Umbrella, The Light of Humanity

Chapter 467 Bat's Past Strong Will

Shaking his head.

The wolf guard regained his sledgehammer, filled it with psychic energy, and repeated the steps of smashing the first Destroyer to death, crushing the Destroyer that was stunned by his slap.

On the other side of Little Lehigh Park, all the wolves were killing each other.

After all, with Destroyer's physical fitness and paper data, he was finally able to fight back and forth with their group of Primarch "bodyguards"!

Some wolf guards with giant hammers only cared about the number of kills, and then didn't care about the process of killing them, obviously not as "playful" as other brotherhoods.

For example, a Destroyer who was freed from the freezing bond, for some reason, rushed straight towards Fulgrim, who had remained motionless the whole time, but was interrupted by a wolf punch just as it finished its initial jump.

Immediately afterwards, the alpha wolf wearing a seemingly heavy and clumsy Terminator was extremely sensitive, and first gave the Destroyer a series of straight punches, swinging punches, and uppercuts.

On the other hand, the Destroyer who suffered a set of combined punches was still intact, and even changed from being passively beaten at the beginning to gradually adapting, and then began to try to fight back.

In less than two seconds, Destroyer has fully mastered the law of combined punches, and succeeded, and easily resisted the wolf's straight left punch.

When the leader wolf took advantage of the situation and swung his right fist again, it was also grabbed by the left hand of the Destroyer, unable to move any further.

The two sides are riveting.

However, the feet of the wolf guards were slowly moving back and sinking on the sand, while the Destroyer was pushing forward steadily. It can be seen that in terms of strength, even with the boost provided by the exclusive Terminator, the wolf is still at a disadvantage.


As if realizing that he had the upper hand, the simple-minded Destroyer let out a horrifying laugh, which made the already disgusting face even more distorted and weird.


As for the wolf wearing a helmet and goggles with a green light, he didn't say anything, and he couldn't see his expression directly.

Just when the Destroyer's eyes burst into red light, and it was about to release lasers to deal with its "weak opponents"...

"Hahaha!!" The wolf leader, who was at a disadvantage, laughed loudly with a metallic voice: "As expected of a high-end toy! Enough strength!!"

Laughing, the alpha wolf took the initiative to take a step back, and then dodged to the right, causing the Destroyer to lose its center of gravity in an instant. Not only that, the alpha wolf also took advantage of the situation to make a left knee against the Destroyer's abdomen.


The internal injury caused by this blow to the knee immediately caused Destroyer to vomit blood, indicating that this was the first time Destroyer had suffered such an attack.

But after thinking about it, apart from Clark Kent, who has become a puppet, and Diana, who is staying at the advance base to recuperate, there are very few people on Earth 07 who can physically fight with the Destroyer.

The head wolf is indeed weaker than the Destroyer in terms of strength, but he is still trying. Besides, this head wolf is almost two hundred years old. If he plays with experience, he can kill the Destroyer.


No matter how powerful the Destroyer is, no matter how fast it is, it still suffers from the "lifelong learning" of the alpha wolf, such as naked chokes, or back throws. Sexual overflow" is expressed.

In the end, after twisting the neck of the Destroyer, the alpha wolf unfolded the psionic claws placed on its right arm, beheading it with powerful psionic energy and burning it to death.

look around.

First of all, all the destroyers who approached and rushed to Allentown were wiped out by a group of wolf guards and pure spiritual creatures. No matter what, the battle as bait this time allowed the wolf leaders to fight well.

And Fulgrim has never made a move from the beginning to the end, and he personally dealt with the Destroyer that attacked the shelter before, just to test the strength of this kind of creature.

As he had thought at the beginning, Genlo Sigurd, who possessed spiritual power blessings, and the company champion of the 13th Battalion could wipe out the Destroyer, not to mention, the strength was the honor guard second only to the Primarch in the legion.

After dealing with the most threatening demon of destruction, the wolves lost all interest in the face of tens of thousands of demons who "arrived too late".

But in order not to waste ammunition, and for the sake of efficiency, the alpha wolves let the frost dragon release the ice storm again.

"Clear screen with one key".

After completing the bait task, they happened to learn that Sarah Kerrigan had successfully captured the Kryptonian meteorite, and accidentally captured Bruce Wayne by the way.

