Umbrella, The Light of Humanity

Chapter 521 Void Scene

Eye of Fear.

This place of "extreme distress" caused by the fall of the Eldar race and the birth of Slaanesh, where the physical universe and the different space meet, has been regarded as an absolute forbidden zone for thousands or tens of thousands of years in the past.

When the New Human Empire became the overlord of the galaxy, the Obscure Star Field where the Eye of Terror was located was instead occupied by the Emperor's Children, who brought the planets away from the core of the Eye of Terror into rule and renamed it Cherinos.

However, as the new human empire fell apart and was replaced by the current human empire of the main universe, the obscuring star field, like the profane star field, was divided into areas that were prohibited from entering by non-governmental organizations and individuals except for the official and military.

According to the data obtained from the long-term monitoring of the Red Queen and the White Queen, it shows that the vaccine effect is also suppressing the spread of the Eye of Terror. Presumably, it will be completely wiped out from Zero Three Galaxy within two thousand years.

As a result, sixteen elite battalions of Spartans, Ultramarines, and Blood Angels were stationed on the outer planets of the Obscure Star Field.

If the evil gods and demons were dishonest and prepared to cause trouble in the physical universe, then the sixteen battalions with the highest authority among the legions would immediately suppress and eliminate them.

Moreover, these battalions also have gray knight squads ranging from twelve to thirty-six people to assist in dealing with demonic creatures.

For half a century, many low- and middle-level demons have never died.

Especially those demons who have sacrificed tens of millions of starting creatures, or devoured the same kind to complete the advancement, their strength has become stronger and their confidence has inflated. They want to come to the real universe through the eye of fear, and try to corrupt even the evil gods. Incorruptible Astartes.

The result was naturally a "memorable lesson" given by the Sixteenth Battalion Headquarters.

Low- and middle-level demons that pose a high threat to a planet and a galaxy, when their flesh is destroyed by the Astartes, will be completely wiped out by Sui Bian's "spiritual looting" like automatic payment, And became part of Sui Bian's nearly endless spiritual energy.

As for those who are not in the mainstream, they are directly "repatriated" to a different space after being bombarded by explosive arrows.

When a group of evil gods headed by Tzeentch and Slaanesh knew that these low and middle demons were "sending" spiritual powers to Sui Bian, they spontaneously launched a "cleaning" in a different space.

After all, there is no concept of time in the different space, and new demons are born almost all the time, so the new demons also respond to the popular saying among demons, "Don't provoke the human emperor named Sui Bian, let alone the emperor's heirs." !”, and so on, scoffed at the rumors.

Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers.

You can die, but if you die and make the enemy stronger, Tzeentch and Slaanesh can't stand it anymore, so they start to clean up the new demons.

This is also why, in the decades since the fall of the Zero Three Empire, the evil gods have withered.


The elite expeditionary force composed of two homeworlds and a thousand large ships passed through the large wormholes one by one and reached the edge of the gravitational range of Cherinos.

If you stand on the edge of the porthole and look at this fallen planet, and observe with the naked eye vision of the auxiliary army and Astartes, you can intuitively see that the surface of Cherinos is covered with bloody seas.

Ever since the Spartan Primarch led the main force of the legion and captured the fallen Fulgrim and the Emperor's Children, they have issued an order to burn and exterminate Cherinos.

At that time, the Spartan fleet used the beam matrix to connect in series, and completed the measures of burning and exterminating the surface.

In theory, Cherinos should turn into a large piece of "glass", and the environment should drop to about forty to fifty degrees below zero.

However, the sea of ​​blood is scattered all over, which shows that Cherinos, which is abandoned by humans and is close to the core area of ​​the Eye of Terror, has completely become a demon planet with self-awareness within half a century.

If the fleet continues to approach the surface of Cherinos, all kinds of weird tentacles will emerge from the bloody ocean, like the Assastie family, trying to drag the fleet into and swallow it into the core of the earth.

at this time.

The home world of the Space Wolves, the inner world of the Gungnir.

In the main control room.


I saw Russ, who used the wolf skins of the three wolves as a cloak, wore the wolf king armor, and had the iconic beard, was watching Cherinos through the holographic screen, and there were about forty astronomical units (AU) away from them. 6 billion) on the edge of the vortex of fear, lost in thought.

"Sir!" At this time, a civilian of the Wild Wolf Auxiliary Army turned to report to him: "The doctor hopes to let him land on the bloody sea of ​​Cherinos for research."

"No." Russ shook his head, "We can't stay here for a long time, not to mention the situation of Cherinos is unknown, let Magnus directly pull it into the stagnant space he created, and wait until the expedition is over. Let your doctor study it carefully.

The primary goal now is to get the expeditionary fleet back in shape, turn on the warp speed engine and sail to the inside of the Eye of Terror, go to the coordinates given by his father, and establish a base first.

Also, don't forget to notify the battalion commander stationed on the periphery of the Obscure Star Field, so that they must be more vigilant.

In case of an emergency and you lose contact with our expeditionary force, please immediately summon Rogge, Sanguinius, and Sui Meng, who are also on the expedition in Universe 03, to rush to the edge of the Eye of Terror to implement a blockade.

After all, this is the first large-scale expedition to a different space that will be recorded in history since humans in our main universe entered the interstellar era and established an empire. "

Ruth's rhetoric sounds quite as rigorous as Robert's.

In fact, as mentioned at the end, this is the first time that the human empire has stepped into a different space on a large scale, and they have to be extremely vigilant to prevent their expeditionary army from ending up in the end where the Olympus gods were wiped out.

