As long as he uses this stunt, he can dance on the water, and his steps are several times lighter than that of a swan or a swallow.

Well, it’s just a name. Anyway, the status of salmon in Celtic mythology is very high. For example, the legendary hero Finn can gain unparalleled wisdom by licking the salmon fat on his fingertips.

And the movement does look quite like a salmon, so no one has any objections to the name.

And salmon does look very powerful. After all, they can swim back. When they encounter small waterfalls, they will jump up. No wonder the Ulster people are obsessed with naming their movements after salmon. Maybe there are Maybe my brain capacity went offline when I came up with the name.

But the result is quite good. The name Salmon Jump is simple and straightforward.

Anyway, Celtic has a lot of weird martial arts, such as the eighteen martial arts he learned from Scathach in the Kingdom of Shadows. These stunts were the stunts that Scathach finally came up with after years of hard thinking, well... ...I’ve been thinking about it for about 18 years, since I was born.

They are...the first one is the Apple Throwing and Receiving Kung Fu, throwing nine apples at the same time, leaving only one in the hand, the Thunder Kung Fu, the Tail Rope Javelin Kung Fu, the Cat Kung Fu and the Hero Salmon Jump, and the GaeBolg Short Spear Kung Fu. , Jet Speed ​​Power, Exhalation Kung Fu, Air Stepping on Grass and Spear Standing Kung Fu, Sword Edge and Slash Kung Fu, Spasm Transformation Kung Fu, Spear Throwing and Soul Seizing Jump Kung Fu, Noble Knight Squat, Wheel Soaring Kung Fu and Shield Edge Kung Fu, Cracking Mouth Roar with the hero, stun the slingshot and roar to kill, point to kill, sickle and chariot, and spear to bind people.

(The above eighteen martial arts are all from the original text and have not been modified by the author)

Cu Chulainn has mastered each of these martial arts perfectly, and the best among them are undoubtedly the GaeBolg short spear skill and the salmon jump!

Chapter 358 The Duality of Heroes and Rogues!

This is not to say that he is not proficient in other martial arts, but as a matter of fact... I think he is not that proficient.

Of course, even so, with these martial arts, Cú Chulainn was still able to walk sideways in the Holy Grail War... provided there was no Schrödinger's Holy Grail War.

If there was a Schrödinger, just lie down and walk!

Except now, Cu Chulainn doesn't dare to lie down and get fucked like this, because he knows that Schrödinger's cat will really fuck him.


Using one of the stunts taught by Scathach, the 'Heroic Salmon Jump', and narrowly dodging Tom's attacks, Cu Chulainn was immediately ready to continue his career.

The so-called ‘Hero Salmon Jump’, just by the name, you know it’s awesome.

To sum up, before going to the Kingdom of Shadows, Cú Chulainn knew the salmon jump skill. Even when he crossed the River Styx to the Kingdom of Shadows, he used this skill to cross over.

And ‘Hero Salmon Jump’ is a new version of the boat learned from Scathach!

As a blue man who has been very reckless since childhood, Cu Chulainn is not very good at explaining the difference. In short, he can understand it as a plus version of salmon jump.

After touching his buttocks, Cu Chulainn found that the buttocks of his tights were scratched by the plate thrown by Tom!

It can be seen from this that if Cu Chulainn had hesitated just now and failed to use the 'Heroic Salmon Jump' in time, the consequences...don't let the consequences be without consequences, just worry about it and be done with it. .

Feeling the hot rub on his buttocks, Cu Chulainn took a breath and said, "Schrödinger... you are so despicable!"

In the distance, Bai Song was almost not amused when he heard that Cú Chulainn, the villain, complained first. This guy's face was actually thicker than his own, and he actually complained directly to the villain first.

"It's so funny, weren't you the one who stole the dog first?"

Bai Song originally thought that his thickness was invincible, but he didn't expect that there was someone thicker than himself. Whose servant is this? !

While grinding back, Cu Chulainn diverted Bai Song's attention and said, "If your dog didn't snatch my GaeBolg before, how could I come here and snatch your dog?"

"It's so funny, if you didn't come to trick and attack my dog ​​before, how could my dog ​​get your stick?"

"If you don't...well, that'll be fine."

Cu Chulainn wanted to be tough at first, but suddenly he realized seemed that he was actually the one who started the trouble.

However, even if it is not reasonable, it does not prevent Cu Chulainn from continuing to choose to speak harshly, "In any case, regardless of the facts, your dog is also at fault!"

