The next moment, the end of half a baseball bat hit Illya's forehead perfectly. At this moment, Illya's mind suddenly went blank.


At the same time that Illya was hit, there was a nice sound of hitting her head on her forehead, and her whole body was knocked away directly in response.

It was as if Illya was not a person, but just a baseball of Spike's.


At this moment, Illya drew an extremely beautiful parabola in the air, and finally hit the ground not far away.

Just like a meteorite falling, a large crater with a diameter of three meters was directly smashed into the ground.

This is not like the weight of an eight-year-old girl, which can produce effects. If you were an uninformed person, you would probably doubt whether Illya's body is filled with Adamantium alloy from 1982. .

"Wuhu~, yeah!" Putting his right hand on his forehead to block the sun, and looking at Illya who was knocked hundreds of meters away by him, Spike was so excited that his tongue hung out.

Home run, this must be a home run!

Illya lay in the pit. After a long time, she stretched out a hand and covered her forehead.

" head hurts so much, I need to grow a brain..."

As she was covering her forehead, she suddenly felt that her forehead seemed to become much larger, and it happened very quickly. In just one second, it turned into a big bag the size of a Poké Ball.

Touching the big bump on her forehead, Illya was shocked and said in disbelief, "Goooo?! Have you really grown a brain?!"

When Illya touched the 'new brain' on her forehead with a doubtful look on her face, the rubies crawled out of the mound like maggots.

As soon as it came out, Ruby spit out the dirt in its mouth, but... it seemed to have forgotten that it did not have a mouth.

"Bah! Bah, bah, bah!"

Chapter 383 Schrödinger, come be a magical girl!

"Oral area~~~."

Just spitting out mud seemed to be not enough, so Ruby immediately stood upright, then bent over and started retching.

"It hurts, it hurts...Ale, Ruby, what's wrong with you?"

His left hand was covering his forehead, and his right hand was about to support the ground, trying to prop himself up sitting in the mud puddle.

Suddenly, Illya heard the retching sound of 'yueee~~~', so she immediately looked at the place where the sound came from, which was the ruby ​​on the ground to her right.

Seeing Ruby bending over and retching in discomfort, Illya immediately became a little panicked and quickly asked caringly.

"It's nothing, I was vomiting the mud that accidentally entered my mouth when I fell."

After taking time out of her busy schedule to spit out mud and respond to Illya, Ruby continued to spit out mud.

"Oh, it turned out to be mud. It scared me." Hearing Ruby's words, Illya breathed a sigh of relief. She thought something had happened to her staff.

Judging from the fact that it just helped him avoid the first blow, it turns out that this geoduck-like staff is still somewhat useful, at least... more useful than something like the Lamborghini Five-Yuan Gold Coin.

Still, useful, but not very useful.

After seeing that Ruby was fine, Illya stood up, ready to think about whether to fight Spike head-on or just use her ace in the hole to fight.

However, Illya had just stood up. Suddenly, she seemed to realize something was wrong, and the corners of her mouth twitched.

"Wait a minute... why do you spit out mud with a staff? Do you have an organ for spitting out mud?!"

"Huh? Of course I... didn't..."

When Ruby first heard Illya's words, she felt that Illya was being unreasonable, so she refuted it confidently. However, before she finished her sentence, Ruby's voice became smaller and smaller.

After taking off on the spot, Ruby bent the end of the flexible handle and scratched her head with the end with an embarrassed look.

"Ah~, I don't have a mouth. No wonder I couldn't spit anything out after vomiting for a long time."

Hearing this, the corner of Illya's mouth twitched again, and she couldn't help but wonder if her staff was not very smart.

Just in time, she was hit on the head by Spike, and she happened to have an extra brain on her forehead. She could lend it to Ruby if she needed it.

Shaking her head and not talking to Ruby, Illya directly held the ruby ​​in her hand and looked at Spike a hundred meters away with a hesitant look on her face.

"What a powerful force, can I really defeat it?"

