Ultraman is not a superman

Chapter 56 Fengyuan, you really deserve to be chased by a jeep all day long

"The first generation senior was unable to transform and fight monsters because he had no energy. This is all your fault, Xia Yansang!"

Fengyuan never thought that the first generation would lie to others, and maybe he had a desire to avenge himself.

So when he came up, he accused Xia Yan.

The first generation looked a little embarrassed, but this young man was still quite serious.

"Huh?!" Xia Yan was originally preparing to refute the first generation, but when Fengyuan said this, his eyes immediately stared at him.

Okay, okay, let’s play like this, right?

With a sneer on his face, Dang even retorted: "Feng Yuan, who refuses to train today and insists on going to accompany Bai Zi? I can't hold him back."

As he spoke, Xia Yan pointed his eyes at the first generation beside him.

The two of them secretly had an ulterior deal, as the first generation saw Xia Yan's eyes hinting.

After weighing things up in his mind for a moment, he decided that it was more important to trick his seventh brother, and he immediately turned to Fengyuan with a serious look on his face:

"Feng Yuan! How could you be so lazy and drag Xia Yan over? You're so stupid!"

"???" Fengyuan was dumbfounded by the words.

He looked at the first generation with a blank expression. The stab in the back came so unexpectedly that his eyes were stunned.

No, I'm speaking for you, senior!

The stars on the side looked a little surprised. He could see through what the first generation said. It was obvious that he did not want to take the blame for deceiving Fengyuan.

But now he was helping Xia Yan preach to Fengyuan, which made him doubtful.

Why are these two wearing the same pair of pants?

But now is not the time to worry about these things. Zhu Xingtuan knew that he could not fool Xia Yan, so he simply interrupted their blaming each other: "Okay! Don't shirk the responsibility!"

"The monster Canedras is hiding behind the moon. He will soon repair himself and attack again!"

Team Mike's radar may not be good, but sometimes it becomes quite powerful and can even detect the vicinity of Pluto.

Now that the stars are aware of the monster's traces, they rely on radar to determine their approximate location.

Looking at Xia Yan and Fengyuan with a serious face, he gave instructions in an unquestionable tone: "The most important thing now is that you must master the method of dealing with monsters as soon as possible!"

After saying that, he looked at Xia Yan with a straight face and a stern voice: "Especially you, Xia Yan, next time a monster attacks, you will be the first to fight!"

"If you can't win Canedras, it proves that you haven't practiced enough!"

Zhu Xingtuan has already made a plan in his mind, how to make Xia Yan pay attention to his own strength.

Relying on external forces is only temporary. This naughty kid must understand that only his own strength can last long.

Ever since they learned about Xia Yan's ability, Zhu Xingtuan has been worried that if this kid's strength improves too fast, he may rely on borrowing the light energy of other Ultraman.

Borrowing everything will only harm him.

Xia Yan didn't know that Zhu Xingtuan was trying to punish him, so he glanced sideways at each other.

I thought he was making excuses to make himself as deflated as Leo before arranging training.

"It's just a monster Canedras." Xia Yan was very confident now. With his current abilities, he really didn't need to take the opponent seriously: "If it dares to appear again, it will only end up being torn apart."

The key reason why Leo had such a difficult time in the early stage was because he did not master the light skill.

And what can the monster Canedras do?

You can catch even light rays when you catch them with bare hands, so catching them with bare hands is not a problem at all.

Looking at Xia Yan with a confident look on his face, Zhu Xingtuan's eyes had a different meaning, and the naughty child had to be embarrassed.

Sure enough, growth can only be achieved through hard work.

Team Mike's radar detected more than just the monster Canedras.

After instructing Xia Yan and Fengyuan to go to the secret base for training, Zhu Xingtuan said nothing more.

The secret base has been prepared, but now there is no need to trouble Omura Masaji.

If the training carried out by these two boys is always seen by others, it will easily arouse suspicion.

Xia Yan originally wanted to fly directly to the moon, find the monster Canedras and deal with it, but after thinking about it, he only knew that it was on the back of the moon, and the specific location was unknown.

Instead of spending time looking for it slowly, it is better to wait and wait for the other party to come to your door. Besides, it has been a long time since we have received the power of hope from humans.

Since we are all helping the earth to eliminate monsters, we must gain something.

The people on Earth are not Ultraman, and Xia Yan will not help humans selflessly without asking for anything in return, like Fengyuan and the others.

On the other side, at the same time, is the far side of the moon.

The monster Canedras is hiding in the crater. Shivering and silently replenishing his strength.

Originally, I heard that Ultraman Leo appeared on Earth, and it was indeed planning to come, but halfway through, I heard that Ultraman's descendants were also on Earth.

Thinking that he might not be able to defeat the two Ultramen, Canedras prepared to return the same way, but turned around and met four spacemen.

One of them used some unknown method to shrink it so that it was unable to resist.

Now that he has finally escaped death, Canedras just wants to get away from the earth as soon as possible.

While its physical strength was rapidly recovering, the yellow part on its chest also changed from dry to full.

After replenishing his physical strength, Canedras flapped his wings and was about to fly out of the crater.

The next moment, three cosmic beings suddenly fell down!

Amidst the rumbling sound of landing, Dada, Zarrab and Keimr formed triangles, surrounding Canedras in the middle.

After seeing the three cosmic beings clearly, Canedras couldn't help but stiffen. Why are it these three guys again!

"Kanedras, you have recovered well. Now go and invade the earth and destroy it, otherwise!"

The Dada star said and palmed his hands, holding the miniaturized gun in his hand and aiming it at the head of the monster Canedras.

The law of the jungle will always exist in the universe, and the words of the Dada people did not mean any discussion.


An angry roar came from Canedras' mouth. When it saw the Dada Star, it immediately understood why it had been shrunk before, and the yellow air bag rose and fell rapidly!

When you open your mouth, high-temperature flames will be sprayed out!

It's just that the Dada people were obviously on guard all the time. Seeing that the other party was unwilling to cooperate, they immediately pressed the trigger.

The miniaturizing gun released a white beam, and when it hit Canedras, it was instantly shrunk and put into a bottle.

The blue transparent bottle is made of cosmic metal. After Canedras was shrunk, the power of the high-temperature flames was also reduced to an extremely low level, and it was unable to cause damage to the bottle body at all.

The Dada star shook the bottle, making the other party dizzy.

Seeing this, the Kemer star thought for a while and made a suggestion: "I think one monster is still not safe enough. How about we catch another one?"

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