Umbrella, The Light of Humanity

Chapter 435 possession, strangulation, genius and disintegration

As soon as they fought, Horus found out about Sol's background.

It is true that they have potential, but they are still far from him, and the two sides are not at the same level at all.

Besides, Horus was not as belligerent as some of his brothers and elder brothers, so he attached the Hammer of the Worldbreaker to his back again, walked to the hammer of Mjolnir, bent down, and held the handle of the hammer with his right hand .

Then, as he completed the movement of standing up again, he also picked up the Mjolnir Hammer.

Bumped up.

Horus only felt a little light. Recalling that Thor used the swing method to realize flight and call lightning before, he also tried to swing a few times with sudden interest, and suddenly found that if he wanted, then he could also quickly fly into the air, Summon thunder and lightning.

Yes, although it is not as good as his Worldbreaker in some respects, it is barely considered a sharp weapon, and the special ability of calling the wind and rain and flying in the air is really more advantageous in creating scenes.

In fact, what Horus didn't know was that the Mjolnir Hammer was not a weapon that anyone could pick up at will, and it could only be picked up and used with approval.

There is also a saying that people who have been approved by Mjolnir are also qualified and capable to take charge of Thor and Loki's "hometown", Asgard.

And as the father who accepted the lord of mankind since childhood, he will and is destined to be in charge of galaxies, star regions, galaxies with trillions of people in the future, and even a universe with trillions of calculations.

Mere Asgard?

Not worth mentioning at all.

As for strength, even Thor himself thinks that Horus is the king of the gods and the king of Asgard, at the level of Odin Poulsen...

Of course, this is Thor's "thinking", and he has never seen Horus' real combat power.

So it was completely reasonable for Horus to pick up the Mjolnir Hammer.

After trying Mjolnir, Horus hung it on his left waist, and then he watched the direction where Sol was hammered away...


A bluish-blue light cluster was generated from behind the scales of the giant python, expanding rapidly to envelop Horus.

In the blink of an eye, the light cluster dissipated, and Horus also disappeared.

At this moment, two kilometers away.

A hotel that is still under construction and has already been evacuated by the auxiliary army and robots. It is full of cement ash, bricks and other building materials in the lobby...

"Amount!" The painful groan was particularly obvious.

Looking into the center of the lobby, one can see that one wall of the lobby has collapsed, and a track has been drawn on the unpaved floor. Sol, who is lying in the center of the lobby, is struggling to get up with his hands on the ground.

If you observe carefully again, you can see that the blood gushes out from the corner of Sol's mouth unstoppably, and his right rib is also "depressed". suffered varying degrees of injuries.

At this time, the anger and sorrow on Sol's facial expression had long been replaced by pain and horror.

The pain is due to the serious injury on the physical body, and the horror is because Horus, who beat it into a half-paralyzed body, appears instantly through a transmission method that cannot be understood by its IQ and cognition, and stands in front of it. far away.

Of course, it was Mjolnir hanging on Horus' waist that made Sol forget the pain for a moment, showing surprise and dull eyes.

how can that be? ? ! !

Thor instinctively refused to believe it, but the facts before him forced him to believe that Horus could also lift the "Thor's Hammer".

It raised its left hand, which was still free, and tried to call Mjölnir back. Even though Sol knew that it was not Horus' opponent, it was ready to fight the murderer who killed his brother.

Just after completing the teleportation, Horus couldn't help feeling the strong emotions emanating from Mjolnir, "Oh? He actually has his own thoughts, well, it's indeed a good weapon.

However, I don't like it very much. "Speaking, Horus released some psychic power, which directly erased Mjolnir's self-thoughts. At the same time, he also added a few rules to make it temporarily his personal exclusive weapon.

As for the "temporary", Horus wanted to ask Tiberos for his opinion first. If the battalion commander whose height and physique seemed to have mutated was interested, he would give it as a gift without hesitation.

After getting along for a while, Horus believed that Tiberos was not the kind of polite person.

"No...! Cough...cough..."

Sensing that Mjolnir also "leaves it", Sol was distraught, and the blood couldn't stop gushing from his mouth, but he didn't care about his own injuries.

