Finally, with the sound of three piercing sounds, all three of them crossed the finish line!

Chapter 291 Who is the champion?

The moment the three cars crossed the finish line at the same time, the staff on both sides of the finish line simultaneously waved the flags they had been holding high.

This is the sign that this game is completely over.

It is worth noting that these two snow-white flags are stamped with the three capital letters ‘AUO’ in 24k pure gold.

This is exactly the atmosphere that Mr. Jin prepared in advance for himself to win the game.

"competition is over!!!!!!"

As the three contestants all crossed the finish line, Nero in the studio immediately shouted with enthusiasm.

At the same time, she waved her right hand that was not holding the microphone heavily. The rhythm of the wave was completely synchronized with the rhythm of the flags on both sides of the track.

After she announced this, the bottom of the inverted pyramid above the "AUO or whatever it is, it's the building in the central building" suddenly sprayed fireworks simulated with thunder balls into the sky crazily.


"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

As thunderballs explode in the sky, extremely bright fireworks can be seen even in the daytime.

Of course, if you get a little closer, it won't be as simple as being eye-catching, and it will just die after just one try.

These point-light balls ejected from the bottom of the inverted pyramid into the sky were ejected by Ramses II who was still sitting in the pyramid at this time, and the speed was comparable to that of the sky!

Coupled with the explosive power that is beyond the reach of ordinary servants, it can be said that Ramses II is channeling bullets.

That's right, La Er, who still adheres to the principle that 'the king should sit back and wait for death', is calling for Mr. Jin in his own unique way!

"Sparasi~, it is indeed golden!"

After saying that, La Er stood up and applauded Mr. Jin, "XXX, XXX, XXX!"

(If you can't pass the test by using "slap" continuously, just imagine the applause)

Meanwhile, after the finish line of the ground track.

Although the speed of the three cars had already reached a foul level, the movement of the three cars was completely stopped within just 50 meters.

However... although the distance to stop motion is always a radius of eight liang.

But the ways of stopping are obviously different between the three.

Mr. Kim and Souji both changed the nozzle of the rocket injector from the rear to the front after crossing the finish line.

The propulsion force is turned into a stopping force for stopping motion, and the effect is also seen, which is very Ginkgo.

As for the cat, mouse, and dog chariots...that's another story.

After crossing the finish line, Jerry, who was still pretending that he knew nothing and trying to get rid of the blame for attacking his master, suddenly realized that his duty seemed to be to apply the brakes?

After realizing this, Jerry was so frightened that he immediately stepped on the pedal of the racing car.

It was almost an instant... Oh no, it was indeed an instant. After the brakes were stepped on, the cat, mouse and dog chariot immediately changed from a high speed of 600 miles to 0 miles.

After completing this action, Jerry immediately breathed a sigh of relief and wiped his forehead.

He shook off the sweat on his forehead, and another drop of sweat the size of a sweat bead was thrown out.

The effect of stopping motion just now is obviously quite perfect.

Presumably his master Bai Song will not feel that he has neglected his duty...right?

Of course, there is a little bit of disrespect for Newton, but it's just a little bit, and Newton won't care.

After all, no matter what he said, Jerry still had some respect for Newton. After all, he stepped on the brakes instead of shaking his whole body with fright, and then pulled the steering wheel sharply to stop the car.

"Huhahahahaha, what a fun game!"

On the side, Mr. Jin got off the Golden Pickup with an arrogant look, and said with his head held high to Bai Song and the Chief who also got off the racing car.

At this time, Mr. Jin was still holding his head high, and it could even be said that he was glaring at others with his own nostrils.

Hearing this, Bai Song, who had just been helped off the cat, mouse and dog chariot by Tom, suddenly had a black streak in his face.

How could he just remember that Mr. Jin always had a constipated expression on his face before the last moment? No matter how he looked at it, he didn't look like he would find the game enjoyable.

To be honest, when Bai Song looked at Mr. Jin with such an expression, he even thought about handing Mr. Jin a bottle of cork.

After all, if you have constipation and exert too much force, you may die. Bai Song remembers that there was a British king named George II who passed away because of excessive force when defecating.

Let me state in advance that Bai Song himself did not search for this kind of thing because he was interested in it, but saw it accidentally!

But in the end, Bai Song gave up such an extremely unreliable idea. After all, didn't Mr. Jin's huge king's treasure even include a bottle of pure gold and diamond-encrusted kaiselu? !

Therefore, Bai Song didn't worry about it.

Mr. Jin was smiling happily when he suddenly noticed Bai Song's plastered left foot, and his smile suddenly dropped by 0.11%.

He couldn't believe his eyes. He was as powerful as the terrifying Schrödinger, but his bones were actually broken? !

He dared to swear that this was definitely not done by him. After all, he was very careful about his previous attacks and knew that the previous attacks could never hurt Schrödinger.

So if it wasn't him, who could hurt Schrödinger? !

After thinking for a moment, Mr. Jin was too lazy to continue thinking and continued to be immersed in the joy of winning.

Mr. Jin was still enjoying himself, but the people around him who were watching the game were completely stunned. They glanced back and forth between Bai Song, Mr. Jin and the General Secretary.

With all due respect to them, who is the winner of this game?

Finally, a man with a serious face and glasses, who looked like a serious teacher, pushed up his glasses and said expressionlessly.

"So, who is the champion?"

As he said that, the man looked down at his white prostitution scroll again. There was no updated result yet.

