Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 2137: , It is wrong to sell cute maliciously!

It's just that, looking at Teacher Killing's cute appearance, Zhang Xiang walked directly to Teacher Killing.

"Are you here to comfort me? You don't need to comfort me, I am very strong." Teacher Killing was still selling cute on the other side. Although he said that he did not need comfort, he stretched out a tentacle to stop him. But he stretched out another tentacle, turned his head to the side and pretended to wipe his tears, showing a full expression of'come to comfort me'.

But looking at the other party's cute appearance, Zhang Xiang didn't intend to comfort him at all.

Because, he came here, not to comfort him at all.

"Get out of me!" Zhang Xiang said mercilessly.

"Uh (⊙o⊙)...?" Teacher Sha opened his eyes wide, and looked over in disbelief.

"Get out of my way and don't block your position." Zhang Xiang's face was already showing some impatience.

Looking at this scene, Teacher Killing was completely stunned.

"Um, why?" Teacher Slaughter was surprised at first, but then he returned to the scene again, "Woo...Teacher Dayu is really bad, not just to comfort me, but also to come to the bottom of the mine." Teacher Slaughter never Knowing where, I took out a handkerchief, holding one corner with both hands, but biting the other corner into the mouth. Coupled with the tearful black eyes, it really looks like the bitter women in the eight o'clock stall!

The point is, if this expression is shown by a girl, then it can be said to be cute.

However, what appeared to Zhang Xiang was that it was an orange octopus, and the key was a male.

After listening to the other party pretending to shout in a shrill voice, Zhang Xiang really felt that the hairs were erected instantly!

So, at the next moment!

"Where's the monster, die!" Zhang Xiang directly drew a wooden stick from the side, and directly knocked it down with Monkey Monkey's style of pressing the mountain on top.

However, when Zhang Xiang waved the stick, killing the teacher had already returned to normal.

The whole person dodged to one side at a rapid speed. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

However, he still underestimated the power of his just'selling cute', and also underestimated Zhang Xiang's determination to hit his head this time.

Therefore, when Teacher Killing's figure dodged halfway, it suddenly stiffened and was hit by the wooden stick in Zhang Xiang's hand.

"It hurts, it hurts!" Teacher Killing, who was knocked and unchained on his body, suddenly ran around the classroom, and the speed caused a gust of wind in the entire classroom.

When Zhang Xiang raised his eyebrows slightly, he said impatiently, "Stop it for me, otherwise I will give you another stick!"

Killing the teacher is considered to have stopped and returned to the original position.

"Hey, even if you can't understand my funny and cuteness, you don't need such a heavy hand!" Teacher Sha stopped in front of Zhang Xiang, stretched out a tentacle, and pointed to his sleek On the orange head, a "small mountain bag" appeared.

However, listening to the other party's words, Zhang Xiang showed an angry expression.

"Why do you sell cute and funny? You are destroying my heart and filthy my eyes! Isn't it possible for anyone to sell cute, but only beautiful girls can sell it. If it was you It’s okay to be an alien, but you’ve already let me know that you are actually a big man! Ma Dan is like the Li Gou Dan video I saw before, I don’t know him She is good with makeup, but after seeing Li Goudan remove her makeup, she turned into a sturdy man. Seeing him make up as a beautiful girl once again, my goose bumps all over my body are up! Bah, let’s not talk. If you go on, I can’t help but think that you have become a sturdy guy who looks cute like you just did. It’s really a disaster..." Zhang Xiang threw away the stick in his hand, and couldn’t help but hit a cold Trembling, the goose bumps are up again.

However, listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Teacher Killing's face showed a confused expression instead.

"Who is Li Goudan?" Teacher Sha said that he could not understand.

"Stop talking, go on, if I think about it, be careful, I'll give you a stick again! Get out of it." Zhang Xiang said to Teacher Killing somewhat irritably.

And watching Zhang Xiang seem to really have something to do, instead of making fun with him, he is considered to step aside.

"Okay, but what do you want me to do?" Teacher Sha stretched out a tentacle and pressed the "small mountain bag" on his head.

Before he showed such an exaggeration, it was just to be funny.

He was knocked with a stick, although the pain would still hurt, but it would harden his head, but he didn't suffer much damage!

Seeing Teacher Killing let go, Zhang Xiang also took a step forward.

Then, he started to answer the question of killing the teacher while doing it.

"Of course it is to fix the loopholes in the classroom! Now summer is coming, and the damaged side is still facing the wall of the sun. If the sun shines directly in at noon, this place will become an oven. Come a heavy rain If it’s not, it’s even worse. It’s estimated that this place will become a marsh country. The wind and rain that poured in will give everyone a free bath..." Zhang Xiang said bluntly, but stretched out his right hand. Hooked his finger.

At the same time, the debris and planks that fell on the ground also floated.

This phenomenon attracted everyone in the classroom.

However, facing this question, the students in the classroom became a little confused.

"Teacher Dayu, didn't you just ask him to go to the academic office to explain the situation and ask someone to fix it?"

"Yeah, why do you want to do it yourself?"

There are some students in the classroom, but some are still unclear.

However, the killing teacher and some savvy students had already reacted, with a thoughtful and angry expression on their faces.

While listening to their words, Zhang Xiang controlled the sawdust and planks to gradually return to their original positions, while turning his head to explain to them.

"Do you think that with the name of Class E for three years. Do you think the repairers will come over so soon? Not to mention that your last exams somewhat undermined the arrangements of the school director. "Zhang Xiang said somewhat irritably.

But at this moment, the students in the classroom are considered to be fully realized.

It's just that the expressions on their faces are not so good.

At this moment, the sawdust and broken planks floated to their original position.

Although, the traces of the fracture are still clearly visible.

"Repair!" Zhang Xiang pointed forward.

As a ray of magic power disappeared from his body, that little light emerged from the sawdust and broken wooden boards.

When the light disappeared, the cracks that should have been there were all gone.

This phenomenon caused the students in the teacher to be a little surprised.

"Gone, the crack is gone?!"

"Yeah, and it's really repaired, there is nothing wrong with shooting hard!"

Surprised expressions appeared on the faces of most of the students. Some of the more courageous students even leaned in and patted them with their hands, but they were exactly the same as the walls that had not been crushed before.

More importantly, even the glass of the window has been repaired.

The glass that was originally full of cracks and broke two-thirds of it has also been repaired.

This is really surprising.

And Zhang Xiang, with his surprised and admired gaze in the classroom, incidentally repaired the gap beside the classroom door.

Suddenly, except for the scattered tables and chairs in the classroom, everything else was restored to its original state, which made people wonder whether the battle just happened.

At the same time, outside the window, the sky did not know when it was dark.

With a roar of thunder, heavy rain poured down, and the rain curtain occupied the entire sky...

As soon as I got home, I was so tired as a dog. After finishing the missing point, I posted it, I hope there are no typos...

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