Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2127: , Don’t worry, I’m not to blame

"Who is it?!" The guy in the white robe turned around abruptly.

Even the repairmen who were repairing the fixed fort with self-discipline thinking suddenly paid attention to them.

However, all they saw was a ray of red light.

Then, the repairmen were stunned.

Then, they stood up as if nothing had happened, and while talking and laughing, they gathered up the tools on the ground and walked outside.

They walked outside as if thinking that the self-disciplined thinking fixed fort had been repaired, and didn't notice the self-disciplined thinking fixed fort that had been demolished in half on the ground and the shell was still scattered outside.

It was even as if Zhang Xiang and the man in the white robe were not found at all.

"Hey, what are you doing? The machine hasn't been repaired yet. How did you go?" The white-robed man looked at the scene in front of him. He couldn't help but jump up a bit, trying to reach out and grab one of them. When there was no contact, it was already suddenly brought to the ground by a force from an unknown area.

At this time, Zhang Xiang's voice was considered loud.

"Don't waste your energy. Now in their memory, you have already restored your self-discipline thinking fixed turret to its original state, and you have already gone home. Now, they are going to take a bath together. How about you? , Don’t stop them. After all, they are tired from coming from Okinawa all the way.” Zhang Xiang slowly walked to his side, leaning against the wall.

"Who, who are you? Also, you do these things? Hypnosis? No, how do you know we are from Okinawa? You followed us?" The white robe guy suddenly opened his eyes and looked. Zhang Xiang, who shouldn't be here, walked out of a corner where there was nothing.

However, it seemed that he didn't turn the guess to the ghost side, but guessed that hypnosis came.

This is probably a stubborn scientist's idea.

"Well, I did these things. As for the technique? It can be said that it is hypnosis, although the principle is a little more mysterious than hypnosis. As for the tracking problem? Please, you are a large group of men, but I don't have this idea to follow. A large group of men who don’t know. As for how to know, I think you seem to want to know. Then, I’ll tell you. I just hypnotized some of the people in your team, and took a look at them. Memory. Therefore, it is natural to know that you are from Okinawa.” Zhang Xiang said as he walked two steps forward, walked to the side of the self-disciplined fixed fort, and squatted down.

"Really, a cute girl who is so cute. Uh, even though it's a refrigerator-shaped appearance, it's a cute **** the display. You can also do it. You must make her look like before. ." Zhang Xiang patted the shell that had been removed, and its appearance resembled the self-discipline of a refrigerator and fixed the turret.

It's just that his words are a bit angry that there is no small law on the screen that disappears because of the interrupted thinking loop like the original book.

"Damn it, people didn't feel cold before! It's just that there weren't these things in the thinking circuit before!" Xiao Lu in the display, clenched his fists on both sides of his body, bulging Said to Zhang Xiang.

"Well, okay. That's me wrong, oh no, this guy is wrong. He didn't even put you on the emotional system." Zhang Xiang's right finger turned and pointed to the white-robed man Said the direction.

It's just that, at this time, the white-robed man had already recovered.

"That's just a weapon. As a weapon, how do you need feelings! With weapons, as long as you can kill and execute orders, isn't it all right?" The white-robed man seemed to be touched by his profession and became angry. When he got up, he broke through the previous fear of Zhang Xiang, and began to refute with impulse.

"I don't care if you are a ghost or a guy pretending to be a ghost. You don't want to stop me and turn her back into a weapon! I have already called the police and called someone to come, you don't want to escape!" The white robe man fiercely He took the phone out of his pocket.

Obviously, he suddenly became emboldened just now, except for his own domain being questioned and angry.

More importantly, he felt confident that he had already called the police and called himself.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang laughed.

"Do you think I didn't notice your little tricks? It's so funny, you want to secretly press your phone in your trouser pocket for help like in the movie? But you are still too tender, you think you Is your phone connected?" Zhang Xiang showed a smile on his face.

Listening to Zhang Xiang's words, the face of the white-robed man suddenly changed drastically, and he suddenly put the phone in front of him.

I saw that he had already pressed it and sent the text message to his subordinates, but it was not sent at all.

Instead, it was a text message: ‘You did a good job tonight, the consumption is on my head’.

As for the original call to the police, he dialed into his mobile phone, and there was no call at all.

This discovery made him open his eyes wide, and a trace of horror came in his heart.

However, at this moment.

A soft voice rang in his ears again.

"You have done everything for today. Before you leave, you have already chosen to give up this self-disciplined thinking fixed fort, and by the way, give up all that was originally about this self-disciplined thinking fixed fort. Planned. After today, you will change your research direction to another direction. Okay, let's go..." Zhang Xiang patted the other party on the shoulder.

But the other party, after a moment, showed a distressed expression and walked outside.

"Damn, it seems that this type of fort weapon equipped with AI still doesn't have much future. In the future, I have to change the direction of research, but where can I find the funds..." the white-robed man's voice Farther and farther, it was as if there was no memory of Zhang Xiang before.

This magical method made the self-disciplined thinking fixed fort that had not been shut down behind, that is, the small law with the emotional thinking loop, surprised.

"How is this possible, how on earth did you do this?" On the display, Xiao Li's cheek showed an extremely surprised expression.

"This point is very troublesome to explain. You can think of it as a deep application of hypnotism." Zhang Xiang responded to Xiao Lu's question.

However, in the next moment, Xiao Lu already made a surprised voice.

", what do you want to do? Why are you carrying my body?!" Xiao Lu's voice was transmitted from the secret speakers on both sides.

Because Zhang Xiang had already squatted down and carried Xiao Li's body up.

It's just that Zhang Xiang just turned around and showed a standard grin at the display.

"Don't worry, I'm just taking you to carry out some remodeling. Don't worry, I'm not to blame..." Zhang Xiang's voice hasn't fallen yet. He smiled in this unlit classroom. It was already like a ghost, with self-discipline thinking, and the body like a refrigerator that fixed the fort was hidden into the void.

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