When the three players heard this question, they all looked over with confidence and said in unison.

"Of course it's me!" x3

After they finished speaking, the three of them looked at the two competitors beside them because the other two people had exactly the same speech as themselves.

Chapter 292 New number of summons!

"Huh, stupid, of course the champion of this game is me!"

Seeing the two people replying "Of course it's me" in a very ignorant manner, even Mr. Jin, who was as excited as he was, couldn't help but frown slightly.

In his opinion, these two guys simply overestimated their abilities. It was obvious that the front of his car was the first to touch the finish line. In this way, the championship should naturally be his.

Mr. Jin was thinking at the same time, ‘Are these two guys just trying to fish in troubled waters and steal my champion? ’

Mr. Jin was very angry when he realized this, so he was angry for several seconds!

But it’s okay, the cross-section camera at the finish line will restore his innocence... Oh no, it will restore his championship.

Mr. Jin is determined to be the champion today. Even if the King of Heaven comes, I will not take it away!

"That's weird, the champion is obviously me, it's me!"

The director put his hands on his hips and stared at Mr. Jin with a dissatisfied look. If it weren't for the fact that there were too many spectators nearby, and the reason why Mr. Jin wanted to award himself an award, this would be the reason.

Otherwise, the Director-General really wants to kill Mr. Jin and spread his ashes!

Unfortunately, it can't be done.

Facing such a big creditor like Mr. Jin, the chief executive wanted to eat his flesh alive!

After all, there is a saying that the best way to eliminate debt is to eliminate the creditor himself.

If all the creditors are gone, how can we talk about debt?

"Stupid, I am the champion. How can you, a novice, defeat me!"

Mr. Jin said with disdain and waved his hand at the same time, "Impossible, absolutely~impossible!"

Hearing this, Bai Song, who was silently getting off the cat, mouse and dog chariot, had a black line on his head.

If he and the General Secretary are noobs, wouldn't Mr. Jin, who is indistinguishable from himself and others, be pecking at each other?

Faced with Mr. Jin’s response, the Director-General was unwilling to give in at all.

After all, if she gave in at this time, not only would she not get the championship prize, she would even have to bear a huge debt that she would be unable to repay in her lifetime for no reason. It would be a huge loss!

"Hmph, there is no doubt that I am the winner of this competition. The audience's eyes are sharp. Er'an dares to talk here!"

"You're laughing so hard, it's obvious that I am the winner!"

"It's me!"

"It's me, the king!"

"It's me!"

"It's me, the king!"


Listening to the verbal dispute between Mr. Jin and the Director General, Bai Song, who had a constipated expression on his face, silently raised his hands.

"Is there a possibility, and I mean possibility, not necessarily right... that the champion is actually me?"

After hearing Bai Song's words, the two people, who were still arguing, locked their eyes on Bai Song, who was sandwiched between the two trolls, looking weak, helpless and pitiful.

They shouted in unison at the same time.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" x2

Hearing this, Bai Song silently lowered his raised hand, "Okay then..."

Anyway, it’s written on the prostitution slip, and the finish line is videotaped.

Bai Song looked towards the finish line. From the pure golden appearance of the camera, Bai Song recognized it. It was undoubtedly produced by Mr. Jin.


At this moment, on the big screen in the sky, Nero pretended to cough twice, attracting the attention of everyone present.

"Everyone look at me, look at me, look at me, look at me, I'm going to announce something~"

"Since there is a dispute about who the champion is, then let's use the game video to confirm who the champion is!"

After hearing this, the normal spectators on both sides of the track stopped talking and stared at the big screen in the sky.

It was impossible for anyone present to see the result of the race clearly. After all, three 600-mile cars rushed to the point at the same time. It would be difficult for an ordinary Archer class servant to see clearly!

This is true for all followers, let alone the people who eat melons.

Not only the normal audience, but also a considerable proportion of Dudogs who opened Duju privately, also ended up shouting, "I know, there is an inside story!" ’, holding his breath and looking at the screen in the sky.

These dogs have entered a superposition state of going to the rooftops and making big money. As long as the results are observed, a certain form will be fixed.

At the same time, the picture in the sky also changed to the previous game picture, but the playback speed was quite slow.

Only the 10 centimeters before the point of impact were played. It was so slow that even ordinary people could see it clearly.

"Hahaha, let me just say it. I am the champion!"

Seeing the front end of his car taking the lead in the picture, Mr. Jin immediately smiled with satisfaction. To be honest, he was a little panicked just now, but now he is gone!


But at this moment, Nero's voice came from the big screen!

"No, in this picture... three people are touching at the same time!!!"

Nero's tone revealed an incredible feeling. Even if she looked at it with a magnifying glass, she was indeed touching the points at the same time.

When Mr. Jin on the ground heard this, he immediately felt that it was outrageous, so he argued with reason, "Huh? If you don't know how to read, just stop watching. This is obviously my victory, okay?"

"No, look at the picture!"

Picture? What happened to the screen?

Thinking this in their hearts, Mr. Jin, the General Secretary, Bai Song, a bunch of melon-eating people, and a bunch of doggies who were in the superposition of going to the rooftops and making big money, all looked carefully at the big sky in the sky again. in the screen.

With just one glance, Mr. Jin noticed something was wrong.

"Please see, the front of Gilgeous Namikaze's car, the tail of Schrödinger's cat, and the dull fur of Saber the Onion were all created at the same time!"

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