when they are just born. Yes. Just like Miyu, it was like this when she was just born..." Miss Sa Xia hugged the young chick into her arms again and explained to her.

"Oh, so it's like this" Xiao Chi's face showed a suddenly realized expression.

"Mom" Miyu yelled with some dissatisfaction beside her.

At this time, the photos on the wall changed again.

On the white wall, the photos of Xiao Chi are rapidly changing.

In the arms of Xiao Chi's father and mother, Xiao Chi gradually grew from the appearance of a wrinkled child.

In the photos, Xiaokong and Miyu also appeared on it from time to time.

Sometimes, Xiao Hina's little figure is still embraced by Xiao Kong and Miyu in their arms.

Of course, because Miyu was still relatively young at that time, she was held in Xiaokong's arms most of the time.

Looking at the photos, Xiao Chi occasionally yelled out some shouts, and sometimes smiled ‘chuckled’.

Of course, sometimes we encounter embarrassment, such as when wetting the bed.

The young chicks would even crawl out of Sha Xia Xiaojie's arms and protest loudly, blushing to prevent Zhang Xiang and others from watching.

At this moment, everyone will smile kindly.

And soon, the photos suddenly changed.

Suddenly, the words'Xiao Chi's one year old birthday' appeared on the screen.

"Ah, is Xiao Chi's one-year-old birthday? But, why did Xiao Chi forget?" Xiao Chi cried out in surprise, with a puzzled expression on her cute cheeks, seeming to be thinking hard about her. Remember this thing.

And looking at Xiao Chi's contemplation, everyone couldn't help but let out a burst of kind laughter.

"Silly boy, you were young at that time, and you just learned to walk. How can you remember?" Miss Sa Xia touched Xiao Chi's head, hugged her small body into her arms, and said with a smile.

"Ah, did Xiao Chi just learn to walk at that time?" Xiao Chi raised his head with some expectation, and looked in the direction of Miss Sha Xia, wanting to tell her more about her.

However, this is a bit difficult for Miss Sasha.

Because she was no longer on the neon side at that time.

But fortunately at this moment, Xiao Kong extended his rescue hand in time.

"Yeah, Hina. At that time, you just learned to walk. It was really cute. That shaky look is really cute. However, I always like to lie on my mother and We sleep in our arms" Xiaokong said with a smile on his face with a look of memory.

But at this moment, Mei Yu, who was next to him, interrupted.

"Yes, I remember. At that time, my sister was away from home because she went to school, and mother happened to be out shopping again. You kept crying, or did I stop crying after holding me behind" His eyes lit up and he told what he had remembered.

However, listening to Miyu's words, Xiao Chi's little face showed some embarrassed expressions.

"Did you ever be so unbehaved at the time between Little Chicks and Little Chicks?" Little Chicks' little hands touched each other, and asked a little embarrassedly.

"Of course, at that time, I still remember. Once when I was holding you, you still peeed on my body, soiled the dress I just bought, and made me cry for a while... "When Mei Yu said this, her face turned red, as if she was ashamed of crying because of a piece of clothing.

However, she did not expect that the lethality of her words on the young chicks would be above this.

"Sister Miyu, Sister Miyu, don't say it..." Xiao Xiao waved her little hand to stop Miyu from wanting to continue, her face flushed and embarrassed.

And this episode made everyone smile in good faith.

However, what was unexpected by Zhang Xiang and others was.

Behind the slideshow of ‘Little Chicks’ One Year Old’s Birthday’, what followed was not a picture, but a short video.

It lasts for more than 20 minutes. Although it is a little fuzzy, the picture of the film has been shaking due to the unprofessional reasons of the shooter, but it is a small film that everyone can watch carefully.

The video is not long, and it records the one-year-old birthday party of the young chicks.

However, it is better to describe a banquet as a family banquet.

It is Xiaoniaoyou family, gathered together to celebrate a birthday for the young chicks.

In this movie, the young girl screamed in Yuri's arms.

At that time, Xiao Kong was only a sixth grade student, while Miwa was even younger, just in the third grade. Both of them were surrounded by Yuri and were teasing Xiao Chi.

However, at that time, Miyu always followed Xiaokong and turned.

The look of Mei Yu timidly leaning in front of the chick, stretching out her hand to tease the chick who was only one year old at that time, was really cute.

Of course, Xiao Kong at that time showed the appearance of a big sister.

At the back of the film, my mother still pestered her to hold her little chick and took a lot of photos together.

There is no doubt that this is a warm family.

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