Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2105: , The cherry blossoms in April are 5 centimeters per second

On April 7, the refreshing spring break has just ended.

A little bit of cherry blossoms slowly fall from above the cherry trees, and fall to the ground at a speed of five centimeters per second, floating with a faint fragrance in the breeze.

But it seems that nothing is obtained in general.

In this case, the atmosphere of Class E for the third year seemed a little messy.

"Nagisa, how was your spring break? Did you go to see the cherry blossoms?"

"Ah, our family went to Mount Fuji two days ago."

"Ah... I can't listen, I really want to sleep like during spring break..."

From time to time, uh, rustling sounds should be heard in the classroom all the time.

However, this is also a normal thing. No matter what school it is, after the half-month-long vacation is over, I am afraid that it will not be able to fully enter the state of learning.

Not to mention, the weather now is so refreshing, which makes people feel sleepy.

So, watching this scene, the teacher killed standing on the podium made a decision.

"I said, everyone, let's go exercise!" Teacher Killer made a decision to temporarily modify the course into a physical education class, with a pair of tentacles pressed on the tabletop, and said to the people below with a smile.

Of course, this proposal is somewhat inexplicable although everyone feels it.

However, instead of staying in the classroom, all the students present cheered after listening to those courses that were basically inaccessible.

"Ah, physical education! I'm going to play volleyball!"

"I'm going to play badminton!"

"Unfortunately, there is no stadium on our side! Otherwise, I want to play baseball! You know, when I was in elementary school, I was the first baseball player!"

Under the leadership of Teacher Killing, everyone walked outside. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Behind him, the students started to discuss what they were going to play.

However, when Teacher Killing led everyone to the grass outside, he suddenly turned around.

"Students, we are not going to play other sports today, but we are going to have a special football match." Teacher Kill raised his tentacles and said to everyone.

Of course, everyone started to riot, some looked at each other face to face, and did not understand the meaning of each other.

"But, teacher, there is no football field in our school building! There is only a large grass field. How to play football?" Someone raised his hand and said.

However, facing such a question, Teacher Killing raised one of his tentacles.

"Don't worry about this, everyone. There will be soon..." Teacher Killing showed a smile on his face, before it disappeared.

Its figure suddenly disappeared in place.

But at the next moment, a gust of wind suddenly appeared on the grass in front of the school building.

Moreover, the speed is getting faster and faster!

It was only a few seconds, and the squally wind blowing on the grass made people unable to open their eyes.

Of course, none of this affects Zhang Xiang, who is lying lazily on the railing.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Zhang Xiang's face showed a somewhat interesting expression.

"Interesting, do you build a football field by yourself?" Zhang Xiang raised his head and looked in the direction of the grass.

In the grass, a violent storm started, and even the sky seemed to be driven by a whirlpool.

However, the grass on the meadow was quickly uprooted.

And, in the flash of that octopus figure, corresponding things appeared on the original grass from time to time.

It only took a minute.

In front of them, a brand new playground has already appeared.

Clean field, white painted goal, and painted white powder lines.

It is doubtful that this is still a grassy grass that is rarely managed, and basically weed.

Had it not been for the fragrance of the grass in the whirlwind that had not completely dissipated, and the surrounding scenery had not changed, I am afraid that many people would suspect that they were taken by the aliens' instant movement.

"Okay, there are twenty-six people in the class, but today one person asked for leave, and it became only twenty-five. But with me, it happens to be twenty-six people and can be divided into two teams. So let's get started! "Teacher Kill raised up his tentacles enthusiastically, and announced to everyone.

It's just that, before he started to split the team enthusiastically, another objection was soon raised.

"No, kill the teacher. If you join that team, won’t that team win? Also, is football not eleven people? Now even if it is divided into two teams, there are ten There are three people in a team. Are two people acting as substitutes?" Some students questioned.

After listening to the other party's words, Teacher Killing scratched the back of his head with his tentacles with some annoyance.

"The latter problem is easy to solve. I have said before. This is a special football game. So, in my setting, the extra two people are useful. , They are meant to act as the existence of moving goals, making it not easy for the enemy to score goals. However, if I don't participate now, it seems that I really can't get enough people. "The teacher is annoyed.

"So, is it enough for Teacher Wujian or Teacher Biggie to participate?"

"Nor! Even if it is Teacher Wujian or Teacher Bigi together, the strength is not balanced! Teacher Wujian is very strong in sports!"

All the students are discussing.

However, at this moment, one hand was raised.

"So, how about letting me act as the enemy to kill the teacher? In that case, you don't have to worry." Zhang Xiang walked out and said with a smile.

To be honest, he hasn't moved his body for so long, so he really wants to do it!

"But, didn't both of you change..."

Some students still want to say something.

However, it was the people next to him who wanted to watch the excitement.

"Don't you want to watch the scene where the two of them are facing each other?" There was an excited expression on the face of a male student.

"Oh, is it?! But, you have to be careful. My sports are very strong. When I was in high school, I was a member of the football team." The teacher's tentacles shook as if they were A little excited.

"Oh, really? Don't worry, my strength in football is also quite strong." Zhang Xiang also said with a smile.

"Then, let's fight it out." Teacher Sha shook his tentacles and said.

Not long after, the two of them led their respective players to the football field.

Naturally, Zhang Xiang and the opponent are the captains of their respective teams.

"So, the game...began!"

Now that the anger is raging, what has bothered me for two days, there is a problem with my tools! ! !

I'm going to your mother's Baidu, one hundred your sister! ! !

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