
However, the two fighting sisters did not stop. Only one sister slowed down her pace slightly when she passed by the sergeant, and said sideways:

"When you encounter this kind of guy who falls into trouble at a time of crisis and indulges his greed and sin, please use deadly methods directly.

In the near future, those of you who pass the test will continue to maintain order, and those who fail the test, remember the first sentence I said, otherwise, judgment will eventually come to you.

Finally, be sure to read and believe in The Human Truth written by the Lord of Humanity. "

After speaking, the sister quickened her pace to keep up with her comrades in arms, and continued to advance towards the center of the town.

On the other hand, the four police officers were still in a daze. For some reason, their minds echoed the sister's words for a long time.

And unknowingly, they developed a strong sense of belonging, as if they should fight for human beings and the lord of human beings.

In fact, what the four police officers did not know was that the two sisters not only passed by and told them, but they also "washed" and "blessed" the body and mind of the four police officers as they passed by, ensuring that the police officers would be safe and sound. Free from the influence of different spaces for a short time.

After all, once the space gate is opened, any universe connected to the main universe may be eroded and corrupted by different spaces.

leave the bank.

Looking down from the sky, one can easily find that the fighting sisters who arrived here on the Yinou are in the small town of Mount Olive, using more efficient and violent "law enforcement" methods than the local police, killing them mercilessly Take advantage of the turmoil to choose to hit, smash, rob, and even "weak" guys.

Needless to say, among the guys "judged" by the fighting sisters, it can be said to be a very small minority, it should be less than 40%, and it is of the same nature as the "white" gang who robbed banks.

The fighting sisters lost their father's love and mother's love since childhood, and before they were taken up and raised by Umbrella, they had no hesitation and belief in "Human Truth", and they had no doubts about the lord of mankind, Russ, Primarch, Asta. special loyalty.

In the eyes of the fighting sisters who also regard the Lord of Humanity as their father (with blood relationship), the guy with the same nature as the "White" gang is a worthy human being, which is purely uncivilized and undegenerated, and still belongs to apes and monkeys Or orangutan stuff.

Even offal is yes.

After all, the title of miscellaneous is usually used to describe aliens, but the scum of the "Bai" gang who has basically no combat effectiveness is naturally regarded as miscellaneous.

It is both sad and pathetic, and worthy of hate.

Of course, during the process of carrying out the purge, if the fighting sisters encounter a "white" guy with extremely good behavior and extremely dirty thoughts, you will directly pull the trigger to retreat and kill, and instead choose to retreat and take prisoners.

Killing them with a single shot will only help to relieve them, but "helping" to become a D-level personnel of the company will allow these guys and things to realize what real life is like death and "purgatory".

And the reason why the fighting sisters hate wearing helmets is also very complicated. You suspect that doing so will make it more difficult and cloudy for the father of the Lord of Humanity to look at himself, and help you to promote the true meaning of "Human Truth", and you can still use it in times of crisis. Save you from danger.

Violent kills.

Soft attitude.

Coupled with your still possessing ordinary psychic potential and relatively unfamiliar psychic use, the town of Mount Olive returned to tranquility in a very short period of time.


On the side of the street in the center of the town, at the entrance of an alley between shops.

After changing out of basketball shorts and vests for many years, I leaned against the wall and poked my head out to observe the fighting sisters who were maintaining order in the street, directing traffic and evacuating the crowd.

"Boom, boom."

At that time, many years heard a sound coming from in front of him.

! !

When I turned around and looked back, I saw a silver-haired sister with or without any makeup on her face for many years, and her seven features were like sculptures. At first glance, she was about 70 years old, and she was "condescending" overlooking me.

The two sides looked at each other.

Cheeks have turned red for many years, seventeen or seventeen years old is the age when magazines and video tapes are hidden under the bed, and now he is wearing a power armor that matches his hobbies, without a small aesthetic face , will naturally become more shy.


On the other hand, the fighting sisters who fought together with the man-eating sharks for ten years, who died under your hands, were said to have no less than a thousand lives, were amused by the reactions of many years, and then restrained the psychic energy that was continuously released, and said softly :

"Son, for the sake of his future, go home quickly, maybe you will be a new generation of Astartes and auxiliary forces."

