Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2116: ,game over

"In this case, the test ends here." Zhang Xiang moved his neck and took a step forward. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

And when he took a step, he had already forced the three-year E class students into the corner again, and he was already a bad high school student who could draw out his hands, and he immediately noticed this.

Although they did not attack Zhang Xiang just now.

However, they just heard about the three-year E class students, but they all regard Zhang Xiang as a savior.

Therefore, how could they not prevent Zhang Xiang from making a move!

So, when Zhang Xiang just took the first step, there was already a bad high school student holding an iron rod to meet Zhang Xiang.

"Let me take a look, you, a guy who just dared to speak madly, have a few strengths in the end! Kneel down and sing to conquer!" That bad high school student seems to want to imitate those on TV Not so good, dragging the iron rod in his hand on the ground.

Then, there was a sudden violent, waving towards Zhang Xiang's head.

If it is an ordinary person and is hit in the head by a swing, I am afraid that he will lose his combat effectiveness in an instant!

It's no joke for a bad high school student with a huge physique to swing an iron rod with all his strength.

I'm afraid, even the big guy might be knocked out!

If you are a junior high school student, of course, shock and even death are possible!

And looking at the full blow of the bad high school student, although those behind him were forcing the other eight bad high schools in the three-year E class to form an encirclement, they still left room to tease each other.

"Haha... Don't use too much force, it won't be good if the blood splashes all over the floor."

"Fuck him!"

"Come on, teach these weak chickens to be humans!"

The eight unscrupulous high school students in the encirclement began to roar loudly.

Laughing and roaring sounds echoed in the bar.

It's just that they haven't waited until their roar and laughter are finished.

Most of them were like ducks caught by their necks, and lost their voices.

Because the situation that appeared in front of them really made them feel a little frightened.

Facing the waving iron root, Zhang Xiang just leaned his body slightly, stretched out his right hand, and snatched the iron rod from the opponent's hand.

Then, as if casually, he pointed at the opponent's right foot and knocked down.

Accompanied by the sound of a ‘click’, the opponent’s right foot immediately bends irregularly, and the bone is obviously broken.

At the same time, perhaps the pain came too suddenly.

The other party's eyes widened suddenly, and the whole person fell to the ground, as if he had lost his breath. After holding his broken leg with his hands for two seconds, he suddenly screamed.

That bleak scream really made people numb.

Facing such a scene, how can those bad high school students laugh and laugh!

But in the next moment, that group of bad high school students also recovered.

Facing the appearance of his companion being severely injured, this group of unhealthy high school students began to feel excited.

"Mom, **** him!"

"Go together! I don't believe he can deal with us at the same time!"

"Wait and cut off one of his feet to avenge Harada!"

Except for the two enthusiastic bad high schools, they left two to monitor the three-year E class, and the others rushed directly with iron bars and machetes in their hands.

Seeing this scene, many people in Class E couldn't help exclaiming.

Although Chao Tian Zhu and the others wanted to go up and help, they just broke out and were beaten, but they really didn't have the energy.

As for the others, they were deterred by the machetes in the hands of the two bad high school students, and some did not dare to go.

After all, Akabane Industry's right arm was stabbed.

Although the injury was not too severe, it scared everyone who had never seen blood.

However, Zhang Xiang never expected them to come back to help.

Not to mention, even if you are here to help, you don’t know if you are doing it right or not.

Facing the six bad high school students who rushed over aggressively, Zhang Xiang didn't mean to stop at all. He still walked forward at the same speed.

He threw the iron root of his right hand violently, hitting a bad high school student in the head, and stunned him.

Then, his right hand swiped again, grabbed the arm of a bad high school who was waving a machete, and threw it to the right.

The object was like a sack. It hit the two bad high school students on the left, knocked them out, and landed in the corner.

The left hand was empty-handed, grabbing a watermelon knife that was slashed by a bad high school student, breaking the blade with two fingers, and kicking it out again, kicking the opponent upside down. , Five meters away.

Finally, the **** of the left hand shot again, ejecting the blade in his hand, hitting the right hand of the last bad high school student, and penetrating it.

Not only did the opponent let go of the weapon in pain, but also fell to the ground and wailed.

It was just a time that was less than two seconds, and that group of bad high school students had already disappeared.

"Life is really lonely as snow," Zhang Xiang pretended to sigh and said.

And his voice seemed so clear in that silent field.

Because everyone in the room was already stunned by the scenes that can only appear in animation or movies.

In their understanding, how could anyone be able to solve six bad high school students in less than two seconds!

Moreover, it is still empty-handed.

However, the room was silent for a while.

The remaining two unhealthy high school students, after looking at each other, ran outside in embarrassment.

However, they were shouting in their mouths.

"You wait for me, I will call our boss, they are the real underworld. You are dead!" The two bad high school students were running away, but they still did not forget to leave threatening words in their mouths.

However, they do not know that too much talk is bad.

This is fg that erects death!

And listening to the shouts of the two of them, the expressions of the people in Class E of the third year changed drastically.

You know, gangsters are legal in Neon.

Therefore, they also know the terrible underworld well.

However, Zhang Xiang was still walking slowly.

"Don't worry, the two of them can't get out. Moreover, the boss in their mouth is already being taken care of... Right, the octopus that has been hiding behind the door for a long time." Zhang Xiang sat on the sofa on one side. , But one side said to the door.

In addition, the next volume is going to write Dragon Ball, what do you think?

After writing the Dragon Ball, if you have time, write down the magic forbidden. If not, maybe the book will end like this.

Because, it seems that there is nothing left to write.

What about your opinions?

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