Chapter 2397 Explosion

After these soldiers left, the spaceman trading area, which had just been bustling with people, fell into a dead silence. Only the corpses of spacemen all over the ground proved the existence of the massacre just now. Before Fushii Deji left, behind the booth on the left side he was looking at, Asakura Lu stared blankly at the corpses all over the floor.

He was originally in Xingyun Manor, but another voice of 'Asakura Lu' rang in his ears, and then he appeared in this place. He has not yet recovered from the shock of seeing countless cosmic beings, and he lies down. Ide Silicon came out with a group of humans, and then... it was a massacre.

Amidst the gunshots like fried beans, the cosmic beings fell down one after another. In just a moment, this bustling place became dead silent, with only such a place of corpses.

Even though there are only corpses of aliens here, the bloody scene still makes Chao Canglu bow his head and retch, and dare not take another look at this slaughterhouse-like scene. It's a fraction of Hengbing. But that was just a number, and everyone disappeared in an instant, and even the fragments could not be found. It was not as visually impactful as the corpses lying on the ground now.

"What's wrong? Why do you feel fear?" The other self suddenly appeared next to Chao Canglu who was retching, looking very calmly at the corpses all over the ground, as well as the wanton flow of blood, and The body tissue flowing out of the piercing wound, the indifferent eyes seemed to be looking at something ordinary.

'Chao Canglu' pointed to the cosmic corpses in front of him and said: "You should be happy. The human beings you want to protect are no longer weak and weak, and can kill cosmic people wantonly. It's not worth it. happy thing?"

"What's there to be happy about?" Chao Canglu murmured in a low voice, raised his head and shouted at 'Chao Canglu': "What's there to be happy about?"

"Oh, isn't it worth being happy? Human beings are very happy. After all, it is the first time that human beings have achieved such a great result against the aliens. It is worth publicizing." Following the words of 'Asakura', corpses were scattered all over the field The scene collapsed in an instant, and returned to the scene inside Xingyun Manor in a split second.

And that annoying voice can't be heard anymore, but the scene of corpses strewn across the field can't be forgotten in his mind for a long time, making Chao Canglu breathe quickly, his eyes are full of fear, his disgusting stomach wriggles uncontrollably, It looks like it's about to spit out at any time.

At this moment, the 'Flash Man War' played on the screen opposite the bed suddenly changed to news. The camera was shooting directly at a commercial building with a long cordon at the door, and a large number of policemen stood Behind the cordon, no unrelated persons are allowed to enter.

The gate facing the camera is full of people wearing chemical protective suits, carrying oxygen cylinders and oxygen masks, entering the commercial building, and carrying out one after another sealed translucent long boxes, which contain all different shapes of universes. people.

Every time one was brought out, the onlookers let out a burst of exclamation, their faces were full of fear and surprise, and there was a lot of discussion, as if they had discovered something extraordinary.

A potbellied official was being interviewed by a large number of reporters, waving his fists and spit flying all over the sky, saying: "...discovered this cosmic man's lair, took decisive action, concentrated superior forces, and wiped out this group of people in one fell swoop. Cosmic beings who endanger the safety of the earth... This operation was a great success, with proper deployment in advance, accurate intelligence, brave soldiers in combat, and a well-mobilized government. Therefore, without a single casualty, eighty-nine universes were wiped out People, this action has fully demonstrated that we humans are not weak, but powerful, and the government is not useless, but has been working hard to protect the earth..."

Zhao Canglu stared blankly at the news on TV, and listened to the government official's words, his mood was extremely complicated, he didn't know whether to be happy or sad. Human beings should be happy to have wiped out so many cosmic beings, but why do they feel a sense of sadness in their hearts? Is it because they are also a member of the cosmic beings?

"If... without the power of Ultraman, would I also be slaughtered like this?" I came out with such a thought in my heart, if I was also a member there at that time, I am afraid that I would face a hail of bullets He must have been a member of the army, and he must have been put in a coffin as a trophy.

The official on the TV was still promoting how great the achievements of this operation were, but the voice was particularly harsh to Zhao Canglu, he raised his hand to turn off the TV, and walked towards the walk outside.

The door of the room had just been opened, and when Zhao Canglu walked out, he saw Pei Jia walking out of the door. The two looked at each other, then turned around and walked towards the main control room of Xingyun Villa together. They were silent all the way. I'm not in the mood to speak, and I don't know what to say.

The two walked to the main control room of Xingyun Manor without saying a word. This place has been remodeled and all the redundant equipment has been cleared away, making the room full of various equipment become empty, giving people the feeling of It seems to be much bigger.

The two found a seat and sat down, staring at the scene outside the window in a daze, neither of them knew what to say, but it was clear seeing the other party like this, the other party also watched the news about the victory of human beings against the cosmic people, right? .

After sitting like this for nearly half an hour, Peijia broke the silence of the room and whispered: "Xiao Lu, the not suitable, should I leave here and find another person who can Where is my place?"

Peijia's words made Chao Canglu clenched his right fist, opened his mouth slightly, and wanted to say something, but his right hand was lifted powerlessly, what can he say and do in this situation Woolen cloth?

Instead of fearing and expelling the aliens, human beings have begun to slaughter the aliens hidden on the earth. In this case, Peggy can no longer go anywhere except hiding here. In the past, you could go out for a stroll, and if you were discovered, you would run away amidst the screams, but now, being discovered means you will be killed. This kind of earth is even more unsuitable for cosmic people, and Zhao Canglu couldn't open the mouth to let Pejia stay.