"?" Hearing Cu Chulainn's words, Bai Song was startled. He thought to himself, 'Good guy, I just made this guy look simple. My thick skin is thicker than a steel plate, but this guy's face is as thick as a city wall. ah! ’

"Listen, listen, are you speaking in human language?!"

With that said, Bai Song did not intend to continue the verbal entanglement with Cu Chulainn. After all, he was a little tired of communicating with a person who was not only a tough talker, but also had a face that could be compared to a city wall.

What he needs now is to attract Cu Chulainn's attention, and then let Tom tie up Cu Chulainn while his illness kills him.

After all, being tough is just a temporary thing. After Cu Chulainn becomes the dog meat on his chopping block, what to do with Cu Chulainn? Isn't it just Bai Song's temporary bedside manner?

However, just as Bai Song thought, Cu Chulainn also retreated to a favorable position.

Now... all he needs to do is attract Schrödinger's attention, then he can turn around and escape into the jungle, and fly away with Spike!

Bai Song thought in his heart, 'Now is the time! ’

Cú Chulainn thought to himself, 'Now! ’

In an instant, Bai Song and Cu Chulainn seemed to have turned into cowboys dueling in a desert town in the west. At noon, they brazenly drew their guns and started shooting!

Bai Song/Cú Chulainn stretched out his right hand fiercely, pointed at the back of Cú Chulainn/Bai Song, and shouted at the same time.

"Look what's behind you!!!" x2

When Bai Song and Cu Chulainn heard this, they were shocked at the same time and turned their heads to think about their own rear.

However, when they turned around and looked back at the same time and found nothing, they immediately realized that they had been fooled.

The two of them reacted at the same time and turned their heads to look at each other, only to find that the other side also turned around and looked behind them for the same reason.

Looking at each other, Bai Song and Cu Chulin fell into a strange silence.



Bai Song and Cu Chulainn looked at each other, and they had a tacit understanding and did not communicate that while they were attracting the enemy's attention, they were also attracted by the enemy's attention.

After all, this is a bit embarrassing.

Just using this kind of trick to deceive your opponent is shameful enough.

The most shameful thing is that not only did you use this move, but the other party also used this move, and then you were already using this move, but you got hit by the opponent's move.

So much so that although Bai Song seemed fine on the surface, he was actually digging his toes into the soles of his shoes.

At this time, Bai Song felt that he could even dig out three bedrooms and one living room with his toes on the ground, with a balcony.

Cu Chulainn also felt embarrassed for a while, but luckily, as a qualified hero, Cu Chulainn was naturally both a rogue and a thick-skinned person. After all, if you want to be shameless, just be a heroic spirit!

Just like Siegfried, for example... even more rogue than Cu Chulainn!

According to the record of the Nibelungenlied, Siegfried once met two Nibelung princes. The two princes asked Siegfried to help divide the treasures. As a reward, the princes gave Sieg a gift. Fried a sword named Balmung.

After the treasure was divided, everyone complained that it was unevenly distributed, so Siegfried directly chopped down the two princes, and also hacked to death 700 of the prince's warriors.

Then he beat up the dwarf guarding the treasure, took away his invisibility cloak, seized the treasure, and made the dwarf surrender to him and continue to serve as the guardian of the treasure.


On a battlefield somewhere on the island, two servants were fighting.

Suddenly, a silver-haired Saber holding a big sword suddenly sneezed, "Aqiu~."

During the battle, after taking some time out of his busy schedule to rub his nose, Siegfried muttered to himself with a confused look on his face.

"What's going on...Why do I always feel like someone is saying bad things about me behind my back?"

Chapter 359 The Appearance of Scathach

The above are Siegfried’s ‘heroic’ deeds in the epic.

And what about Cu Chulainn? When I was a child, when I was about seven years old, I heard a druid say that whoever drives a chariot for the first time that day will become a hero in the history of celebrities. Cu Chulainn Xingyu came at that time.

I quickly went to borrow a car from the King of Ulster, but after I finished borrowing it, I found that there were too many cars in the warehouse. If someone else drove for the first time today, wouldn't it mean that someone else would also be a celebrity?

(Note: Ulster is today’s Northern Ireland)

This is not okay, absolutely not!

So... Cu Chulainn had a wonderful idea.

If he smashed all the other tanks in the arsenal, wouldn't he be the only one who can drive today?

After thinking of this at that time, Cu Chulainn did what he said.

