Chapter 725 Comet Hit Earth

"Truth Naixing? Hahaha!" Long raised his head and imagined for a while, then laughed out loud.

"Hey," Shinai threw the magazine in her hand on the table with a face full of embarrassment: "Do you have any comments?"

Long held back a smile and shook his head vigorously, his whole body trembling due to holding back a smile.

Zhe Ping immediately poured cold water on it: "Don't even think about it, it has already been named Comet Big Island after the first discoverer."

Zhenzhi asked with bright eyes: "When will it pass the earth? I must buy a high-powered astronomical telescope. Halley's Comet will take thirty years to see. This comet must not be missed. I haven't seen it yet." It looks like a giant comet."

Long looked at Zhenzhi with a strange face: "Why are you so interested in comets, you who are at odds with the rules of the universe?"

The corners of Zhenzhi's mouth twitched, and he said with a natural expression: "Of course I yearn for the starry sky, but I just step on the ground to watch the starry sky."


The future came and asked excitedly: "What is that Halley's Comet? Is it the one with a long, long tail that I saw on the way to the earth that is far away from the solar system?"

Stone? "

"Big rock?!" Zhe Ping looked surprised, rolled his eyes and raised his head to think for a while: "Although it is very vivid, but...why does it feel so weird?"

"That's a big rock." Xingye knocked on the table with the five fingers of his right hand boredly, mumbling incessantly: "The M78 nebula is full of dust and gas, and the most indispensable thing is this kind of asteroid-sized rock." gone."

"It's great, I can roam freely in the universe," Marie said enviously, "Ah, I really want to see those super beautiful stars in the universe."

"The moon looks beautiful on the earth, but after going to the moon, there are only deserts and craters, so if I want to see it, I think it is better to go to the observatory." Zhe Ping kept complaining.

On this asteroid named Comet Oshima, Zamsha sat on a boulder, holding Hoshizamaru tightly with both hands, and sat there quietly. Comet Big Island is heading towards the earth at an extremely fast speed. The huge amount of gravel and dust wrapped on the surface is pulled into a tail that is 30 million kilometers long during the long journey. Seeing this comet from a distance The tail is very spectacular, but if you enter the tail of the comet, you will find that the matter inside is extremely sparse. Even in an area as large as a football field, you can hardly find a speck of dust. In this 30 million-kilometer-long tail The total weight of the contained substances is not even sinking an aircraft carrier.

"Is this the Earth?" Zamxia picked up the Xingzhan Wan in his hand, and looked towards the blue planet hanging in the distance like a ping-pong ball in the distance with one eye, his tone was expressionless : "It's beautiful, did the Seven Star Sword really end up here? If I get one of these swords, I will definitely become the number one swordsman in the universe."

As Zamxia said, he swung Xing Zhan Wan vigorously towards the left, and a surge of sword energy instantly cut through the thick dust layer, flew into the distant and vast universe and disappeared.

The high-speed Comet Big Island shook violently as a whole, and the flight angle suddenly shifted to the right by more than ten degrees. The two bottomless ravines on the Comet Big Island that were cut by Zamsha, The width expanded seven or eight times in an instant, almost dividing the asteroid into two halves. The orbit of Comet Big Island has also changed, and the direction of progress is aligned with the earth.

"Drip! Drip!" In the GUYS command room, a group of people were enthusiastically discussing Comet Big Island, which is about to cross the orbit of Mars in three hours and can be seen with the naked eye. Suddenly the computer in front of Zheping sounded an alarm. Zheping hurriedly opened the email, glanced at it and shouted in shock: "No, an urgent message has been sent from the GUYS space station. The orbit of Comet Oshima has changed. According to the new Orbit, Big Island Comet will hit the earth."

"Nani?" Everyone was stunned, looking at Zheping in disbelief.

Xingye immediately got up and walked to Zhe Ping's place: "Zhe Ping immediately re-checked the satellite data and calculated the orbit again."

"I'm doing it." Zhe Ping tapped the keyboard quickly with ten fingers.

"Why did it change its orbit?" Xingye frowned, and sat down: "Comet Dashima was captured by the sun's gravity long ago, and it is impossible to change its orbit unless it is blessed with a strong external force."

"Is it the ghosts of the space people?" Sadaji guessed: "They want to hit the earth with a comet, thereby destroying human beings."

Long nodded in agreement and said, "This possibility is not ruled out."

Zhennai has a different opinion: "But there are defense satellites on the periphery of the earth. Unless they push the moon, ordinary asteroids cannot hit the earth at all."

Zhe Ping hurriedly reported: "The calculation results are out. According to the current trajectory of Comet Big Island, there is a 97% probability that it will hit the earth. The estimated impact point is the equatorial part of the Pacific Ocean."

"It's the ocean, it didn't hit the residential area," Assistant Toriyama let out a long breath, patted his chest and said thankfully, "Then it's all right."

Xingye cast a sideways glance at Assistant Toriyama: "Don't you have any knowledge of astronomy? The nucleus of Comet Oshima is twelve kilometers in size, and its current speed has reached more than one hundred kilometers per second. The minimum energy output will reach 550 million tons equivalent.”

Secretary Wan turned pale with shock: "This will cause a tsunami."

Zhe Ping quickly tapped the keyboard a few times, and the projector lit up and a 3D model of the earth appeared: "The results after the impact have been simulated, and 80% of the world's land will be submerged by the tsunami."

Everyone looked at the land on the projector that was mostly covered by the blue representing the sea, and they were all stunned. Now it is less than an hour away from the impact, even if you try your best to retreat, it is impossible for many people to withdraw. If such a thing really happens, I am afraid that there will be only a million human beings left, and the inheritance of civilization will definitely be cut off.

Captain Forced Water immediately turned around and walked into the corner, stretched out his palm and stuck it on the wall. A laser beam swept across Captain Forced Water's palm, and then the wall opened to reveal a phone inside. Captain Forced Water immediately picked up the phone: "Issuing the first order now , all personnel enter their posts and stand by.”

Xingye raised his head and said: "The GUYS space base has activated the satellite defense system, and will mobilize three N-series satellites to attack Comet Big Island with silver shark cannons."

The water captain said seriously: "Even so, we can't relax, we have to be fully prepared."

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