Ultraman is not a superman

Chapter 4 The power at your fingertips

In the office of Chengnan Gymnasium.

Xia Yan couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief after hanging up the phone. If this happened, Fengyuan would definitely come over quickly.

This is why he didn't use his smartphone to directly call the Mike team's dedicated phone number, but had to come to the Seongnam Gym all the way.

The tense nerves in my heart relaxed a little, and sure enough, the boy who slayed the dragon finally turned into an evil dragon.

Everyone hates the Riddler, but everyone can't help but be the Riddler.

It’s unclear how Fengyuan’s mood on Team Mike’s side will become, but the smile will not disappear, it will only shift.

Xia Yan knew there were many types of this kind of behavior, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Forgive me Fengyuan, this is the last time.

Speaking of which, Baizi's life was indeed in danger during the Kuroshio Island drowning incident, if Fengyuan hadn't activated Leo's power in pain to revive her.

I'm afraid I'll just burp in the hospital.

Throughout the history of Ultraman, even in the new generation, it is quite explosive. After all, no heroine almost received a box lunch in the first episode.

With all these thoughts in his mind, Xia Yan relaxed the tension in his heart, opened the door and walked out of the gymnasium office, planning to have a meal before talking.

It's been more than half a day since I got here.

Money turned into a string of numbers cannot buy food at all on this earth, and he hasn't eaten anything yet.

However, Xia Yan had never experienced a monster invasion, so he still underestimated the danger of Leo's period.

As soon as I reached the place where the students were practicing, I didn't have time to find Omura Masaji and Momoko.

The ground of the gymnasium began to shake, accompanied by two strange beast roars!

"No way! It's coming so fast!" Xia Yan felt a bad feeling in his heart.

At this time, all the children in the gym seemed to have gone through several drills.

With experience, he threw away the things in his hands, and then ran out without stopping.

Soon, a group of students surpassed Xia Yan.

Umeda, who was passing by, kindly shouted to remind him: "Uncle, run! The monster is coming!"

When he finished shouting, the two brothers Umeda Dori and Umeda Kaoru had already ran far away.

At this moment, outside the Chengnan Gymnasium, people were screaming in fear and running for their lives. Houses were constantly collapsing and collapsing under the violent vibrations.

After two monsters, one red and one black, landed on the shore, they set off huge waves and rushed towards the island!

They are the twin monsters controlled by the Magma people, Black Kirath and Red Kirath!

Under the control of the hiding Magma people, the two monsters continued to set off tsunamis, trying to completely submerge the entire Kuroshio Island!

Bridges are broken and high-rise buildings are collapsing!

As the air flow rapidly rises and accumulates, the sky gradually becomes dense with dark clouds!

Amidst the roar of lightning, heavy rain fell like a waterfall, as if gloomy darkness was squeezing people's hearts!

Xia Yan just ran out of the Chengnan Gymnasium and saw this doomsday-like scene when he looked up:


He subconsciously exclaimed in surprise, and immediately saw the two-headed monster in the distance, one black and one red!

When I discovered that these two monsters were approaching, even though I was mentally prepared, I didn't know how terrifying it was until I actually saw the monsters.

Even though he hadn't eaten, Xia Yan's body was no longer weak at the moment. With the support of adrenaline surging in his body, he instantly became a hundred times more energetic!

Then he turned around and ran away!

The twin monsters were still roaring and roaring. Except for the different body colors, they looked the same in other places.

They looked like two giant lizards standing up, with sharp horns on their heads, which were the organs through which they received control commands from the Magma planets and released light skills.

The big crescent-shaped horn on the back is the weapon used when performing Kiras rotation. It can not only perform rotation and impact attacks, but also block and rebound the enemy's attacks.

It was because of the rotation of Kiras that the star clusters were caught off guard and suffered a severe loss, resulting in their legs being broken off.

I saw the twin monsters waving their claws at this time, and the horns on their heads gathered energy as they roared!

Two curtain-like lightning-like lights were released on the sea, setting off a huge tsunami!

As the sea surged, all the buildings along the way collapsed and were submerged!

The water level of the entire Kuroshio Island is slowly rising, and the sea water has spread to people's feet.

Xia Yan, who was trapped in a large number of people fleeing for his life, was hit by cold waves from time to time, coupled with the torrential rain.

Soon the clothes on his body were completely wet. When he looked back and glanced at the two black and red Kiras, they were already not far behind him. He was suddenly horrified!

The monster is still chasing me! Horse riding!

Where's Leo! Help me!

Originally everything had been planned, just waiting for Fengyuan Dongfeng to arrive and deceive.

But he never expected that the twin monsters would attack Kuroshio Island again so quickly!

The panicked crowds ran past Xia Yan. He was used to living a comfortable life, and his physical fitness was not comparable to that of people of this era.

Not surprisingly, he gradually fell behind the crowd.

The ground was cracking and collapsing with rumbles, almost causing him to fall down several times!

Adrenaline is not a panacea. Xia Yan's footsteps began to become heavy, and he was breathing heavily in his chest and felt a little weak.

After all, human legs can't outrun the monster, and the shadow behind him is getting closer and closer!

At this critical moment, Xia Yan's smartphone suddenly appeared in his hand, and at the same time everything around him!

It was as if he had been pressed to slow down, and his senses were instantly amplified!

People's frightened cries for help and children's cries flooded into his mind!

"Mom - Mom, where are you -"

"My legs are trapped, please help me - someone help me -"

"Ultraman - Ultraman, where are you - please save grandma - grandma was washed away by the water -"

"Dad - Dad, please wake up - Lizi no longer has a mother - Lizi doesn't want to be without a father anymore -"

Despair fills people's hearts, and fear fills everyone's heart. At the same time, they are also eager for the hope named Ultraman to appear!

Strong emotions stirred up in people!

The world stopped in Xia Yan's eyes, everything was paused at this moment, which made him stop and look around.

The collapsed tall building stopped in mid-air!

Huge waves are floating overhead at this time!

The two twin monsters behind him raised their paws and were holding the beast's legs motionless!

Gradually, Xia Yan saw small golden and black light spots appearing on everyone's body!

As if they echo each other!

Xia Yan felt that his heart was beating like a motor, pounding, pounding, pounding!

The body wants to attract all those light spots!

But he had a vague feeling that those black spots of light were probably not a good thing!

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