Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2094: , Probation can't be too gentle!

He was originally in extreme anger, and even the color of his cheeks changed to dark black, but the color of his cheeks suddenly changed to an orange bottom face, and a red round appearance appeared on his face. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

"Yes, it is good that you want to assassinate me unscrupulously. Especially the classmate Zhu who is approaching with a grenade, is even better. When you approached, even I didn't feel any murderous aura. Teacher Killing stretched out two tentacles and touched Zhu's head, making the other person feel slightly taken aback.

But at this moment, the tone of killing the teacher suddenly changed.

"But the method you used is wrong. Terasaka, you don’t just care about your classmates, but you also threaten classmate Nag to do this dangerous thing. And classmate Nagisa, you don’t care about your body. They are all wrong behaviors and need to be corrected." Teacher Killer's expression changed to the original yellow, and he raised the tentacle on his right to say.

"So, you understand. Don't do this kind of bad thing in the future. Okay, let's go back to my seat and continue to class," Teacher Sha said to the four people in front of him.

However, Zhang Xiang couldn't help laughing after listening to the words of Teacher Killing.

"Interesting..." Zhang Xiang laughed.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's laughter, the entire class turned his attention away.

"Did you let them go so easily?" Zhang Xiang smiled on his face, looking in the direction of Teacher Killing.

"Oh, is there anything wrong with my handling method?" A smile appeared on Teacher Sl's face, and he also looked in Zhang Xiang's direction.

However, the two have a feeling of tit-for-tat.

"Yes, I think there is a big problem. Don't you think, if you just scolded a few times, the punishment is really too low?" Zhang Xiang looked in the direction of the three gangsters and then In the direction of Nagisa Shioda who looks like a man disguised as a woman.

His slightly scrutinizing gaze made them feel uncomfortable.

"No, haven't I already taught it? And I believe that they will not commit it again in the future. That is why I forgive them. After all, I am their teacher. I promised to the government, You can't hurt them," Teacher Killing pretended to be crazy and said.

It's just that Zhang Xiang didn't mind at all when faced with the pretense of killing the teacher.

"If you can blow up the moon, would you care about the promise that is nothing at all? I am afraid, you have another purpose... well, I won't talk about these things. Since you are a teacher, forgive me Because of their suicide attack on you, I have nothing to say. Although, I don’t think that your education policy of not giving any punishment is just a threat.” Zhang Xiang leaned his back On the back of the chair.

"However, there is another point. I have to settle accounts with them." Zhang Xiang stretched out a finger.

"Oh, what is it?" Teacher Killing showed an expression of interest on his face.

"That is, they woke up my sleep... They also threatened my personal safety. You don't know, they just got a self-destructive attack. Although it is just a aftermath, it still hurts. Few people. And among them, I almost included me. If you are shot in the eyes by that kind of BB, the consequences can be imagined. Therefore, if you let him go, we might not let go What about him." Zhang Xiang glanced over the direction of those classmates in the front row.

Under Zhang Xiang's reminder, the students who were injured in the attack, especially those in the front row who suffered the most BB bombs, couldn't help but think of their injuries.

Although the opponent used is not a real hand grenade, the BB bomb exploded from the high-strength gunpowder still has a great speed.

If it wasn't for the luck of everyone present, I am afraid that one or two eyes have been shot through and died.

Therefore, feeling the pain on the body and the fear after being reminded by Zhang Xiang, many people began to glaring at Terasaka and others.

"Oh, then what are you going to do?" Teacher Killing's expression became a little serious.

Looking at the situation in the field, he already knew that most of his efforts just now had been destroyed.

He originally wanted to reduce the hatred of his classmates towards them as much as possible, and to make them reform.

That's why it showed such a terrifying look.

But now it seems that under the interference of Zhang Xiang, his efforts have been reduced by at least half.

"If you use a sentence in Mandarin to describe it, it is naturally a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye. It is very simple, as long as they bear the same weight as mine, even the same grenade will look good. No. In this case, I think they will not remember this. Of course, I will not be so inhuman. If they are willing to go to the police station and surrender themselves to using prohibited explosives in the classroom, I can let him go. After all, teacher, if you talk about the law, I have to obey it properly." Zhang Xiang smiled, but at the same time stretched out his right hand, gradually using the silver USB flash drive to construct the function of reality, and put that grenade It was constructed, and it was thrown up and down.

"However, it seems that according to the law, he is already over fourteen years old. If he is over fourteen years old and he knows that he will hurt others, even if he is seriously injured or killed, he still uses it. Not a small one. In addition to forcing others to use explosives, the crime is a plus. Although it has not reached the level of seven or eight years in prison, it is still possible to enter a juvenile reformatory. It just so happens that I don’t seem to know it. As for the judges of the young court, it is possible to let you in for a longer time," Zhang Xiang leaned forward slightly and said with a smile.

At this time, it seemed to be stimulated.

"Just kidding. I don't want to go to the Juvenile Reformatory! I don't want to try the explosion of a grenade, what if it is dead! You have to taste it yourself!" Terasaka couldn't help but yelled. Excitedly, he picked up a chair and slammed it in Zhang Xiang's direction.

"Tesaka!" Teacher Kill couldn't help shouting.

At the same time, the chair that flew toward Zhang Xiang stopped in front of Zhang Xiang and floated in the air.

What a joke, this kind of attack also wants to hurt him.

"Oh, now there is one more charge of attempted assault on others. Oh, let me think about how long it has been for you to go in now. Ah, I forgot, you haven't made a choice yet?" Zhang Xiang said with a playful smile on his face.

And looking at the smile on Zhang Xiang's face, not only Temple but also other people could not help but feel a chill.

However, because of the previous behavior of Terasaka and others, it was true that they almost caused an accident.

Therefore, no one speaks for them.

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