Umbrella, The Light of Humanity

Chapter 206 Death Corps and Noisy Communications

the next day.

Irregular in shape and about 20 kilometers in diameter, Phobos, like a super-large potato, is located in an orbit 7,000 kilometers above the surface of Mars.

One side of Phobos is covered with artificial facilities, four 300mm caliber plasma cannons, a large number of pulse close-in anti-aircraft guns, and a giant gas valve with a diameter of 200 meters and a "membrane" emitting blue light.

Through the film, you can even vaguely see various internal facilities, as well as staff wearing protective clothing, and a large number of transport boats with eye-catching red and white umbrella logos enter and exit Phobos through the air valve.

In addition to the official name of Phobos, people also call it "Phobos", but since it was transformed into an orbital base by the Umbrella Engineering Department, the company prefers to call it "Krieger ( Krieg)".

In the channel at this time, there was a Yugull II transport aircraft, painted black and belonging to the Umbrella Armed Forces Department, parked outside the air valve.

After obtaining the entry clearance, the pilot continued to drive the transport plane into the interior of Krieger, landed in the designated area, and lowered the tail hatch.

Immediately afterwards, Leon led Shirley out of the cabin and walked deeper into Krieger.

While walking, Shirley observed the port at the gas valve.

She saw the transport boat belonging to the company unloading a large number of containers, most of which were living supplies, but a few were marked with biochemical signs.

It made her wonder what kind of force is stationed in this orbital base.

Leaving the port, Leon led Shirley through the passage inside Krieger, and explained to her:

"As an intelligence officer, you need to know how many armed security guards there are near the area under your jurisdiction, as well as the mobile task force that is best at fighting anomalies."

At the beginning, the scope of human activities was limited to the earth. When the intelligence agents found anomalies and called for support, the MTFs who had been sailing with the fleet in low-earth orbit for a long time would provide corresponding support as soon as possible.

Times are different now, as the scope of human activities spreads to the entire solar system, the above steps are no longer applicable.

Therefore, each colony will have a corresponding number of MTFs stationed there.

"Well, that's right..." Shirley asked curiously, "Sir, what about the Astartes?"

Even as the daughter of William Birken, her understanding of Astartes, like most of the internal staff, is very little.

To her, and to most of her staff, the most mysterious and powerful of the company's armed branches are the Astartes.

As for Ghostbusters?

The files of the members of this force have been erased, and there is little known existence.

"They?" Leon was taken aback when he heard the question, then smiled and said:

"If they respond to your support, it means that the level of the abnormal phenomenon is at least Hera (level three). Before they arrive, you need to consider how to survive, so don't expect them to come support."

"So that's how it is..." Shirley suddenly realized.

During the conversation, the two came to a gate.

Leon took out his employee ID card, inserted it into the terminal on the right side of the gate to read it, and entered his personal password.

After the gate slowly opened, Leon took back his employee card and led Shirley to move on.

Walking into the passage at the other end of the gate, Shirley saw the MTFs wearing only black short-sleeved shorts and lying on the multifunctional chairs, as if they were resting with their eyes closed, through the frosted glass windows on both sides.

Frost condensation indicated that the indoor temperature was below zero, but this group of young and handsome MTFs did not respond.

In stark contrast to the technicians in white jumpsuits, checking the status to make sure the equipment is functioning properly.

Shirley instantly understood why a container with a biomarker was sent here.

Leon walked to a glass window, looked at an MTF being inspected by a technician, and explained to Shirley beside him:

"They are one of the company's elite contingents, Krieger, who are best at fighting against abnormal phenomena that can affect our human emotions and thinking, because Krieger has almost no emotions, is not afraid of pain, and is not afraid of death."

"Krieger..." Shirley looked at the expressionless Kriegers and muttered to herself.

Krieger, dubbed the "Death Corps" by Sui Bian, is actually a branch of the Living Dead Task Force.

The establishment of the living dead has not been cancelled, but the scale is still maintained at a company, and they have been stationed at the Luna base on the moon for a long time.

Krieger is the "mass-produced" version of the living dead.

Umbrella's bio-embryo technology, combined with the living dead's reconstructed warrior technology, can produce a "mature" Krieger within sixteen months.

The "cost" is much lower than the living dead who rely on cloning technology.

But Krieger is not as perverted as the undead in terms of various data and indicators. After all, the undead will lose their combat capabilities only when their heads are completely smashed and their bodies are completely dismembered.

However, the relatively low "cost" allowed Krieger to have a quantitative advantage that the living dead did not have. Currently, it is Umbrella's regiment-level task force, with a number of more than 3,000 people, and it is still rising steadily.

"You and other intelligence agents on Mars are backed by them." Leon turned and walked out after speaking, and smiled at Shirley:

"Okay, I'll take you through Krieger Base and Deimos, so I can continue to enjoy my vacation. You know, I'm working overtime for free."

"Yes, sir." Shirley quickly followed.

Soon after, the two returned to the port and boarded the Yugull II transport plane that had been waiting for a long time.

The next pilot took the two out of the port and headed for Deimos according to the course.

After sailing for less than two hours, the "satellite" with a diameter of more than ten kilometers appeared in the vision of the two pilots.

Deimos, once "passed by" by the predator fleet, can no longer see its original appearance, and its appearance is almost covered by man-made buildings and gas valves.

There are also five light frigates that look like the Goshawk class, but the overall length does not exceed 600 meters, and they are moored in the external dock in turn.

Deimos has been transformed by UEG into a fortress dock.

The civilian side is responsible for support and maintenance, and it is an engineering ship that conducts mining operations in the asteroid belt, while the military is like a "fortress", with a UNSC fleet stationed for a long time, which is an important part of the defense line in the solar system.

After all, both the UNSC and the UEG secretly belong to Umbrella, so the UNSC has naturally become the backbone of the human race as a whole.

Yugull II, which was approaching one of the small air valves according to the course, took the initiative to reduce the speed, because when the pilot tried to contact the tower of Deimos, but did not get a reply from the tower.

There was also a harsh and noisy sound on the communication, which seemed to be like a human cry, mixed with intermittent calls for help, and intensive gunshots.

The pilot then called Leon into the cockpit.

After listening to all kinds of movements from the communication, and then looking at Deimos outside the window, Leon said solemnly:

"It seems that the holiday is really going to end early."

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