On the other hand, Horus, who had dealt with Mjolnir, turned his gaze to Sol, took two steps forward, hooked the tip of his left forefinger to the silver armor, and easily lifted Sol away. Land, with a little regret, said:

"Dude, I am very grateful that you fought for our fellow human beings, but looking at your disgusting appearance, I know that you and I cannot negotiate rationally..."

"Negotiation..." Thor interrupted Horus's words, "I am Thor...I am the eldest son of Odin, the king of the gods, and the future king of Asgard...! You killed my younger brother and robbed him again. Take my hammer and replace you, can you be rational...?!"

King of the gods?

After Horus heard Thor say the word "god", and felt the "contempt" attitude, the only respect he had for Thor disappeared.

Immediately, he turned his face away, put away the previous regrets, and said in a cold tone: "God? Hehe, thank you for self-reporting your identity, I forgot to tell you that among all the projects of our company, the most important one is It's "God Killing"."

While Horus was speaking, he poured psychic energy into the psychic claws, preparing to strangle Thor in one fell swoop.

However, ahead of the automatic detection function of the armor, he sensed that a guy who was quite intelligent, rational and brave, but also full of personal heroism and extreme conceit was approaching at a fast speed.


Perceiving this result, the armor also detected the incoming target and helped him lock it. Horus waited patiently for a few seconds. The guy finally flew into the lobby through the gap, and then slowed down and adjusted his posture to land in a different place. far away.

That guy is wearing a yellow-red livery, has power armor that surpasses the technological level of the 05 Earth government and army, and is also the owner of the Stark Building, Tony Stark.

And the low-intelligence artificial intelligence of the shark, which is responsible for invading the network of Earth Zero Five and reading files and all useful information, has already uploaded relevant information to Horus.

So seeing the other party lift his attacking stance, open his helmet to expose his face, and perceive that the other party has an attitude of negotiating and negotiating, Horus was not in a hurry to strangle Sol, and wanted to hear the opinions of geniuses from different universes, so he opened his mouth road:

"Speak straight."

"Hey... big man." Stark raised his hands, showing that he was not hostile, and tried to persuade: "I know you are helping the earth and human beings.

But before you kill the Lebowski in front of you (the hero of the movie "Point Break"), I want to tell you that he is the son of a certain god king. In a war between gods, a powerful ally will be lost. "

"That's all?" Horus was slightly disappointed.

And before uttering the rhetorical question, Horus instantly filled the psychic claw with psychic energy, causing the golden lightning to start beating, and another force...


Thor's body is extremely hard, and in the future he can even forcibly resist the direct irradiation and impact of neutron stars, but he was easily crushed by the claws of Horus, and ended up in the same fate as his younger brother Loki.

No matter what, Horus must kill Thor. Just by killing Loki, they and the human beings in the universe have already become enemies with Asgard.

Let Saul go?

how is this possible!

He was taught by his father, Alexia, and Rebecca since he was a child, especially the impression of the scene where Alexia "sucked" the brains of D-class personnel, telling him not to get entangled, to remove, eliminate, and kill all future troubles.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be embarrassing for me if I let it go? More importantly, it may also bring casualties to one's own brothers and friendly forces.

However, Sol's death was miserable, but the process was not very painful,

In fact, before Horus strangled Sol, he deliberately released psychic energy to read everything in Thor's brain, and at the same time made Sol faint directly, making Sol walk more "peacefully".

This can also be regarded as a "thank you gift" from Horus, Insol had fought for zero-five human compatriots not long ago.

! !

However, Tony Stark, who witnessed the whole process of "the scene of the first crime", did not have the mentality of Horus, or, the most appropriate description is that his mentality has exploded.

It's not because Thor was killed. To be honest, today "he" and the so-called "Thor", "Captain America" ​​and what "Hawkeye" just met on the second day.

Captain America may be familiar with it. After all, it is a legend of World War II, and everyone knows it. "His" father is even a good friend with Captain America.

