Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2058: , Miss Sasha who attacked!

And after the not-so-long birthday party, the days are back to normal. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

After the arrival of spring, the temperature began to gradually warm up.

At least, the people on the street are gradually wearing only two or even one piece of clothing, instead of wearing clothing such as wool coats.

Although, even in winter, the girls are still going out with bare calves and part of their thighs.

But, at least for now, at least they won't be trembling with the cold.

And in this kind of warm day, Zhang Xiang naturally fell asleep.

However, at this moment.

As usual, a figure quietly opened the door of Zhang Xiang's room.

‘Well, it must be the little chick who has sneaked up again...’ This thought flashed in Zhang Xiang's heart.

So he went on to sleep unsuspectingly, and the feeling of being surrounded by the soft and warm stuff of the quilt was really comfortable.

However, what makes Zhang Xiang feel strange is.

Today, the young chick didn't climb onto her bed, and used her slightly cold hand to attack herself.

On the contrary, the other party pulled the quilt away and sneaked in quietly.

Suddenly, a scent was passed on involuntarily.

"Have you changed the shampoo model? Why is it different from before? While thinking about this, Zhang Xiang stretched out his right hand, trying to embrace the small body of the young chick.

"Little chick, are you here to attack your uncle again today?" Zhang Xiang said as he stretched out his hands and hugged him.

However, when his right hand touched the opponent's abdomen, Zhang Xiang suddenly felt something was wrong.

‘No, it’s not Hina! "Zhang Xiang could clearly feel that if it was a young chick, when he was hugged, he would already have a giggle.

Moreover, the feel is not quite right!

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but opened his eyes suddenly.

However, before Zhang Xiang spoke, the person who got into Zhang Xiang's bed had already spoken.

"Oh, Mr. Zhang Xiang is really that." A slightly seductive voice rang, which made Zhang Xiang come back to his senses in an instant. Not only did he see clearly, but he also heard clearly from the other party's words. Who is the person who got into his bed?

Because there can only be one person who has this unique neon tone.

"Miss Saxia, why are you here? Also, how did you get into my bed..." Zhang Xiang sat up abruptly, lying on the bed with a face of astonishment, with platinum hair lying on the bed wantonly , She also propped her head with one hand, smiled at Zhang Xiang and blinked.

"Good morning" Miss Sha Xia said to Zhang Xiang in Russian.

However, at this moment, the door of the room was suddenly opened.

"Brother, it's almost eight o'clock, you have class today, and you can almost get up..." Xiao Kong pushed open the door and said in Zhang Xiang's direction.

However, when she was halfway through, she stopped abruptly.

But behind her, Meiyu's voice rang.

"Ah, elder sister, why did you stop suddenly? It made me almost hit you... And uncle, want to get up... Mom! Uncle!" Miyu said to Xiaokong with some complaints, from behind Xiaokong His own head popped out, and she wanted to wake Zhang Xiang up with a crisp loli voice.

However, after seeing the scene in the room, Miyu suddenly opened her eyes, and her voice increased a few degrees.

"Has Jun Zhang Xiang got up?" Senior Sister Laixiang's somewhat flat voice also rang from behind.

But in the end, it was squeezed out of the three people and ran to the little chick in Zhang Xiang's room.

"Ah, my uncle and Xia Xia are still sleeping, too, I want to" Xiao Xiao let out a cheering voice, and rushed onto Zhang Xiang's bed.

The key is that Miss Sasha, who was lying on the bed, got up and stretched out her hands.

"Okay, little chicks, let's sleep with Zhang Xiangjun together" Miss Sha Xia said, and she also cast a wink at Zhang Xiang with a sweet smile.

And watching this scene, Zhang Xiang knew that even if he jumped into the Yellow River, he couldn't clean it.

"That, can I explain it?" Zhang Xiang swallowed, and said to Xiaokong and the others.

And the result is naturally...

"Brother, you idiot!!!"

An unidentified flying object hit Zhang Xiang with 100% accuracy.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang died...

Well, this is impossible.

However, it turned out that this spring morning was slightly noisy.

Even the neighbor's Xiaozhu's house was right when he heard the movement on this side.

After a period of turbulence, Zhang Xiang finally explained this matter clearly.

However, even if Zhang Xiang explained clearly, it would have caused everyone to continue to be angry somehow.

Especially Xiao Kong, he even said a few words to Zhang Xiang: "Brother is a big idiot" These words made Zhang Xiang somewhat inexplicable.

But in the end, Xiaokong and others reluctantly forgave Zhang Xiang.

Of course, Zhang Xiang paid for this morning's table and chopsticks and was punished by him to wash it.

But when Zhang Xiang said some words helplessly, Miss Sha Xia was holding the chick and smiling unscrupulously.

Today’s breakfast time is also a bit lively. In addition to the three sisters of Xiaoniaoyoujia, Zhang Xiang and Huahuo, there is also Miss Sa Xia who gave us a surprise yesterday without a notice, and I don’t know why I came early in the morning. Miss Laixiang is here.

Instead of asking Zhang Xiang, Senior Sister Lai Xiang had already told Zhang Xiang the reason.

"I want to send the young chicks to kindergarten. Because, after this semester, I will go to other campuses to study as a junior. By then, I will rarely be able to find young chicks in the morning like this..." A sad expression appeared on the senior sister's face, and she hugged Xiao Hina tightly.

However, what made Zhang Xiang complain about was.

‘Hey, don’t change you to the park as if it’s a parting. After you change the park, there doesn't seem to be much difference from here to the previous Tama Wen Academy! At most, it's just one or two stops away! Also, haven't you already moved to an apartment in the Ikebukuro area? I also need to come back at night! How is this different from before? ! You must want to take over the chicks! Zhang Xiang complained in his heart.

Of course, he would definitely not say that he envied Xiao Chi sitting in the arms of Laixiang-senpai, able to sleep on the soft plump existence from time to time!

And listening to Senior Sister Laixiang's words, Xiao Chi really twisted her body in her arms without any surprise, and hugged Senior Sister Laixiang.

"Don’t worry, if Xiangxiang misses the young chicks, you can come to see the young chicks at any time. Moreover, the young chicks can ask your uncle to take the young chicks to see Xiangxiang." The young chicks are like a little adult, comforting With Laixiang-senpai.

And watching this scene, Zhang Xiang had an urge to tears inexplicably.

Little chick, my uncle is not here by a taxi...

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