At this time, he was frantically trying to think about the principles of Tom and Jerry's operations, so that vaguely, green smoke began to rise from the top of his head.

I just don’t know if this was caused by the explosion before or if I overused my brain.

Tom and Jerry didn't care about this. They picked up the tools and started repairing the bar without any delay.

At this time, the cat and the mouse started working with great enthusiasm.

First, Tom quickly shoveled the original construction waste into the three-meter pit in the center of the bar with a small shovel.

It can not only fill this big hole, but also clean up these unnecessary construction wastes, killing two birds with one stone!

But Tom's operation was a pain in Moriarty's brain, which was already a little weak due to the previous incident. At this time, he was directly confused by Tom's operation at this moment.

Moriarty's mind was now filled with question marks.

He doesn't think Sister Li, why is it that after all the soil that was blasted out of the big hole is filled back in, the big hole is still there, but only less than a third has been filled?

To be honest, this is a very common operation of digging a hole and then filling the hole back with soil.

But why was it that the bottom of this big pit was laid after all the soil that was blasted out was filled back? It’s impossible for the excess soil to evaporate, right? !

And it’s not over yet. After filling back all the soil that was originally blasted out, Tom filled in the broken pieces of the wall and the entire roof into the big hole. Only two-thirds of the big hole was filled. look.

You must know that these construction wastes combined can already fill two and a half large holes.

It seems that this is not a large semi-circular pit, but a bottomless pit with no bottom!

If that was the case, Moriarty would understand. tell me, even though all the soil and debris from the walls were filled in, there was a big hole that couldn't be completely filled even with the remains of the entire roof.

Why was it that after two more shovels were shoveled and the remaining construction waste went in, the hole, which was only two-thirds filled, was filled instantly? !

And it looks very natural, with no sense of disharmony at all.

Looking at the large pit that had been filled perfectly, Moriarty was stunned for a moment and whispered to himself.

"I just blinked..."

After spending 10 seconds to bury all the construction waste in a hurry, Tom nodded with satisfaction.

Then he brought a bucket of concrete from the side, spread it evenly on the big pit, and directly laid the tiles. This time it took even less time, and the battle ended in 8 seconds.

At this point, the battle on the ground ended so easily.

The next thing that needs to be built is the ceiling that has been blown to pieces. Judging from the speed just now, it can be completed in less than a few minutes.

Chapter 319 Phantom Thief Schrödinger

As mentioned above, after the ground was completely settled, Tom and Jerry worked together to set up the scaffolding.

Even though... they don't require scaffolding.

However, the atmosphere of the construction team is brought out. If it is not a perfect match, it will always feel like something is missing.

After standing on the scaffolding, Tom shoveled cement with his left hand and placed bricks with his right hand. After getting a few bricks with his left foot, he used the shovel he held to plaster, using only his right foot for support.

Even though the speed is quite impressive, it is not slow at all. On the contrary, it is so fast that it feels like ‘are you in? It’s over’ level.

As for Jerry, he was constantly finishing Tom's work. After struggling to throw Moriarty, who was slumped at the bar, into the bucket of color aside, he began to remake it with wooden boards. Got up the bar.

The speed is also ridiculously fast. If you show the video to others, they will wonder if the speed is ten times faster.

Sitting in the trash can and covering his crotch, Moriarty looked at Tom and Jerry blankly, "Are all Schrödinger's animals omnipotent...?"

While Moriarty was stunned, Tom had already finished repairing the wall.

At this time, the supports for the roof have already been erected and the finishing work on the bar has begun.

From Bai Song's perspective, the repair process of this bar at this time is completely different from the normal construction process, and more like printing with a 3D printer.

It wasn't until the light bulbs on the roof were installed that Moriarty finally woke up from a dream, "...It's over?!"

Looking left and right, Moriarty was directly shocked by Tom and Jerry's construction power. If his memory was correct, the entire bar was restored to its original state.