So Fulgrim and his party didn't linger any longer, started short-distance teleportation, and returned directly to the advanced base that was still hidden.

On the other hand, the first, second and third companies led by Genro Sigurd have no intention of returning and are preparing to continue search and rescue operations.


Shortly after.

Fulgrim, who was the first to return to the advance base, asked Russ to send another batch of military sentries through the space gate.

Different from scout sentries, military sentries are responsible for loitering around Philadelphia to confuse, interfere, and attract the attention of Apocalypse forces and traitor governments.

Presumably, it will not be long before they will be fully counterattacked by the opponent, so they must prepare for a long-term "defense" and "rescue" battle.

After the company analyzes the Kryptonian meteorites, then uses the planetary transformation device to reproduce Krypton, and weaponize the Kryptonite, all of which will take time to complete.

But he is not going to defend to the death, he just focuses the battlefield near the space gate, so as to reduce the pressure on other regions of the earth.

When the Olympus Army and more Space Wolf Battalions arrive to support them, Fulgrim will try his best to rescue the trapped 07 compatriots and transfer them to the advance base.

After all, all courses of action are based on saving the human beings on Earth Zero Seven, otherwise they would have used large-scale psychic shocks or executed the extinction order long ago.

At present, when releasing planetary and galaxy-scale psionic shocks, the only psykers who can refine it to a single individual and avoid causing accidental injury or killing are the Lord of Humanity, Magnus, and Sanguinius.

The rest of the Primarchs, including Irene Mir (the ancestor of the Mar people), Evelyn, Nova, and Sarah, although they can also release planetary or galaxy-scale psionic shocks, they "treat everyone equally" regardless of whether they are enemies or friends.

It was precisely because of his proficiency in the use of psychic powers that he was far inferior to his father and his two elder brothers, that's why Fulgrim chose to push forward step by step, not in a hurry.

Didn't wait a moment.

The transportation formation responsible for carrying 10,000 survivors, as well as Sarah Kerrigan and others also returned to the forward base.

Although Bruce Wayne, who was captured by Sarah and the others, was "average" and far less physically powerful than an auxiliary army, Fulgrim, who knew the details of Earth 07 through Diana, still had enough respect for him.

So after Bruce Wayne underwent a comprehensive examination, he arranged for Sarah to be interrogated.

The interrogation room at this time.

Bruce Wayne, who had finished cleaning and put on a hospital gown, sat silently on the metal chair, with a gloomy, cold and "sleep-deprived" expression.

Sarah, who was sitting opposite and removed the HES modular armor, was also sitting on the metal chair, but her posture was too lazy, with her right hand resting on the back of the chair, and she looked at Bruce Wayne frivolously.

"Not bad..." After looking up and down, Sarah commented: "He is a handsome uncle, it's a pity, why do you always think about suicide?"

"..." Bruce was silent.

"Um... don't talk?"


"Tsk, let me tell you, I'm just being patient, don't force me to dig out all your secrets directly." Sarah was a little impatient.


Bruce was still silent, but this time, he stared at Sarah with dull and cold eyes.

After a long time, he slowly opened his mouth and said, "Little girl, I advise you to keep your mouth shut, you don't know what I've been through."

"Little girl?" Sarah moved her right hand away from the back of the chair, flicked her bangs lightly, and said with a light smile, "Don't think I'm younger than you because I call you uncle, boy, I'm over a hundred years old Alright."


Hearing this, Bruce's eyes and demeanor have not changed, and he is still very calm, but the slight twitching of the corner of his mouth means that he is still quite shocked in his heart.

"Boy, you have a friend who is at our base and claims to be the daughter of Zeus and Hippolyta." Sarah tried to use Diana to "pry open" Bruce's mouth.

After this Batman heard these words, his eyes flickered, obviously he was surprised and delighted by the survival of his comrades-in-arms, but he did not forget to try to analyze whether what he just said was true or not through Sarah's micro-expressions .

However, Bruce, who saw his position very clearly, knew that Sarah had no reason to deceive him, so he narrated:

"Two years ago..."

Two years ago, Bruce Wayne, who was driving a bat fighter, tried to pass through the portal with a hydrogen bomb, returned to Apocalypse again, and tried to rush to the core of Apocalypse with the idea of ​​death.

But he miscalculated his "weight".