Clenching her fists, Illya took a deep breath, holding the ruby ​​in her hand and getting ready.

"Wait a moment!"

Hearing Ruby's words, Illya paused and asked impatiently, "What's wrong?"

Now she really doesn't want to communicate with Ruby, the staff whose brain is in arrears. Should she say it or not, after talking too much with Sha Sha, her thinking mode will be assimilated by Sha Sha.

If you want to keep your intelligence normal, it's best not to have in-depth communication with Sha Sha.

After seeing Illya stop, Ruby was silent for a moment and then asked silently, "The way you are walking... you are not trying to carry me to confront that dog, are you? "

Hearing this, Ilia felt a little confused, "Of course, didn't you ask me to do it?"

She didn't want to fight before, but the ruby ​​insisted on encouraging her to fight. Now after being knocked away by a stick, did the ruby ​​give in first?

Thinking of this, Illya couldn't help but shook her head. This ruby ​​​​is just inferior.

"Oh." Ruby shook her head. Seeing that Illya didn't realize the problem, she said again, "Let me ask you a question."

"What's the problem?"

"What are you?"

"I'm...a magical girl, what's wrong?"

"Then how should a magical girl fight?"

"Use magic...ah." Before she could finish her words, Illya suddenly realized something. The old... face suddenly turned red, and instantly turned red like a Japanese hot spring monkey. Like a monkey's butt.

At the same time, Illya's restless little feet also began to pick at the soles of her shoes.

If it weren't for the obstruction of her soles, Illya felt like she could have dug out three rooms and one living room on the ground with her toes.

"That's right. As a magical girl, can you win in a close combat with a berserker like that? No way, right? It's very difficult."

"I understand, thank you..." After saying thank you with a blushing face, Illya waved her right hand, and two teams of transparent, elf-like wings appeared in front of Illya. behind.

With the appearance of wings, Illya immediately broke free from the constraints of gravity and floated in the air.

Seeing Illya entering the state of magic battle so decisively, Ruby immediately nodded with a fishy smile.

In fact, it doesn't matter to Ruby whether he can win the fight or not.

The main thing is that Ruby doesn't want to be wielded like a fire stick and used against other cold weapons.

After all, even if the contractor sends it, it is just a different contractor. For example, the Schrödinger opposite is very suitable for the next contractor.

But if you send it yourself, then really, everything is sent.

As the saying goes, I would rather teach me to betray the world than teach the world to betray me.

"Come on!" Spike was looking at the big pit at this time, mentally estimating how far he had knocked the baseball (referring to Illya) away, and at this moment, he suddenly noticed Illya It actually flew up.

Seeing this, Spike suddenly felt a little shocked.

Its little brain, which was not very bright, began to perform extremely complex calculations at this moment.

It can be seen that most of the winged and flying bird-men are angels, so Illya is an angel. We also know that angels specialize in beating devils with bricks, so devils cannot beat angels.

In the end, you can also know that you are the devil, and the devil can't beat the angel, which means that there is a high probability that you can't beat Illya!

After thinking about it for a while, Spike felt guilty for a while after realizing that he was weaker than his opponent. It wasn't that he didn't dare to go up, he definitely dared to go up, but... he felt like he was going to be in vain. Gave it.

While Spike was brainstorming wildly, Illya was already waving the ruby ​​in her hand.

A beam of magic was fired in the direction of Spike!

Chapter 384 Despicable Illya!

Flying in the air and looking down at Spike, Illya decisively pointed the staff at the dog on the ground.

She has already learned well at this time, so how can she have any martial virtues? It doesn't exist at all.

This is just like the road on the earth. In fact, there is no road on the earth. When more people walk on it, it becomes a road.

Since no one talks about martial ethics and everyone is an old bastard, there is no such thing as martial ethics in this world. Fortunately, she just thought that Schrödinger was very strict about martial ethics.

If she hadn't turned around because she finally had some doubts, she might have had her head slapped open by that scary-looking dog.