Yes, completely restored to its original state!

Even every little detail was perfectly reproduced by Tom and Jerry.

At this time, Moriarty even wondered whether there was no big explosion just now, but it was just his own illusion.

But his front half, which had been blown into a carbon color by the firecrackers thrown by Taifei, and the bursts of burning pain in his front body, were obviously not deceiving.

Look at the clock hanging on the wall again, it shows it is 12:31.

If he remembered correctly, he remembered that it was 12:29 when Schrödinger kicked open the door of the bar.

In other words, it only took Schrödinger less than two minutes from kicking in the door and beating himself up to rebuilding the entire bar.

You must know that there is still a few dozen seconds of opening the tower, which means that it only took Tom and Jerry about a minute to... build a house?

Moriarty took a deep breath, his pupils shaking crazily.

After a long silence, Moriarty, who was sitting in the trash can, slowly extended his right thumb.


"Huh? What are you talking about?" Bai Song, who was standing aside, suddenly heard a familiar word from Siris and couldn't help but look at Moriarty in the trash can.

There was a trace of doubt in his eyes. If he didn't have the back of his ears, would Moriarty have said "awesome"?

"Ah? Ah! I didn't say anything!"

Hearing Schrödinger suddenly calling him, Moriarty immediately tightened his grip. The originally loose grip was now so tight that he could cut off his reply.

This word, when he was summoned from the bottom of the corner, was like a pre-installed system, indiscriminately instilling knowledge into his brain, even if he didn't know it.

Because of the pre-installation knowledge at the bottom, there is a high degree of DIY freedom.

Therefore, what kind of knowledge the summoned servant can obtain depends entirely on what is put into the pre-installed knowledge base.

If he remembered correctly, this word was in the folder named 'The Collection of Beautiful Chinese Language' that Gudazi put in.

Bai Song scratched his right ass, thinking that he must have heard wrong, so he did not continue to ask questions, but continued to focus on Tom and Jerry.

At this time, all the scaffolding in the bar has been removed, and the entire interior of the bar comes into view. It cannot be said to be highly similar to the original version, but it can only be said to be exactly the same.

After settling everything, Tom and Jerry came to Bai Song's side, but their construction worker uniforms disappeared somewhere.

"Is everything done?"

When Tom and Jerry heard this, they both nodded vigorously, and the amplitude of the nods was quite large, and they were really afraid that their brains would be shaken up.

Bai Song looked at the time on his phone, which was 1 minute and 19 seconds.

Somehow, Bai Song seemed to have discovered a business opportunity. If he took Tom and Jerry to contract construction sites, wouldn't he make a lot of money?

"Okay, you guys did a good job!"

He touched Tom's dog's head, and then touched Jerry's mouse's head with his index finger, encouraging the two little ones.

After completing this action, Bai Song picked up Moriarty.

He waved it casually, and it was quite handy. If he had had such a cane as a child, there would not have been a complete rapeseed flower within a kilometer.

In fact, Bai Song dared to decide the national title in the elementary school on the spot.

For Bai Song, who now has a broken left foot, having a cane is also a very Sbarasi thing.

"Hey, this is mine..."

Bai Song, who was looking at the trophy in his hand, turned his head and looked at Moriarty, looked at him with an awkward smile and said, "What's yours?"

"Yours! Such Sparasi's cane should undoubtedly belong to you."

When Bai Song looked at him like this, Moriarty's skin that had finally relaxed again tightened up again.

"Since you said so, I will reluctantly accept it."

As he spoke, Bai Song casually pinned the white ivory short-barreled flintlock gun that had fallen aside to the front of his waistband. His face was filled with the joy of a good harvest.

But don’t look at him every time he loots the enemy’s treasures and other things. In fact, he is a good citizen who doesn’t take anything from others! Five-star good citizen!

After looking left and right, and confirming that there was nothing else worth searching for, Bai Song was ready to moisten it.

