Umbrella, The Light of Humanity

Chapter 101 Zombies, dinosaurs.


Hearing this, everyone present focused their eyes on Alexia's right hand.

She was holding a translucent airtight box in her right hand, and everyone could vaguely see a falcon inside.

Standing behind Alexia, the silent Astartes could guess that this falcon seemed to be her new test product.

While in the brood, Alexia was in charge of the Astartes' flora and fauna, and has taken the Astartes to the zoo in Raccoon City a few times.

This is also why the Astartes would take the initiative to stand behind Alexia when Sui Bian was not present.

Not only her, Rebecca and other researchers will also take special care of Astartes, as for Birken...

To put it vulgarly, the middle-aged male doctor is a bit insane. Every time he looks at their Astartes, his eyes seem to be shining.

I always sigh "Ah! G is really the most perfect!", "Look at these kids! Look!".

At this time.

Alexia opened the sealed box and stretched out her left arm to give the "Falcon" a foothold in the box, and then handed the sealed box to the technician on the side to take it away.

Now, everyone can clearly observe this "falcon".

It was a taupe peregrine falcon.

There is nothing special about the appearance, the body and feathers are normal, but the eyes are a strange crimson.

It was successfully infected with the Veronica Virus while maintaining its appearance.

[Can control creatures completely infected with Veronica Virus].

Alexia, the flame queen, has the above-mentioned special ability, and she knows it herself.

This ability is temporarily ineffective against aliens. Even if infected with the Veronica virus, it is not completely infected. She, Birken, Rebecca and others have not yet found a solution.

Alexia didn't bother to explain anything, she shook her left arm lightly, indicating what Peregrine Falcon needed to do next.


The peregrine falcon that received the order croaked, spread its wings and quickly flew into the sky, and then disappeared into the long night.

And because of the crowing of the peregrine falcon, the insects around the camp seemed to be less rampant, and the sound of the insects was much quieter.

"This..." the captain looked up at the sky and asked in great confusion, "Can it work?"

Alexia glanced at the other party and said nothing.

On the contrary, there was an Astartes who likes animals, walked to Alexia's side, bent down and said curiously in a low voice:

"Doctor, is it the result of your latest research?"

"Yeah." Alexia explained without thinking:

"Since the AP177 (dense fog) incident, Mr. Sui realized that the company needs to increase detection products, and can't just rely on satellites or drones.

And it is indeed my latest research result, if it performs well, then the company will consider mass production. "

"So that's how it is." Astarte, who was puzzled, turned back and continued to remain silent.

The thick fog at the beginning was a good lesson for Umbrella.

Sui Bian couldn't guarantee that, and no one could guarantee that similar situations would not happen in the future.

So in order to avoid losing the way of reconnaissance again, Alexia cloned a large number of peregrine falcons as research objects, trying to develop a small biological reconnaissance aircraft.

The horizontal flight speed of the peregrine falcon can be maintained at 140 kilometers per hour or even above, and the dive speed can reach 390 kilometers per hour.

With the two points of speed and flexibility, the peregrine falcon is much better than military drones.

The peregrine falcon that was successfully infected with the Veronica virus had little improvement in various statistics, but its endurance was close to infinite.

The most important visual ability has been greatly improved. Even in the dark night, it can clearly lock the mouse on the ground at high altitude.


at the same time.

The command center of the Kenyan base.

This place is similar to the command center of the brood, all the employees are sitting in front of the workbench, and there are three large screens hanging above it.

Sui Bian, who stood in the center of the command room, stared at the content on the screen with his hands crossed and his face calm.

The holographic images of the Red Queen and the White Queen are also standing on the left and right behind Sui Bian.

There is a real-time picture of the peregrine falcon piercing back on the big screen.

Alexia can share vision with the peregrine, allowing the peregrine to scout in areas where electronic products fail.

But for the convenience of the red and white queens and the company, she also installed miniature cameras in the eyes of the peregrine falcons.

"Sir." At this moment, Bai Houhui reported:

"The group of civilians has arrived at the base of the 13th Semi-Mixed Brigade. Our medical team is treating and examining them. After their condition is stable, standard amnestic procedures will be carried out."

"Ah, very good."

"Sir," after the White Queen finished speaking, the Red Queen also reported:

"The peregrine falcon has locked many abnormal creatures (dinosaurs), and I have uploaded the approximate coordinates. At the same time, I have also arranged several security teams to be responsible for recovering and transporting those abnormal creatures."

"okay, I get it."

After Sui Bian responded, he continued to stare at the big screen in silence.

Not long after the peregrine took off, it assisted the red queen to lock six dinosaurs, and the number was still increasing slowly.

According to the pictures sent back by the peregrine falcon, they are all smaller dinosaurs.

At present, the source has not been determined, but with the efficiency of the peregrine falcon, it seems that it will not take long to lock it.

The Charon, Fabio, and Astartes who sent the coordinates after getting the red also started the corresponding arrest procedure, and after the dinosaurs were controlled, they were transported and recovered by security.

Everything is proceeding step by step.

While Sui Bian paid attention to controlling the movement, he was also thinking about what to reward those little Astartes after they came back.

Despite the distance, Sui Bian could vaguely perceive the mood swings of Robert and John.

It seems to have matured a lot.

After much deliberation, I finally chose to set aside two days to accompany this group of boys on a real tour.

Compared with expensive toys or electronic products, Sui Bian believes that companionship is the most important.

"Sir, there are some special circumstances."

The red queen's reminder made Sui Bian no longer think about which country to travel to, but turned his attention to the big screen again.

On the big screen in the center, the latest dinosaur locked by Peregrine Falcon is playing.

Or a velociraptor.

But this velociraptor doesn't seem normal.

It walked unsteadily through the rainforest, and its movements were very uncoordinated.

After the peregrine falcon descended to a certain height and the staff manipulated the camera to zoom in on the screen, they discovered the real anomaly of the dinosaur.

Its skin was festered, its soft tissue and bones were exposed, and a green viscous liquid flowed from the corner of its mouth.


As an employee of Umbrella, after witnessing the appearance and state of this dinosaur, the first thing that came to mind was zombies.

Dinosaur Zombie…

See here.

Sui Bian immediately said to the Red Queen: "Red Queen, inform Captain Marini to evacuate the rainforest immediately, especially the extrajudicial soldiers. Their equipment is not enough to resist the erosion of the virus."


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