Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2125: , Self-discipline thinking fixed fort!

After the moon reappeared, and after the communication between the earth and the moon, the world hasn't changed much.

The re-shaping of the moon should have fluctuated widely in the world.

However, in the efforts of governments of various countries to ‘dispel rumors’, all the famous scientists came out and used various scientific knowledge to explain why the moon was reconstructed.

Moreover, it has been explained that these are not bad things for the earth, but good things. After saying that the moon's orbit can be stabilized, the storm that has emerged about the moon has finally suppressed unfavorable opinions among the people.

As for some people who have not listened to persuasion and insisted on spreading "rumors", they were invited to an institution similar to a police station or even a prison for various seemingly normal charges, such as defamation. Accompanying mice.

Those who are willing to ‘awaken’ and ‘confess their sins’ should be dealt with lightly and released soon.

As for the one who insists on confrontation, the fate of that one is self-evident.

However, on the human side, it seems that not much has happened.

But in reality, there are still many things happening.

The first thing is that from the "Moon City" that fell from the moon to the earth and almost had an all-out war with Gensokyo, after the moon was reshaped, it finally lifted off again, using unknown Means, landing towards the new moon.

Of course, it's just a large army going up.

The highest combat power of the Moon City, the two princesses, and the unexplained depth of Tsukiyomi, but with some of the power of the "Moon City", temporarily occupy a place in Gensokyo.

The second thing is that it has a deeper impact.

After communicating with Najiyue, many of the monsters that originally lurked in Gensokyo discovered that the environment where the outside world could not survive at all, seemed to have begun to change.

Especially, on the day that the earth and moon communicated, many monsters were born. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

Of course, in addition to the natural monsters hidden in the deep mountains and seas, those resentments formed by the gathering of human greed and desires were also stimulated by the aura of the communication between the earth and the moon, and they turned into monster.

Therefore, if the monsters formed by these grievances appear in front of humans, it will cause a lot of things.

Fortunately, under the scouring of that spiritual energy, progress is more than just monsters.

On the human side, there are also people who have relied on this aura of scouring to truly enter the two hundred years, and few have been able to cast spells to the point where they can be substantive.

Therefore, after the loss of some manpower and the huge impact.

These monsters who made trouble in human society, especially in big cities, were eventually retired.

Of course, there are also a small number of people who see the situation badly and directly abandon the temptation of a city that allows them to grow rapidly and lurking in the mountains and forests.

Therefore, a lot of hidden dangers are also buried.

In addition, few people are willing to take so much bitterness to clear the monsters in the mountains and forests.

In the end, it was a move that humans occupy the metropolis and the monsters retreat to the mountains and forests.

Of course, this is the situation after years of struggle.

Now, the battle between monsters and humans has just begun!

Especially the many monsters born from the desires of humans in dense cities are extremely cruel, and they dare to come out to give birth to human beings.

Had it not been for the government's vigorous suppression, these news would have caused chaos in the entire city.

However, none of these things are about Zhang Xiang.

Because, where he was, no monster dared to step in.

Although, when he communicated with Diyue, he focused on taking care of the place where Xiaoniaoyoujia is.

It stands to reason that this is the most likely place for humans or monsters who can use magic.

However, I couldn't bear to have a guy who was not afraid of death. When Zhang Xiang returned to Ikebukuro, he wanted to eat him because of his aura.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang, who was offended, became angry all at once.

As a result of his anger, Ikebukuro and the surrounding area were all emptied by him.

Not even a rat spirit can be seen.

And Zhang Xiang continued to steadily follow his life trajectory under this situation.

When I was boring, I went to work as a teacher in Class E of the third year of Junqiu Middle School and lived through the teacher's addiction.

Otherwise, just go to Tama Wen College to listen to the class.

Otherwise, just go back home and play with Xiao Chi.

Life, that's pretty good.

In a blink of an eye, the time has come to mid-May.

Time is approaching for the summer vacation. (Neon has three semesters and three holidays. Although added up, the number of days does not necessarily exceed the winter and summer vacations on this side of the sky.)

And these guys are also under the training of Zhang Xiang and Teacher Killing.

Not only the assassination skills, but also the upgrades, and even the complaints have improved considerably.

Uh... why do you talk about complaints?

Well, it was Zhang Xiang and Teacher Sha who took turns to play, and made a lot of things that made Class E of three years laugh or cry, and the skills of Class E of three years have been improved by leaps and bounds.

In short, this is less than three months.

This group of guys who were originally social ‘scumbags’ in Zhang Xiang’s eyes, finally got a little better.

But on May 16, a new student was transferred to Class E for the third year.

——From Norway, as a registered transfer student, he entered the fixed fort of self-discipline thinking in Class E, called Xiaolu’s girl in short?

Uh, as to why there is a question mark behind the girl.

This is because the so-called minor laws are not actually human beings.

Instead, a processor uses the AI ​​of the Aegis-class battleship. It has excellent analysis capabilities, comprehensive judgment capabilities and learning capabilities, as well as the ability to transform the weapons and equipment it holds. As long as there is a design drawing, it can be customized inside the body Plastic moulding (except for guns), a mechanical turret shaped like a refrigerator.

In general, it is similar to the existence of a half robot.

Well, when Zhang Xiang pushed open the door of the classroom, greeted the classmates in the classroom, and wondered how a refrigerator appeared in Class E in the old school building.

Zhang Xiang was really surprised when the cute anthropomorphic image suddenly appeared on the refrigerator-shaped display screen.

However, after Zhang Xiang was surprised, he somewhat let the flow go.

After all, even though it was a mechanical turret, because of the Aegis-level AI and the dialogue with the anthropomorphic image, it won Zhang Xiang's favor.

It looks cute, although it's just a cute image, it still has some benefits.

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