After all, there had been a big explosion here just now, and the guards of the 'AUO Super Luxury Seaside Park' must have been alerted.

The reason why there are no guards yet is because it has only been about two minutes since he kicked in the door and entered the bar, but there is no guarantee that there will be guards coming next.

After putting Taffy and Jerry in his pocket, he wrapped Tom around his neck.

Chapter 320 King Dumao: Gu, kill me!

Bai Song took off his black hood and fled away pretending to be an innocent passerby.

While running away, Teffy poked his head out of his pocket and said goodbye to Moriarty very politely.

"Spoiling! Generous Mr. British guy! (Jili Guala in French)"

In the trash can of the bar, a bad old man whose front half was blackened by the bombing was secretly doubting his life.

Although he doubted his life, he did not doubt it completely. After all, his previous assumption was that if he was found by Schrödinger, it would be easy for him to be poked.

I'm afraid... I can't escape death!

Now only a cane and a white ivory short-barreled flintlock gun have been taken away. Compared with Bao Si's ending, it can be considered a complete victory.

Bai Song got new equipment and his own battery.

Moriarty gained a future where he didn't have to worry about being shrouded in Schrödinger's gauze, and he no longer had to worry about it.

I declare that this wave is a win-win!

After walking out of the bar that smelled of tobacco and alcohol, Bai Song took two deep breaths comfortably, but after taking two deep breaths, Bai Song frowned.

For some reason, what he breathed was not the fresh air he thought, but a burning smell.

When he looked down, he discovered that there was a black girl lying on the ground. It was Artoria who had been blown up by Taffy's small firecracker before and fell to the ground again.

But it's a pity that she didn't get blown away like Moriarty.

Bai Song felt quite sorry for this.

But this is normal, after all, it is impossible for the scenes you expect to appear in all-age content.

After putting aside the messy content in his head, Bai Song said hello smoothly.

"Oh, you saved a life."

After seeing a pair of very familiar boots appearing in front of her, Artoria suddenly became excited, raised her head tremblingly, and met Bai Song's eyes.

After staring at Bai Song for two seconds, Artoria said with great humiliation, "Gu... kill me!"

She could already foresee what kind of tragic ending she would face if she fell into Bai Song's hands.

There is no doubt that Schrödinger will definitely tie her to the Sky Monkey, and then Schrödinger will sit aside and tempt himself by eating barbecue, and then only let himself smell it.

When they are almost done eating, they light the fuse and launch themselves into the sky, becoming a gorgeous fireworks.

Based on her understanding of Schrödinger, it might be a bit crazy to say that this would happen 100% of the time, but then there was a 99.99% chance that Schrödinger would kill him like this!

You know, he is the one who is not even giving himself, the person who is about to be executed, a meal before execution!

Perhaps it was her obsession with eating what Schrödinger described as the ‘chicken legs, mashed potatoes and broth’ set meal that supported her in surviving the fatal fireworks explosion.

"What?" Hearing this, Bai Song's head tilted and he didn't understand what this guy was talking about.

Arturia gritted her teeth and glared at the evil Schrödinger, "If you want to do it, do it quickly! Do you still want me, the King of Knights, to continue to be humiliated!"

"..." Seeing Artoria who was getting sick inexplicably, Bai Song was silent for a moment, then silently took half a step back.

After seeing Bai Song's actions, Artoria not only did not relax, but instead crawled angrily and tried to grab Bai Song's ankle.

But Bai Song just easily ducked back and avoided Artoria's hand.

At the same time, he looked at the charcoal-black Arturia lying on the ground with a look of disgust on his face, thinking that if he was touched, he would have to spend some unnecessary money to buy pants.

As a delicate otaku, Bai Song actually loves to be clean, so much so that when his friends go to his house to play, they are always surprised by his spotless bedroom.

Then... very decisively maintained an appropriate physical distance from Bai Song.

"What are you hiding from?!"

"Good afternoon and farewell!"

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