Chapter 383 The Last Ultraman

The majestic monster just now was blown away by Nexus' punch, and the size difference between the two sides was as if an ant punched an adult away, which was unbelievable.

The monster roared angrily and got up, he was actually knocked down by the ants, which made him feel extremely angry. Nexus stroked the Nexus Armor on his right arm with his left hand, and the Nexus Armor immediately shone with a strong light. Nexus swung his right arm vigorously, and a huge golden beam flew out immediately from the Nexus Armor The light blade cut off the only wing on the monster's back without hindrance, and the severe pain made the monster roar even louder.

"Damn it!" The monster's angry eyes were red, and it opened its mouth wide to spit out a hot flame column and rushed towards Nexus. Nexus stretched out his right arm, and the dazzling light particles condensed a handful of golden flames. The blade of light, Nexus waved the blade of light to form a light shield to block all the incoming flame pillars.

At this moment, the four tentacles on the monster's forehead suddenly emitted four beams of light and bombarded the light shield. The powerful impact immediately sent Nexus flying, and he retreated thousands of meters in the air before releasing the impact. Stabilize your body.

"I'd like to see how long you can maintain this power." The four tentacles on the monster's forehead continuously sent out beams of light to attack Nexus, and Nexus kept dodging the monster's attack in the air, one after another. The light beam bombarded the ground, punching out big holes one after another.

On the ground, Gaia tried his best to shoot photons to shatter and bombard the monster's knees, but it just splashed a burst of dazzling sparks on the monster's body, and it didn't hurt the monster at all, and the monster didn't even look at him.

"Hmm!" Gaia exhausted her last energy, fell to the ground weakly, and disappeared immediately.

Although Nexus' current power is not much stronger than that of monsters, but this is the power of the earth after all, and this power is still being consumed rapidly. If this continues, it will definitely be him who cannot hold on.

"Come on," Nexus suddenly raised his head with a fierce look, and rushed towards the monster resolutely: "Let's die together together."

The Nexus armaments on both arms of Nexus suddenly shone with golden light, and the whole body was full of light. The body was completely wrapped in golden light, and it turned into a sharp light blade and slammed into the monster.

The monster stretched out its claws and patted Nexus to stop him, but just as the claws touched the light on the surface of Nexus' body, the claws immediately turned into molecules and disappeared without a trace. In the stunned eyes, the light blade transformed by Nexus instantly penetrated the hard scales on the monster's body.

"Ugh!" Nexus got into the monster's body, releasing all the energy in the body in an instant, and the violent golden energy raged wildly in the monster's body.

The people of XIG were surprised to see that after Nexus rushed into the monster's body, the monster's body suddenly swelled up in many places, and golden rays of light leaked from the gaps in the monster's scales, like a monster. Like a balloon about to burst.

"All fighter teams leave immediately." Commander Shishi immediately ordered when he saw this, and the ten fighters immediately moved away from the monster at full speed.

"Boom!" A 10,000-meter mushroom cloud soared into the sky, and the endless shock wave swept everything around it with countless gravel and dust. Two rays of light, one red and one blue, emerged from the sapphire cone on my dream's chest and turned into a protective shield to protect my dream inside.

The dark clouds covering a range of hundreds of kilometers were immediately dispersed by the shock wave generated by the huge explosion. Almost the entire earth could feel the slight vibration of the ground. No one in the command room spoke but the sound of silent breathing. Everyone was stunned by this earth-shattering explosion.

"The monster has been wiped out!" Staff Officer Qianye looked nervously at the tumbling flames, for fear of seeing that terrifying monster again.

After waiting for a long time for the flames to finally dissipate, the huge unimaginable monster has disappeared, and the surrounding area of ​​tens of thousands of meters has turned into a piece of scorched earth. The pastures, grasslands, and mountains have all disappeared. A large pit with a diameter of 10,000 meters.

"Where's Ultraman Nexus?" George looked at the screen worriedly, trying to find the familiar figure.

"Ultraman Gaia is gone too!" Dunzi was also extremely worried, but only this huge deep pit and scorched earth were photographed by the satellite, and nothing else could be found.

Hang Mei looked down at the devastated land and said, "Are we winning?"

Captain Daocheng nodded deeply: "It must have won."

I dreamed lying on the edge of the big pit, slowly raised my head and looked blankly at the huge pothole in front of me. Before he remembered that this was a huge pasture, but now...

I dreamed weakly half kneeling on the ground, clutching my left arm, and looked around blankly, trying to find the figure that was always elusive, but there was nothing but the burnt smell coming to my face and the scorched earth in my eyes.

I had a vague dream and only remembered that Nexus, who was exuding golden light, rushed directly into the monster's body, and then I didn't remember anything after the monster exploded.

I Meng struggled to stand up, turned on the communicator on my right hand and started calling Xingye, but what came from inside was: "Unable to connect."

"Xingye, where are you?" My dream looked around anxiously, and finally lowered my head and called the sky base: "I am my dream."

When Commander Shishi heard Dunzi's shout of surprise, a gleam of joy flashed in his eyes.

"Staff Chiba, it's no problem for Takayama Womeng to return to the sky base."

Staff Officer Qianye said cheerfully, "No problem, of course it's no problem."

The embankment captain said happily: "I dream, permission has come down."

In my dream, I saw the Safe Delivery flying over from a distance and slowly landed next to my dream. Captain Dike turned his head and looked at me who walked into the cockpit: "You are really lucky."

I Meng smiled slightly: "It was Ultraman who saved me."

The pilot of Safe Delivery said with emotion while steering the plane to take off: "Thanks to Altman this time, I wonder how they are doing now?"

"They must be fine," Captain Dike said, "They will continue to stand up and protect us humans when we are in danger."

Wearing the uniform of XIG, I Meng sat on the chair in the room with a heavy heart, held the sapphire cone in front of my eyes and looked at the two balls of light inside. It has been three months, and the monsters that appeared during this period can only be solved by Gaia. Neither Aguru nor Nexus have appeared once since the war.

Both Fujimiya and Xingye disappeared, and no matter how they searched, they could not find their figures or even traces of their activities.

"Fujimiya, Xingye, are you really dead?" Womeng said sadly to the Sapphire Cone in my hand, "Am I the only one fighting from now on?"

I can't help but think of the past in my dream. In the face of invincible enemies, Nexus appeared to help me destroy monsters and protect humans and the earth together. Although there were conflicts between the two sides, more of them were Xingye taught himself.

"I will definitely protect the earth. I have to become stronger." Womeng said firmly. Everyone in XIG found that Imeng had started to go to the gym, and was exercising very seriously.

Before the appearance of this monster, the high-level defense forces always believed that the super strength of the defense force was enough to deal with any enemy's attack, but the daunting melon shred suddenly burst the wonderful bubble.

The proud global missile defense system is useless, it was easily destroyed by the enemy, and it tried its best to use high-energy explosive missiles to attack the monsters, except for setting off fireworks for the monsters to see, there was no sign of it usefulness.

If there is no Ultraman, I am afraid that with the powerful attack power of that monster, human beings have become history.

The defense forces silently canceled the arrest of Xingye and Fujimiya, and no one mentioned their real identities. The investigation department's information about them was also classified as confidential, and all the investigation records were all blocked. Countries have also begun to pay attention to environmental protection, just because this is what Nexus warned them at the beginning, and human beings now need the protection of Ultraman.

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