Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2069: , Faster than the speed of light!

"First of all, let's trace the nearest meteorite. Look. Woolen and Chinese website let me think about it. That meteorite should be on this side!" Zhang Xiang calculated the angle between the earth and the sun, and then Using the star map in the distance as the coordinates, I calculated which place the meteorite should have reached now.

"Then, let's go! The target, marked T245 South, is a lunar meteorite with a volume of more than 130 million cubic meters and a weight of more than 700 million tons!" Zhang Xiang calculated the distance and the coordinate origin with the sun. After the coordinate point, he immediately unfolded his mental power.

Suddenly, Zhang Xiang's spiritual power as vast as the sea suddenly spread out in a certain direction.

Ten thousand kilometers, twenty thousand kilometers... one hundred thousand kilometers, two hundred thousand kilometers!

It was just a moment, and Zhang Xiang's mental power had already spread to a length of 200,000 kilometers.

Two hundred thousand kilometers, what kind of length is this!

That is almost an unknown distance around the earth!

Even the length of Zhang Xiang's spiritual power being able to explore to the end is still spreading continuously.

However, this is not beyond Zhang Xiang's expectations.

You know, in normal times.

Zhang Xiang's mental power has been able to cover the earth with an average diameter of more than 6,000 kilometers, and can also occupy the surrounding outer space by the way.

And this time, Zhang Xiang specifically restrained the spiritual power from spreading in one direction.

He cannot explore further distances, it is almost impossible!

Not to mention, there are very few things in space that will interfere with the spread of mental power.

You know, the resistance that people receive when running in the sea and the resistance they receive when running in the air are fundamentally different.

This time, Zhang Xiang was equivalent to running in the ocean, directly to a place where there was no air resistance.

How could his speed and the length that he could hold on wasn't fast enough?

As a result, Zhang Xiang's mental power continued to break through the limit distance that could be reached on the earth and on other planets.

Moreover, it quickly broke the distance of 300,000 kilometers, approaching the mark of 400,000 kilometers.

You need to know the distance between the moon and the earth before the moon has been blown up.

At the nearest time, it was only about 350,000 kilometers, and the farthest was just over 400,000 kilometers.

And before Zhang Xiang's mental power reached its limit, it was able to spread the distance equivalent to the distance between the earth and the moon, which is already incredible!

Don't forget, Zhang Xiang can move this skill instantly.

As long as it is within the reach of his spiritual power, as long as he uses the spiritual power to mark a spatial coordinate point, he can directly teleport over.

In other words, as long as he wants to, he can now directly reach the moon.

After reaching this distance, his mental power has not yet reached its limit, but continues to spread.

And every time a distance of 10,000 kilometers spreads, he feels an even more surprise, which emerges in his heart.

You know, the speed of light is only 300,000 kilometers per second.

And the instant movement between Zhang Xiang's thoughts, it only took less than half a second.

If you add the time required to arrange the coordinates, he will spend at most one second, and he can reach the range that his mental power can detect.

In other words, in a sense.

Zhang Xiang's speed is already faster than the speed of light.

What is this concept? !

You know, it is calculated based on a formula in Einstein's theory of relativity: Emc2.

Any object, as long as it is not an object with zero mass, has nearly infinite energy when it reaches the speed of light.

From this point of view, Zhang Xiang already possesses an existence close to infinite energy.

The approach to infinite energy is a symbol of invincible existence.

Of course, this is not the case.

If Zhang Xiang's true speed reached the speed of light, it would be almost impossible for him now.

The reason why he was able to reach faster than the speed of light was just relying on the transfer of space.

That is, like a wormhole, the two spaces are directly twisted together to form the phenomenon of the shortest distance between the two points, and then directly pass through the past.

It's not that he really has a speed beyond the speed of light.

If he does reach it, then I am afraid that this world will not start to make regional corrections, and the existence of Zhang Xiang whose speed exceeds the speed of light will be erased to ensure that the foundation of the existence of the entire universe will not be outside the hole. outer.

It is from this point that the entire universe will gradually collapse due to the destruction of the basic rules of its composition.

Of course, the latter point usually happens when the previous point is not completed.

And so far, able to withstand the malice of the entire universe without kneeling, and continue to forcibly destroy the existence of this cosmic rule, I am afraid that only the dimensional controller who controls the universe, or the immortal existence, and some old immortals, It is possible to do it!

Of course, the change of the rules of God's Domain only seems to change the rules in essence, but in fact it only distorts the rules.

In addition, it was in a different dimension constructed by God's Domain.

Therefore, it will basically not receive the attention of the universe.

At most, the area will automatically start repairing, and the missing space dimensions due to the appearance of different dimensions are just repairing the space.

It is because of this that it is difficult for gods to expand their own gods in other worlds.

In this world, even the place where you become a god.

Because of the high recognition of the world itself, you only need to pay a part of your strength, and you don't even need to expend strength to resist the modification of the world itself, you can build a god's domain.

All you have to spend is the power you need to spend to distort the rules.

There is no need to spend extra power to resist the rest of the world itself.

However, you are different in another world.

If you are in another world, once you expand the realm of the gods, you will be regarded as an anomalous existence, always receiving the malicious attention of the world itself, and you need to pay several times, or even dozens of times, the divine power of twisting the rules to maintain it.

Moreover, as the time for the expansion of God's Domain increases, the world itself will pay more attention to you, and it will consume more and more power to maintain it.

Just imagine, when every second of the expansion of your God's Domain, you need to pay double the power to maintain it.

Even if it is an ancient **** with a deep heritage, I'm afraid it won't last for a minute.

Because, after one minute, the divine power you have to pay is equivalent to 576460752303421017 times that you need to pay at the beginning.

What a terrifying number this one is.

Of course, in fact, because of the difference in the world and the way the gods themselves deal with it, the amount of divine power can not reach such a terrifying level.

At this moment, Zhang Xiang's spiritual power spread finally reached its limit!

The length of his spiritual power spread...

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