Ultraman is not a superman

Chapter 94 The Passion of Jakula

In the world of Super Dimension Battle, Xia Yan intervened, and the future problems of the red ball were solved neatly.

Xinxing Mian saw the mountain he had always wanted to see in his dream, and also witnessed Gaia performing the earth's inverse operation, which can be regarded as a kind of dream come true.

Hiroshi Kashima regained his childhood self from a naughty boy, and decided to remember Ultraman's instructions and become a man who helps others in the future to make up for the mistakes he had made.

Although Takayama Gamu failed to defeat Satan Bizo, he was forcibly sent back to his own world midway.

It seemed a bit miserable, but he didn't have to deal with King Obumons, so it wasn't a big loss that he wasn't defeated.

The combined monster King Oubmons is also known as the strongest combined beast King Mars.

It is composed of the main body of King Mars, plus the bone-winged super beast Bagilis and the giant jaw sea beast Scyura. These three monsters are combined, and even Gaia V2 cannot defeat it.

You must know that when Gaia makes a guest appearance, she is basically invincible. Of course, Orb's native guest appearance is not included in this.

It's probably because the queen used the collective intelligence halo attack, Gaia, Agur, Cosmic Street, Master Gao, etc.

There is no change in form, just paddling and catching fish all the way.

Only Jagula helped Hongkai save his life in C. When the apprentice was beaten to death by others, Dynasty looked there but did not save him.

Afterwards, there was a person who was embarrassed and I don’t know if he was out of his mind and talked some rubbish. Yes, it was Dana, the cosmic street kid.

What are you talking about? This is not what a warrior of light should do.

After giving Jagula full blood pressure strength, Hong Kai didn't understand Jagura at all.

The beginning of Ultraman's special photo drama Orb's birth? No, that’s The Passion of Jakula .

There’s nothing to say, Jakura is an O50 tool.

In the end, I don't know whether he was angry or found out that the evil company was really not a good person, so he simply turned over the table and quit, and turned into a one-horned star and chopped off the tree of life.

Putting aside the cameo at the beginning of her original life, Gaia is still very reliable in normal times.

Like this time on the way to the decisive battle across time and space, no matter how little energy he had, he would still grit his teeth and help Xia Yan delay Satan Bizuo.

Otherwise Xia Yan would not have been able to get the red wishing ball so easily.

Just talking about my dream in the mountains, I may not remember this journey, because the EX fighter plane did not contain the specific information of the wishing red ball.

Xinxing Mian hasn't given Gao Shan my dream of Guref's Travels yet, so there's a high chance that he won't be able to remember it.

Even if he thinks about it, Xia Yan has solved the troubles of wishing for a red ball, the world will not face destruction, and there is no need to come back after Gao Shan Gao Meng understood.

The combined beast Mars King did not appear, and the horn-broken demon Tiga and the fat pig Dana naturally had no chance to appear. Although it was a bit of a loss, it didn't hurt.

After all, if he didn't appear, he wouldn't be depressed.

Xia Yan also got the wishing red ball he wanted. Although he didn't get Gaia's light energy, there was a wishing red ball that could travel through, so going to the Gaia world was not a problem.

The only regrettable thing to say.

That is the shortcoming caused by the card bug. Since the red wishing ball cannot affect Xia Yan, even if it can absorb Xia Yan's desire, it cannot increase its value infinitely.

The role of the red ball in controlling others is to infinitely amplify desires, causing negative energy to continuously increase, and thus have the ability to make wishes and turn them into reality.

To put it simply, it means rewriting reality. However, the red ball is a technological creation, and making a wish consumes energy, let alone a bug that directly blocks unlimited energy.

In the words of Black Skirt Risa, if the wishing red ball goes down because of this, they will die in front of Xia Yan in minutes.

Although Shirogiro Risa said she didn't mind, Natsuhiko didn't want the two of them to disappear out of conscience, so he didn't try this idea of ​​committing suicide.

But in the past, I just made a wish and could only get out, but the energy accumulated by the red ball was consumed, and there were only a few opportunities to make a wish, whether it was to completely control the red ball, or to prevent the red ball from affecting me.

Even if it is to restore its positive energy and return it to its original appearance, these three wishes are all stuck, and the consumption caused is extremely huge.

Fortunately, Xia Yan also has a special energy source, Specium-133.

The inexhaustible material energy that exists in Planck space is not as good as the ideal energy, but who can make it abundant?

In the universe of New Ultraman, Planck Space is a very wide public space.

It's hard to describe how big it is, but let's put it this way, you can use it as a personal space. You can put things in without worrying about others getting them, because it's so big that you can hardly encounter them.

And there is so much Specium-133 energy inside that it is almost inexhaustible.

This is still the situation in the new Ultraman universe, but in the idealistic universe here.

Only Xia Yan is using Planck space, and there is a new Planck space in each universe.

For him, Specium-133 Energy was really just a handful picked up by the roadside, not a handful but an entire mountain.

It's just that the idealistic power of light is more convenient to use than Specium-133 energy, and it can also activate sublimated forms to enhance itself, so he uses light energy to transform.

Xia Yan, holding the red wishing ball in his hand, was floating in space outside the earth.

As he transformed into Ultraman, the red ball he took out also grew larger. After thinking about it, he made a wish to it:

"I want all humans on this earth, except for the children of Tsutomu Shinboshi and Hiroshi Kashima, to forget about the appearance of monsters and Ultraman."

The buzzing wish triggering sound sounded, and bursts of white light appeared on the red ball.

Presumably at this time, except for the children Xinxing Tsutomu and Kashimada Hiroshi, no one else could remember what happened.

Human nature cannot withstand the test. Even if no one will do anything to these children for a while, it is better to erase the memory just in case.

As for Shinsei Tsutomu and Kashimada Hiroshi, it's okay to keep this memory. Who would believe a child's words? Besides, if their memories were erased, wouldn't they return to their original appearance?

The majority of Ultraman special dramas in this world have countless Ultraman costumes or people playing monsters. Even if you go out on the street and say you see Ultraman and monsters, people will only understand them. Smiling but not believing it.

Who hasn’t passed the second grade in middle school when they were young?

After solving the trouble, Xia Yan felt that the red ball in his hand had lost a lot of energy. He directly linked it to Planck space and absorbed the energy of Specium-133.

Thinking it was time to go back to Leo's world, he said to the red ball in his hand: "Risa, take me back."

However, the wishing red ball did not respond. Neither Risa in the white skirt nor Risa in the black skirt appeared.

Seeing the situation, Xia Yan was a little confused and shook the red ball in his hand: "Risa, did you hear that?"

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