I have dealt with the Black Widow, but it was sneaking into "his" company for surveillance, and the person "him" admires the most is the Hulk who was torn apart by Tiberos, that is, the Hulk's human-like Bruce Banner .

Appreciation is appreciation, the reason why Stark can fight side by side with this group of "people" is very simple, that is to prevent the invasion of Chitauri as much as possible.

But the motivation of "his" is also very "selfish", which is to protect the earth where the loved ones and dead friends live, from being threatened and destroyed.

In the final analysis, at this time Stark persuaded Horus not to kill Thor, not because of how good his friendship with Thor was, but because "he" didn't want the earth to become a battlefield again, endangering "he" the people he cared about .

"rest assured."

Perceiving, even seeing Stark's worries, Horus turned his head slightly, looked at the genius of Earth Zero Five who was stunned to a certain extent because of his "cruelty and ruthlessness", and said in a deep voice:

"I will never guarantee anything, but what I can tell you is that we, Umbrella, will shelter our fellow human beings in all universes, and we also have the strength to provide shelter.

It won't take long for us to forge a defense barrier for your earth, and at the same time, we will declare to the entire galaxy, the entire universe that human beings are the absolute rulers.

god? Ah. "

With that said, Horus turned around and walked out of the lobby, marking the lobby with the scale of the giant python. While the Shark Battalion needs to recover Thor's body, he reminded Stark with a warning:

"If you don't want to implicate you and the things you care about, it's best to go back to your home and take off your overly gorgeous armor.

Of course, if you want to see if you can beat me with only 17% of the reactor on your chest, I'm happy to accompany you. "


Stark, whose eyes were fixed on the back of Horus, was full of coquettish words and doubts, but "he" who had the upper hand at this time forced himself not to make impulsive actions.

The fact that the other party did not take actions such as house arrest and surveillance against "him" does not mean that the other party is unsuspecting or overly conceited, but that the other party's technological strength is sufficient to observe his every move.

Moreover, apart from the psychic energy released by Horus invisible, and his stability, confidence and appeal that do not match his age, Stark also strongly agrees with the idea of ​​building a defensive barrier for the earth.

In addition to these, Stark is also very uncomfortable with the face of his own politicians and high-level officials, and often confronts him. Maybe after this battle in New York, the earth where "he" lives will usher in unprecedented peace and tranquility.

And in "his" mind, he was repeatedly thinking about another key point in Horus' words, "Umbrella will protect all human beings in the universe."

all universes?

Do parallel universes really exist?

But Stark didn't bother to entangle the parallel universe anymore, but hurriedly closed the helmet, started the flight state and left the hotel lobby to meet and reunite with "his" lover and secretary.

After that, wait and see how the situation changes and make corresponding countermeasures.


at the same time.

On the top of the Stark Building, there is an instrument that uses the so-called "Universal Rubik's Cube" to open the portal and has a pure energy protection stand.

And standing next to the instrument was a middle-aged doctor with thinning hair who had just regained his sanity, Tiberos, the leader of the shark battalion, and Horus who had completed the teleportation and arrived here.

"I installed a safety measure. If you use Loki's scepter, that is, use the original energy of the Rubik's Cube, you can close the portal!"

Mistaking Tiberos and Horus for S.H.I.E.L.D., or a friend of Asgard, a doctor of astronomy named Eric Shavig, tried his best to save himself from being controlled by Loki's mind, and developed a way to open the portal. device, which in turn caused the current situation.

It is not surprising that Shavig was not intimidated by the height of these two giants because he had already seen all kinds of strange characters and things in Asgard.

However, when Savage, who was fully awake, saw that the inside and outside of New York had become quiet, and the sound of gunfire gradually subsided, he realized that the situation had been brought under control.

And, without Saving's reminder, Horus knew that the yellow gemstone in Loki's scepter could close the portal.

However, Horus wanted to pierce the protective stand of the instrument with his psionic claws alone.

And Tiberos, who always wears a helmet, with a metallic voice, ordered the veterans who blocked the portal at close range and drove the Centurion II:

"After destroying the miscellaneous mothership, physically disintegrate and destroy all nuclear weapons facilities on Earth Zero Five in the shortest possible time."

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