Saying that, the fighting sisters also freed up their right hands to caress the top of their heads for many years, and then turned their heads back to leave the alley, searching for and killing things that are much worse than the "white" gang.


But looking at the backs of the fighting sisters, she fell into a daze for many years, as if she could no longer erase or forget what she just said.

"Master Sui Bian! Hurry up and get out of the car!"

Just when I was dazed for many years, I heard the call of my mother who was supposed to be off work but delayed her vacation due to the turmoil, and then ran out to look for me because I was away from home.


Hearing this, the man named Sui Bian Shao woke up immediately, staring at the disappearing fighting sisters, and then ran to the station wagon parked by the roadside, driven by my mother.

Just got out of the car.

Close the door.

The mother, who was covered in sweat on her forehead, stepped on the gas pedal and drove towards home. At the same time, she held back her anger and said to many years: "Sui Bian Shao Draig! From now on, he will be completely grounded! When his father comes back, I will have a good "talk" with him!"

That mother doesn't care what changes are going on in the world, you only care about your family and your son.

The moment you found out that your son was away from home, you just felt like the whole sky had collapsed, thinking that if your son had something to do, you would do your best to meet his request.

But when you really found your son, before the mood in your throat finally calmed down, your attitude changed a hundred and forty degrees.

Anyway, Sui Bian Shao Draig avoided a "mixed doubles".


When Centurion II destroys and disintegrates all the nuclear weapons facilities on Earth 07, Tibero completely controls the civilian and military networks, and the Battle Sisters also use physical methods to spread the thoughts of the main universe and "Human Truth" around the world. The human shark flagship, the battalion commander's dedicated combat meeting room of the Bloody Shaq.

Outside there, holographic projections fully simulated the inner world of the Terra Aegis, the top-floor office of the new Umbrella headquarters building.

And Hokar and Yelenas are standing in the office, or in the center of the combat conference room, waiting for the father who is sitting in front of the solid wood desk, wearing Umbrella's white military uniform, signing paper documents with a pen, is also human Lord Ruth's speech.

The seven people waited for a few seconds.

Zou Rong put away the pen, pushed the paper document to the side of the table, raised his head, looked at the two sons who were over seven meters tall, and asked, "What's their impression of Earth Zero Seven? They don't have any opinions? "

"Trash." Yelenas was the first to express her opinion, saying, "For the time being, have you ever met someone who can fight, and there are a lot of good things. I hope there are some meaningless bits and pieces in the Milky Way and the universe."

Hokar focused on the top, as if rejecting Yelenas' words.

That’s right, the almighty prototype took out the yellow and sapphire from the built-in box of the python’s scale, took a little step, and put the two gems under the holographic desk with no physical texture, and then entered the meeting the center of the room, said:

"It can also be completely denied, at least the two gems of pure energy that you snatched from the alien race that claims to be Asgard seem to be closely related to the essence of the 07 universe.

In addition, the auxiliary army of the Shark Battalion also seized a shield made of so-called "vibration gold". According to retrospective inferences from the data and intelligence, it can be determined that an African country named Wakanda has mineral veins containing a small amount of vibrating gold elements.

Moreover, you have discovered that an organization called the Four-Headed Snake has almost completely infiltrated the US government and military, and even built experiment and military bases in various places on Earth 07.

In short, in the small land of Earth 07, there are countless organizations, phenomena, and creatures in the past. Although among the items you encounter in the future, very few of them are threat-level, and very few belong to the Nyx level. (seventh class), but excludes the existence of phenomena or beings of the Hera class (eighth class). "

"Well, he analyzed it very well, Horkar." Ruth focused on it, and praised my son complexly.

Immediately afterwards, I stretched out my right hand to pick up the yellow gemstone, raised it to the back and observed it for a while, explaining to Horkar and Yelenas:

"That big thing is called the Mind Gem, which allows the user to retreat into my own thinking and control all thoughts and ideas."