He directly and very simply smashed all the chariots in his king's arsenal except for the one he borrowed.

Cu Chulainn felt that this kind of thing could be rated as a C-level rogue art at most, and the bad things Siegfried did could be rated as a B-level rogue art at least!

Compared with this colleague, Cu Chulainn actually felt that not only was he not a gangster at all, but on the contrary, his image had become more upright!

After thinking about it for a while, the little shame he felt before was instantly ignored by Cu Chulainn.

Therefore, Cu Chulainn's mentality recovered instantly.

Compared to Bai Song, who is still ashamed of what happened just now, Cu Chulainn has returned to his peak state at this time. This... is the difference between heroic spirits and mortals!

However, his mentality has adjusted back, but he still needs to face Schrödinger and Schrödinger's cat.

Although he deceived and attacked Bai Song first, and killed a stupid dog under Bai Song's hands, the threats Cu Chulainn had to face next were no less.

As far as Cu Chulainn was concerned, Spike was to Schrödinger what a drop of water was to a lake.

You must know that Spike is a weakling. He can only easily push himself to the ground and beat him severely. How can he be considered a strong man?

But Schrödinger was different. Cu Chulainn saw with his own eyes that Schrödinger smashed the moon into pieces with one sword. Compared to this terrifying strength, Spike was nothing.

While thinking this, Cu Chulainn looked up at the sky.

It was still early, so as soon as Cu Chulainn raised his head, he saw a moon that was divided into two parts hanging in the deep sky.

This... is undoubtedly the best proof of Schrödinger's terrifying combat power.

However, Cu Chulainn did not choose to give in at all. After all, as a heroic spirit, he had been dead for thousands of years, and now there was nothing to be afraid of if he died again...probably.

Cu Chulainn took a deep breath and looked at Schrödinger with firm eyes.

"In that case...then face me head-on!"

After saying this, Cu Chulainn waved his hand and was ready to summon his precious phantom from the underworld.

However, before Cu Chulainn could activate his technique to open the gate to the underworld, a gate opened in front of Cu Chulainn's eyes. Moreover, it was even larger than the gate to the underworld that Cu Chulainn had opened before!

"Could it be that......"

Suddenly, Cu Chulainn's skin tightened, and he thought of a very terrifying possibility!

Is there a possibility that...his master, Scathach, knows that he has mastered this technique and is now on his way to beat him? !

Thinking of this, Cu Chulainn's legs suddenly softened, and his face suddenly turned gray.

No one, better than him, understood the consequences of the appearance of his master, Scathach.

There is no doubt that if Scathach appeared here, he would definitely be beaten to death by Scathach, and there might not even be any room for maneuver.

Yes... Cu Chulainn was slightly frightened.

Even though he was timid when facing Schrödinger before, he was still able to remain calm, but that was also based on the fact that Schrödinger would definitely be able to kill him instantly with one attack.

If it were Scathach, he would definitely beat himself up.

The former is euthanasia, and the latter is Scathach's painful abortion. The difference between them is like a chasm! ! !

At this moment, Cu Chulainn, as a heroic spirit, even had the idea of ​​​​starting the journey now, but he gave up such an unreliable idea in just a moment.

After all, he couldn't escape from Schrödinger's hands. If he could, he would have escaped long ago instead of standing here.

But although he didn't intend to open up, but... Cu Chulainn couldn't help but tremble a little as he stared at the gate of the underworld. coming out of it!


On the other side of the gate to the underworld, in the Kingdom of Shadows.

Spike stood up from the ground with a confused look on his face. After looking around, he couldn't help but shudder in his heart.

The surrounding environment became more and more eerie and terrifying the more he looked at it, as if he had entered some kind of kingdom of death.

The sky was dim, so you could only see the surrounding things clearly with the faint light. Behind Spike was a dark forest, and every tree looked like a demon with teeth and claws.

To describe it vividly, it is like the forest where Wolf Castle is located.

The moment he saw this terrifying forest, Spike's soul was frightened out of his mind, and he was so busy trying to relax.

However, just like the "Third Law of Tom and Jerry" named by Bai Song, if you suddenly start to drive away in a panic, you will definitely skid in place for a few seconds.

After the person who wanted to beat him reacted, he was able to get out of his slipping state.

At this time, Spike's soul was caught in the 'Third Law of Tom and Jerry', running wildly on the spot and skidding for several seconds, which gave Spike time.

Spike waved his hand and immediately grabbed the fate of his soul by the scruff of the neck.

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