At that time, he was driving the Bat Fighter condensed with the highest technology of the Wayne Group, turned on the optical camouflage, and took advantage of the opportunity created by the remaining Justice League and elite soldiers to forcefully pass through one of the portals.

However, Darkseid, who was restrained and besieged by Diana and many heroes, still managed to pay attention to him. When he and the bat fighter passed through the portal, Darkseid changed the destination of the portal from Apocalypse The surface of the planet is instantly switched to the orbit of Venus revolving around the sun.

Fortunately, the Bat fighter he was driving was originally designed to be able to transport a special team. Without the assistance of a rocket transport system, it can successfully go from the surface to the surface orbit of about 200 kilometers, and can carry out surprise attacks on any forces and organizations. Beheading action.

In addition, he always likes to make various backup plans. Considering the possibility of mission failure, he will stay on the surface or underground of Apocalypse, so he has prepared enough supplies. For a long period of time, there is no need to consider oxygen and drinking water. , The depletion of food, not to mention the internal circulation system of the troop compartment of the fighter plane.

So far, Bruce Wayne has drifted in the universe.

However, even though the bat fighter has the ability to navigate in outer space, it is not advanced enough to directly start space jumping or warp speed navigation, and even the fuel reserves are not enough to support the fighter plane to return directly.

If he could be given a little more time, if it weren't for the Kryptonian exiles led by Drew Zod, and the sudden arrival of Darkseid and Apocalypse, if he could be allowed to plan and deploy in advance, then the Justice League would not It will fail, and the earth will not fall.

Unfortunately, as a top-notch wise man, Bruce Wayne knows that there are no ifs in this world.

After a brief moment of depression, he who never gave up, began to plan how to return to Earth.

According to the distance between the fighter plane and the sun, and the picture of Mercury captured by the airborne telescope, it is calculated that his position is the orbit of Venus.

Immediately afterwards, he even calculated that the fighter plane will be captured by the gravity of Venus after wandering for 45 earth days with the lowest consumption.

It seems that the "luck" of being Batman is still there. After he and the fighter plane are captured by Venus, and together with this planet named after "Venus of Beauty", they will revolve towards the sun for 70 Earth days, and then the Earth and the Earth will be ushered in. Closest period between Venus.

The reason why it is called good luck is that the shortest distance between the earth and Venus is about 40.5 million kilometers, and such an opportunity can only be obtained every 584 earth days.

Therefore, Bruce Wayne was successfully captured by Venus according to his calculations and plans, and successfully used Venus to implement a gravitational slingshot at the closest point, "throwing" him and the fighter towards the earth together.

40.5 million kilometers, which is closer and faster than the closest distance between Earth and Mars of 55 million kilometers.

But even so, the bat fighter still needs enough fuel to slow down when it approaches the earth, so that it can be successfully captured by the earth's gravity.

What followed was an even longer wait.

People are social animals, and Bruce Wayne can't escape this law. He stays alone in a small space for a long time, and in order to save resources, he starves and thirsts as much as possible, and forces himself to sleep.

Gradually, he began to have hallucinations and auditory hallucinations, and his mental state continued to be on the verge of collapse.

However, Bruce Wayne was only on the edge, and his strong will allowed him to survive the 130-day voyage again.

In the end, after spending nearly nine months, this Batman finally returned to the long-lost surface by driving the Bat-Fighter, and even breathed the long-lost "fresh" air.

However, the earth that has experienced the doomsday battle has long been changed beyond recognition, and the former partners and comrades-in-arms are no longer seen, and even the only relatives (housekeeper, adopted son and son) have no news...

This directly made Bruce Wayne extremely angry.

After he found a spare underground base and relied on sufficient supplies to train his physical body back to its peak, he turned back into a nightmare and carried out extremely violent suicides against the bases, concentration camps and other facilities established by the traitor government on the American continent. "storm".

Of course, each "storm" was planned in advance, and each time the powerful but mindless Destroyer was lured away, so that he could carry out retaliatory slaughter against the demons and traitors.

This time, he discovered that the Philadelphia laboratory was raided by unknown rebels, so he also wanted to snatch the Kryptonian meteorite.

He never thought, and it was impossible to think that the sudden intervention of the main universe made his plan to capture the Kryptonian meteorite fail, and he sat in front of Sarah, who seemed younger than him, but was actually more than fifty years older than him.

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