With a burst of electric arc wrapped around the head of the staff, the charging of the magic was completed in an instant.

Now, all we have to do is wait for Illya’s order!

Without waiting for a moment, Illya directly chose to activate the magic as she aimed at the dogs on the ground who were all panic-stricken at first sight.

Seeing that there seemed to be lightning on the head of Illya's staff, Spike realized in an instant that Illya wanted to use a thunder and lightning series of attacks on him.

Now that you know what the attack is, it becomes quite simple to deal with it.

Spike decisively reached behind his back and took out one of his wives, which was one of the large number of 'Gáe Bolgs' he had snatched from the Kingdom of Shadows before.

Then with a 'box' sound, Spike inserted the head of the gun into Mother Earth's body.

After completing this action, Spike immediately found that he was not panicked at all, and the whole dog became much calmer.

Facing a lightning attack, it is obvious that as long as there is a lightning rod, it is equivalent to an AT position. No matter how you think about it, there is no possibility of being hit by the attack!

However, in this way, one of his wives will suffer and be struck by lightning.

But as the saying goes, if you keep the green hills, you won't be afraid of running out of firewood. Even if it loses one of its wives, it still has a large bundle of wives waiting for it to use.

There are two extremely unfortunate things in the world. One is that the person is still there but the money is spent; the other is that the person is gone but the money is still there.

Just now when he realized that Illya's attack might be of thunder and lightning attribute, Spike actually hesitated, thinking, 'It's better to suffer for yourself than to suffer for your wife.'

But this idea just popped up, just like when the answer has already popped up while taking a shit, and suddenly realized that there was no paper, it suddenly shrank back.

At this time, Spike also realized a very serious issue, if...just if, if he chose to resist hard, and then completely hit GG amidst laughter in the next attack.

Then... wouldn't all his wives belong to Bai Song?

After thinking that he would experience one of the two major misfortunes, "the person dies but the money remains", Spike decisively made his choice. No matter what, he had to save himself!

After all, even if he is killed, it is just the loss of one wife, but if he is lost, it means that all the wives have returned to Bai Song. Just thinking about it makes Spike's face turn green. .

As for the top of the head, it is even more shining with blue light!

Well... Although logically speaking, if you want to use it as a lightning rod, the first condition must be metal, right?

But what should be said is that although this ‘Gáe Bolg’ is made of bone, it looks like metal. Since it looks like metal, it is metal!

"Huh~." After breathing a sigh of relief, Spike wiped his forehead, and at the same time waved his right hand to the side, and a drop of sweat the size of a sweatdrop came out.

At this same moment, Illya also used her magic immediately.

"Take my move, Thunder Shock!!!"


With the activation of Illya's magic, Ruby's head body, which was surrounded by electric arcs, spewed out a flood-like... flood.

Yes, that's right, what was ejected from Ruby's head was not thunder and lightning, but a water column with the impact of a bandit's whip!


Looking at the water column spraying towards him, Spike, who had just let out a happy sigh, was suddenly filled with questions. At the same time, his chin fell directly to the ground, and his mouth was stretched out!

When his chin hit the ground, it made a 'thump' sound like metal falling to the ground.

Now there is only one sentence in Spike's heart, and that is... "I'm a bastard, and I have shit!"

Didn't we agree on lightning attacks? There was a lightning cord around the staff, and it also made a "sizzling" sound of electricity. Then the name of the move Ilia called out was also "Lightning Blast". How come it was water? !

And... Spike took a closer look and saw that there was quite a lot of water in Illya.

You can tell at a glance that this girl is... very smooth.

At the same time, Illya also looked at Spike with a crooked smile. Sure enough, her decision to call out the name of the move to Xia Jiba, who was not a martial artist, was undoubtedly the right thing to do.

Urgent, this dog is impatient!

On the ground, Spike glared at Illya. He had never seen such a ungrateful person. He clearly shouted for lightning but threw water instead!

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