Pejia turned her head, looked at Zhao Canglu, and said in a hopeful tone: "Little Lu, can we leave here? Anyway, the spaceship has been repaired, and we are going to find a planet that can accommodate us. The universe is so big, I believe there must be friendly planets that can provide a space for us homeless aliens to live in."

After saying this, Pejia hurriedly added again: "There is also Mengya, you can take her out of here together, don't human beings like to travel everywhere? Just go to the universe to travel, so... this is better than here Well, at least there's hope of finding a place where I can walk in the sun, and not here . . . like a rat crossing the street."

"Leave?" Chao Canglu repeated Peggy's proposal. He had already had this idea, but he never made up his mind to carry it out. He kept comforting himself that he could be accepted by human beings and continue to live on this planet with peace of mind. , can continue their own human life, can...

But now the cruel reality tells Zhao Canglu that the so-called psychological comfort is always just a fantasy, and there is no possibility of realizing it at all. After contacting the cosmic people for so long, human beings have not changed their perception of the cosmic people. In order to contact the aliens, after getting the monster capsule, they started to slaughter the aliens, without any intention of establishing a friendship relationship with the aliens.

This has to make Asakura Riku think, if one day human beings don't need Ultraman, and they have more powerful power than Ultraman, will they also kill Ultraman? In Xingshan City before, a bomb was attempted to kill Aizaki Moya and Mayumi.

"Do you want to leave? Do you leave?" Zhao Canglu asked himself, his heart was full of confusion, the road ahead seemed to be full of fog, and he couldn't see the way ahead, which made Chao Canglu I couldn't help raising my hand, covering my forehead, and asked myself repeatedly in my heart: "What should I do? Is this planet and this kind of human being worth protecting? Or do I still need to protect it?"

"But why do you want me to leave?" Chao Canglu suddenly had such a thought in his mind, and it grew wildly like weeds, almost occupying Chao Canglu's brain: "Obviously I am on this planet I have grown up, I am a person of this planet, why should I push back? Why not human beings push back? I didn’t make any mistakes, why should I leave? I have such great power, why should I flee cowardly instead of What about weak human beings?"

As soon as this idea appeared, it could no longer be made to disappear, and it continued to spread, so that Zhao Canglu himself would be convinced by this idea, yes, he has great power, and has been protecting the world, I have grown up on this planet since I was a child, why should I take my friends away in despair?

Thinking of this, Asakura Lu couldn't help but think of Fushii Ideji, that guy has been making waves on the earth and killing so many humans, but now he is regarded as a guest by humans, living in the human world openly, and what is wrong with Peggy? I have never done it, but I have to hide in the shadows all day and dare not see people. Isn't it fair?

Isn't it too unfair why the bad guys can live in glory while the good guys hide in the shadows? And it is still incomprehensible, killing people and setting fire to gold belts, repairing bridges and repairing roads without corpses.

"Damn it!" Thinking of this, Chao Canglu slammed the table next to him and said, "Bang! ’ A muffled sound made the table made of steel tremble, showing the depth of anger in Chao Canglu’s heart, his fists were flushed red from the hammer, but Chao Canglu didn’t feel the same at all.

"Xiao Lu..." Peijia was startled by the sound of the smashing table, raised her head and looked at Chao Canglu in surprise, and hurriedly said: "I just said it casually, Xiao Lu, you don't have to Take it to heart, you are the Ultraman who protects the peace of the earth, how could you be killed by humans like these cosmic beings? So... so..."

"But Peggy, you are not. Like those massacred aliens, you came to this planet just because you lost your homeland. You hope to live a peaceful and peaceful life. You have no ambition to invade the earth, nor Why do you have to be killed if you make a move that hurts the heat of the earth? Is it just because you are not an earthling? Is it because you are an alien? Isn’t human beings also aliens? Isn’t the earth one of the many planets in the universe? A planet? Why can't it accommodate such a tiny number of people from other planets?"

"Yeah, why can't you accommodate it?" Xingye's voice sounded suddenly at the door, causing Peijia and Chao Canglu to turn their heads to look behind the sound, only to see Xingye leaning against the door frame, staring at the door. Canglu said softly: "Human beings are also cosmic beings, and the earth is just an ordinary planet in the universe. There is nothing special about it. The so-called special is only because of growing up on a certain planet, or the life and nature of a certain planet. It used to be so similar that it felt special and irreplaceable, that's all."

"is that so?"

"That's how it is. For Pegga, Pegasa is the most beautiful planet. There is no place to replace that planet, even though there are pollutants everywhere and the vegetation is almost cut down. If it is an outsider , I definitely don’t think there is anything good there. But for Peggy, it is the most memorable and unforgettable place, the hometown that must be engraved in my heart forever, in other words, the same is true for this earth. So Peggy wants Leaving here, but you clearly know that the earth's environment is already very bad for the cosmic people, but you are still reluctant to leave, the homeland is hard to leave, and it is applicable to any life."

Xingye's words made Peijia nod her head unceasingly, these words were completely in Peijia's heart.

Zhao Canglu stood up abruptly, stared at Xingye, and said angrily: "Humans have already started to massacre the cosmic people. Are we just watching and doing nothing?"

Xingye asked back: "Then what do you want to do?"

"I..." Zhao Canglu suddenly became speechless, opened his mouth and blinked his eyes several times but failed to utter a single word.

"Look, you haven't even thought about what you're going to do?" Xingye spread his hands, shook his head and said, "How can you stop humans from doing something? Before you want the other party to do something, you must first be able to convince the other party." Otherwise, why should others follow your request just because of your two or three sentences? Do you still remember what I told you when we first met? Don’t be dominated by other people’s words, the truth of the matter can only be found out by yourself is the most trustworthy."

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