Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2110: , Don't use idioms indiscriminately! Dear!

In their view, in the early morning passage, Zhang Xiang was pushing Xiaokong into the corner, and he stretched out his head. There was obviously a lot of sober just now, and he was still warm. Scented Xiaokong was smelling the fragrance lightly, and she was still talking some love words in her ear.

Moreover, because Xiao Kong had just gotten up, that dark brown mid-length hair had not yet been tied up, and was floating behind him.

From the perspective of Miyu and the others, there is a sense that the bully pulls the girl out of the room in the early morning and wants to do something wrong.

"Ah...Uncle, elder sister, how can you do this in the passage early in the morning!" Meiyu shouted ambiguous words, but she rushed forward, pressing one hand on Zhang Xiang's On his chest, one hand was placed on Xiao Kong's shoulder, separating the two of them.

At this moment, Xiao Kong finally woke up from the shock of Zhang Xiang's sudden movement.

Feeling the remaining warmth on his lips again, he couldn't help but blush.

But at the same time, she also heard Miyu's words.

"No, it's not like this..." Xiaokong explained hurriedly.

However, with her pajamas that was messy because of low blood pressure and poor sleep, and the blush on her face because of shyness.

The result of that explanation can be imagined.

And listening to Miyu's slightly loud voice, Zhang Xiang knew that something was amiss.

"Shhh, keep your voice down." Zhang Xiang put his hand in front of his mouth and made a silence.

While talking, he secretly looked in the direction of the bathroom.

And looking at Zhang Xiang's appearance, Meiyu's face couldn't help showing a suspicious look. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

"Why do you want to whisper?" Miyu asked in a low voice.

At the same time, he followed Zhang Xiang's gaze and looked towards the bathroom.

However, she didn't see anything.

But beside him, Xiaokong looked at Zhang Xiang's right hand, which was just covering his mouth, and put it in front of him, his face flushed.

Of course, she was also very curious why Zhang Xiang asked them to whisper.

"What's in the toilet? Could it be that your Golden House hides the Jiao in it?" Miss Sa Xia also joined in the fun, leaning in the direction of Zhang Xiang ambiguously, she said again Unreliable words to tease Zhang Xiang.

However, she was still talking in a low voice.

After all, she still has a big picture.

And listening to Miss Sha Xia's words, Zhang Xiang, who had been teased by Miss Sha Xia these days, could not help but complain.

"The term Jinwu Cangjiao is not used that way... and, is the toilet the Jinwu?" Zhang Xiang spit out.

However, when he was halfway through, he also reacted.

This one shouldn't be said now!

"Shhh, quietly, come in, let me explain to you..." Zhang Xiang lowered his voice, while leading everyone to Xiaokong's room.

Then, he began to explain to Xiaokong and others.

"Little chick wets the bed..." Meiyu's face showed a surprised expression, and she shouted out loud.

However, fortunately, she woke up instantly, and immediately lowered her voice, putting her hands in front of her mouth.

And they were in the small empty room again, and closed the door.

Therefore, the sound transmitted to the outside is very small.

Zhang Xiang was relieved after listening carefully for a while at the edge of the door.

"I told you to be quieter." Zhang Xiang glared at Mei Yu.

"I'm sorry," Miyu stuck out her tongue and said cutely.

"However, didn't Xiao Hina have not wetted the bed since she was three years old? She has always been proud of this thing. Why did she wet the bed today?" Xiao Kong's face showed a puzzled expression.

But listening to Xiao Kong's words, Miss Sha Xia who was next to her shook her head.

"This kind of thing is very normal. Although many children are not able to wet the bed when they are three or four years old. However, this does not mean that their urinary system has matured. The urinary system has to If you are more mature, you will have to wait until you are over a dozen years old. Therefore, before that, you have heard of bedwetting at the age of seven or eight. However, there are very few examples."

"For children, if they play with fire or water that day, they will subconsciously form a hint, and they will easily wet the bed when they dream at night." Ms. Sasha is like an erudite. Like my mother, explained to everyone.

"Mom, you know so much." A surprised expression appeared on Meiyu's face.

"It's not for you... But after checking so much information, it was useless..." When Miss Sa Xia said this, her mood was a little depressed.

However, before Miyu could comfort her, Miss Sasha was already cheered up again.

"However, the most important thing now is, as Zhang Xiangjun said. Since Xiao Chi does not want to let us know, then we can pretend not to know. Otherwise, Xiao Chi will feel very embarrassed if we know we know. And wronged." Miss Sha Xia looked at everyone and said.

And listening to Miss Sasha's words, everyone nodded.

But at this moment, the sound of knocking on the door suddenly rang outside Xiaokong's door, which shocked everyone.

Because, now in Xiaoniaoyou's house, except for the little chicks and the fireworks are not in the room, everything else is there. (Xiao Ai hasn't come back yet...)

However, soon, Xiao Kong reacted.

"Who is it? Please come in." Xiaokong shouted to the door.

And in the next moment, with the opening of the door of the room, the little figure of Xiao Chi, who stood on tiptoe and twisted the doorknob, appeared in front of everyone.

It's just that, looking at everyone in the room, Xiao Chi was taken aback.

"Da, why are everyone here..." Xiao Chi's face was tense, and she twisted her little finger a little nervously.

Looking at Xiao Chi's appearance, everyone couldn't help but react.

"Miyu, by the way, we haven't put on our makeup yet... Let's go back soon." Miss Sa Xia suddenly said to Meiyu next to her.

"Hua...make-up, yes, Xiao Hina, let's go back and put on make-up." After Mei Yu was stunned for a moment, she immediately reacted and said to Xiao Hina.

Then, the two of them walked out in succession.

Looking at the appearance of Meiyu and the others, Zhang Xiang also reacted.

"Well, let me go and change my clothes..." Zhang Xiang casually found a bad reason and wanted to go out.

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