Before that, Ruth put the Mind Gem back on the table, glanced at the blue gem and said: "This is a space gem, which can instantly move to any space according to the user's thoughts, and can also move according to the user's desire." Will distorts, reshapes, or creates new spaces.

There are a total of eight in Universe 07, and they are collectively called limited gems, and they are indeed closely related to the origin and essence of Universe 07.

Before they get all the limited gems, they can realize almost any dream and goal in Universe 07. "

"Almost, any?" Hokar murmured to himself.

As for my father, why did he know so little relevant information related to the 07 universe? He Karl would never take the initiative to ask and point it out.

Ruth continued: "There should be two limited gemstones on Earth 07, and the remaining two are distributed among the universe. You have asked Bai Qian to send the detailed information to their armors. Don't forget to check it out.

Now, the territory of the main universe has encountered four vortex space gates with a scale of one, leading to the same universe at the same time.

Since the 07 universe they live in seems to be the less threatening one among all the parallel universes, so you are going to send the Dark Angel Legion to help them and start a large-scale expedition in the 07 universe.

At the same time, the Dark Angel Corps will also carry small devices 007, 008, and 009, as well as newly built "weapons" to Universe 07 for deterrence and testing. "

"Yes, father." Hearing this, both Yelenas and Hokar nodded in agreement.

However, before the reconciliation was over, He Karl asked again: "Father, may I ask you to activate the right to use the gadget...?"

"It is controlled by Leon, the Primarch of the Dark Angel." Russ replied immediately, but at the end, the father of the Primarch added: "Yes, he can ask Leon what is his intention and what is his purpose?" Choose to turn on the widget for each purpose.

Don't forget, in the future, he will also be the Primarch of a Legion, a Star Region, and even the Governor of a universe. He will understand everything and ask questions to his brothers in time. "

"You know, father, ask him to worry." He Karl replied very solemnly.

"Very good." Zou Rong said first: "Then the goal of their expeditionary force is to completely conquer Universe 07, and take all the limited gems and everything that has research and use value for themselves.

No, the expeditionary force followed by Primarch Leon is expected to complete its assembly seventy-seven Earth days ago and arrive at the low-earth orbit of Earth 07. Do you understand what you mean? "

"Understood." Horkar and Yelenas responded in unison again.

Seeing this, Ruth smiled with satisfaction, and Qian cut off the holographic communication on his own initiative.

The combat conference room also returned to its original appearance as the communication began, but without the support of the holographic tabletop, the two limited gemstones were about to fall below the deck.

But on the way of falling, the two gemstones retreated and suspended due to the influence of Hekar's spiritual energy, and the first floated back to He Zourong's left hand, and I placed them in the built-in box of the giant python's scale.

While collecting the gems, He Karl asked: "Battle Commander, should he recover the two gems, or go and destroy the four-headed snake..."

"Boy." Yelenas interrupted Hokar's questioning, and walked back into the meeting room in a roundabout way, "He's already snatched eight good things, he's trying to be too greedy."

"Hahaha, well, you know, so you can take care of the four-headed snake, Wakanda and some trivial matters." Hokar said looking at Yelenas's back.

And that battalion commander of the shark battalion only responded to He Karl who was still in place with a heavy silence, and then left the conference room completely through the automatically opened gate.

However, when Hokar shook his head and smiled, and was about to leave the meeting room, the holographic instrument outside suddenly started up, forming a "beautiful" figure.

It is the high-intelligence artificial intelligence of the Shark Battalion. It is about one meter and one left. Its appearance is wearing a Soviet-style military uniform.


Seeing the holographic image of "you" generated by Tibero, Hokar said puzzledly: "There is nothing to report."

On the other hand, Zou Ronghui said with a cold face: "The White Consul's battalion and its affiliated UNSC fleet are about to arrive in the low-earth orbit of Earth 07. The battalion commander hopes that he will replace the main battalion and negotiate with the White Consul's battalion. "


Hearing this, Hocarlton was moved. It turned out that Elena's elder brother was just taciturn and lacked some knowledge. He pushed all the "mess" that was easy to solve under me.

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