Uchiha: Starting from the imprisonment of Tobirama

Chapter 62 Senju Tobirama: If you can’t learn, you’re just stupid!

"I will never go back on what I said."

Senju Tobirama raised his eyebrows in a good mood: "Kid, let me teach you a forbidden technique this time!"

"Unlike your paper-based Will of Fire, I am open-minded enough with my plan. Even forbidden techniques can be taught to an evil Uchiha brat like you..."

Senju Tobirama smiled.

Qing Shui frowned slightly, Qian Shu Feijian's behavior was extremely abnormal.

After spending so long with him, Qing Shui can be sure that this old man will definitely give him a makeover!

This expression and demeanor are exactly the same as when Qing Shui planned to play a trick on Tobirama. Others can't tell, but Qing Shui understands very well...

Senshou Tobirama looked at Qing Shui's frowning brows very helpfully, and said slowly: "The technique I want to teach you is a forbidden technique that I independently developed - the technique of multiplying the detonating talisman!"

"I rank the level of ninjutsu at A level. The principle is to use the detonating talisman to continuously summon the detonating talisman, concentrate on a point and explode continuously..."

"It's so powerful that even the tailed beasts can't resist it if used properly!"

Qing Shui blinked and used the detonating talisman technique with each other. He was really good at this technique...

When Qing Shui asked Asuma to think too much, Senju Tobirama felt something bad, and took the initiative to bring up the previous bet, asking Qing Shui to agree to his request if he lost, and not to harm Konoha.

Qing Shui responded: "Even if I win, you were and are my idol. I won't let you step down when the time comes. I feel bad..."

In a gentle way, he successfully exploded the technique of mutually multiplying detonating talismans.

Since Qing Shui mastered this technique, he hasn't had time to study it yet.

First, it is not easy to explain the source, which makes it easy for the well-developed Qianju Tojian to notice something strange, which will create a gap between Qing Shui and Qing Shui, making it difficult to borrow his power in the future.

Qing Shui thinks that Fei Lama's technique is much more powerful than the technique of mutually multiplying detonating talismans...

Second, this technique must be used in conjunction, otherwise they will both die by self-destruction.

It is necessary to master the art of reincarnation from the dirty earth, and use the immortal dead from the dirty earth to act as death squads. During the explosion, constantly adjust the detonating talisman that is subsequently channeled, and hit the enemy accurately...

Otherwise, mastering this technique alone is really useless.

In addition to this level, Qing Shui, who understands the mechanism of mutually calling the detonating talisman, even guessed what Tobirama was thinking...

He would most likely not tell Qing Shui how to sense the space where he stored the detonating talisman.

In this case, this forbidden technique is neither suitable nor capable of exerting its due power, and it has limitations in its use. The combination of the two can be said to be a double insurance, ensuring that Qing Shui will be the same after learning it as if he had not learned it...

"Old man, you have a good idea. Two layers of insurance are stacked on top of each other. You are indeed the evil Thousand-Armed Old Ghost..." Qing Shui complained in his heart, but he soon became happy in his heart.

It is true that the technique chosen by Senju Tobirama is useless, but there is a problem...

If Senju Tobirama saw that Qing Shui had established his own detonating talisman space without his guidance...

What does this second-generation Hokage think in his heart?

Some people may feel confused!

Qing Shui suppressed his smile, his eyes were very cooperative with a little desire and joy, and he also addressed him with respect: "I have heard of this technique, and I want to learn it, Lord Tobirama!"

"Hmm..." Senju Tobirama hummed and nodded with great satisfaction.


Don't tell me, what this Qingshui brat shouted was just a little bit pleasing to the ears!

It sounds great, I love it!

"Since you are so sincere, I will reluctantly teach you this forbidden technique..."

Qianshou Feijian took a full stance, feeling secretly happy.

The evil Uchiha brat, doesn't he like to talk about me having zero points for the Will of Fire?

This matter is turned over and over again and said, just wait, when you can't learn this trick, I will start to chant it too!

Why, the genius of Uchiha can't even use the technique I taught you carefully?

And you say you're a genius? Pure idiot!

Senju Tobirama controlled his emotions very well and entered the teaching mode with the professionalism of the first-generation ninja school principal.

"The first step is to prepare a huge amount of detonating talismans."

Qing Shui's brows twitched and he whispered: "Master Tobirama, where did you get the huge amount of this detonating talisman?"

"Wouldn't it be better to just ask the Fire Country's arsenal and the ninjas there to do this kind of thing? Oh, yes, or you can ask the ninjas in the clan to cooperate with you, and you can probably do it within a few months."

Senju Tobirama suppressed his laughter, why was he able to get so many detonating talismans back then?

It's not because he is the second generation Hokage!

Even during the Warring States Period, he was the head of the Thousand Hands Clan and could spend whatever he wanted!

This technique is not called the technique of multiplying detonating talismans, but rather the technique of "preparing resources in advance and then smashing you to death"...

"Okay, after this step is completed, mark these detonating symbols with psychic contracts, and then transfer them to a different space for storage!"

"The third and final step is to create a summoning object that can be linked to a large amount of detonating talismans as a primer to trigger the spell."

Senshou Tobirama waved his hand and finished explaining this A-level forbidden technique simply and quickly, without hiding the smile on his face:

"Let's go step by step. You first prepare enough detonating talismans..."

"Qing Shui kid, don't worry. I'm here to teach and teach everyone. Unless you meet someone who is particularly stupid, then there is really nothing I can do."

"By the way... I forgot to tell you just now. This technique is more dangerous and needs to be used in conjunction with the technique of reincarnation. Otherwise, it will be fatal to the caster and the power of this technique will be dispersed..."

"It's okay. You should learn this technique first. As for the technique of reincarnation from dirty soil..."

"There's a chance, maybe I can teach you?"

While Qian Shu Tobirama was talking, he looked at Qing Shui's puffy face and laughed loudly.

Who said that only Uchiha can laugh wildly, even I, Senju, can burst into laughter!

At this moment, Senju Tobirama felt that he was finally not an idiot with a zero score for Will of Fire, but a second-generation Hokage with wisdom in his hands!

"Hey, you're so shameless!"

Qing Shui protested unconvinced: "After all, you have to teach me how to create and sense the storage space, right? Are you afraid that I will find the detonating talisman space you have hidden..."

"Don't provoke me, kid, I was planning to teach you this too."

The old god Senju Tobirama folded his arms: "But my detonating talisman space is mine. If you have the ability, just go and build one..."

"Look carefully, use your senses, form these seals, and carefully mobilize chakra from the meridians..."

Senju Tobirama was very calm.

It is absolutely impossible for Qing Shui to contact his psychic space. Not only Qing Shui, no one except him can do it!

If anyone could sense it, wouldn't it mean that a huge amount of detonating talismans were prepared for the enemy?

Shooting oneself in the foot is something Qian Shu Fei Jian can't do...

I saw.

Qing Shui formed the seal slowly, closed his eyes slightly, and actually summoned a detonating talisman in his hand: "Master Tobirama, are you doing this?"

Tobirama Qianju, who was holding his arms, nodded unexpectedly: "That's right..."

But a moment later.

Senju Tobirama seems to have noticed something is wrong...

Dear readers!

I created the characters Qing Shui and Tobirama. Please give them a like on the homepage of the book!


(Qing Shui has more likes than Tobirama! Why is this old man so popular? He’s going to be red!)

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