"Yes, sir."

It didn't take long for the voice of the civilian staff to fall.

Cherinos on the holographic screen disappeared, obviously being "dragged away" by Magnus.

Then, more than a thousand warships including the Gungnir quickly deployed energy shields and the "space bubbles" required for warp speed navigation, and in the blink of an eye, they crossed a distance of six billion kilometers and arrived at the "Great Vortex." "edge.

at this time.

The various data displayed on the holographic screen are soaring and plummeting, and there is no stable value at all.

It can be seen that here is where the laws of physics begin to dissipate, and there is a breakdown brought about by the intersection of psionic energy, thought and emotion.

If Zeus-class flagships with a length of five to ten kilometers, which are "outdated" models for the empire, remove their energy shields, then even if all crew members have been vaccinated with the latest type of vaccine, there will inevitably be whispers and sporadic attacks. phantom.

Of course, those who like to add "Human Truth" paper ornaments to their power armor, overalls and clothing can provide good protection.

What's more, the national emblem of the empire printed on the inside and outside of the ship can also provide a certain degree of protection (the battleship itself has no thoughts, there is no so-called concept of absolute loyalty, and the ship's low-intelligence artificial intelligence is not the soul of the battleship, so it cannot exert the power of the empire. national emblem for maximum effect).

"The situation of the various ministries is stable. Would you like to move on?" Another civilian member asked.

"Of course!" Ruth crossed his hands in front of the breastplate, turned on the full-frequency communication of the wolf king's armor in a bold tone, and raised his voice: "Go ahead, don't deliberately avoid it, let the bastards in the different space know , our Human Expeditionary Force is going to kick out the gymnasium, and we also want to blow up their ruined pavilion!"


Hearing these words, the wolf guards staying in the central control room of the Gungnir, as well as the wolf battalion commanders on other ships, howled their unique wolf howls.

The battalion commanders of the remaining legions also responded to Russ by sending out the battle cries of their respective legions on the channel.

As for accompanying them, there were eight other Primarchs who had to obey Ruth's order, and seven of them just nodded in agreement at most.

On the other hand, Davarich, who has a Russian style, shouted loudly on the communication: "Hahaha! Brother said well! Kick the heads of those bastards!!"

"All move forward!"

"Speed ​​seventy!"

Moreover, the civilian members at the scene in the central control room also became very "excited" because of the morale boost of their original body with psionic energy, and immediately controlled the Gungnir to sail into the maelstrom first.


The vast starry sky and endless darkness of the physical universe gradually moved away, replaced by pink and purple psionic "fog clusters" and "nebula" filling the void.

Moreover, there are countless planets randomly floating here, each of which has a different shape.

Some are similar to Cherinos, the surface is full of blood, the sky is full of flames, or the entire planet is a huge ice ball.

And some planets...

It cannot be said to be a planet at all. It is either a regular rectangle, or a messy splicing of "circles" and "squares", or...

"Monsters with eyes" and "monsters with tentacles" like Asastie.

But all of them are gigantic, and the smallest one is more than a hundred times the size of Assastie.

After these living planets discovered the Gungnir and the elite expeditionary fleet, they immediately turned their eyes, which were nearly countless and of different sizes.

Eyes locked.

Wherever the fleet sails, the eyes of living planets follow.

Fortunately, they didn't have any intention of moving, nor did they have any intention of attacking. They just stared at them, watching the fleet go deep into the different space.


Seeing such a strange scene through the holographic screen, Ruth frowned even more, and the center of his brows was squeezed into an obvious "Chuan".

It's okay to stay in the inner world. After all, the home world has a shielding function, but Ruth's keen intuition and sixth sense tell Ruth that this is only the edge of a different space. If it goes deeper, it will definitely attract powerful evil gods and demons.

This is the home of chop suey.

The strength of chop suey is dozens, even a hundred times that of the real universe.

Although he didn't understand why his father let them go deep alone, and he didn't give a detailed explanation, but as the commander of this expeditionary army, Russ chose to firmly believe in and obey his father's orders as usual.

"Buzz! Buzz!!"

At this moment, a loud but beautiful "whale song" came out of the holographic screen, and it continued to resound in the entire central control room.

Hearing this movement, Ruth no longer speculated on his father's intentions, but refocused his gaze on the holographic screen.

It turned out to be a pod of void whales, traveling with the expedition fleet.


Among these void whales with faint appearance and colorful light flowing, the smallest one has a visual length of at least 40,000 kilometers...

It is 40,000 kilometers, not 40,000 meters, which is nearly four times longer than the diameter of the earth.

An elite fleet with two home worlds would be crushing in any universe, but in front of this group of void whales, it is really insignificant.

It seems that among all the ships of the human empire, only Ark 001, 002 and 003 can crush the void whale group in front of them in terms of volume.

However, their temperament seems to be similar to the whales in the earth's oceans, they are just curious about humans and ships with physical bodies.

If they want to attack, opening their mouths as early as the moment they appear is enough to swallow the entire expeditionary army.

Whether it can cause substantial damage is not mentioned for the time being, but this directly shows that the void whale group is not malicious.

Moreover, it seems that because the Void Whale is at the "top of the food chain" in this area, during the expeditionary force's voyage to the coordinates given by the emperor, no demon Xiaoxiao came to obstruct it at all.

This also made the nervous people, who were always preparing for the outbreak of the war, a little relieved, and they still had the energy to observe the different scenery in the different space.

If it is said that in the universe, everything is inseparable from various physical rules, and everything runs according to the established orbit and goes with the flow seamlessly, then the different space is like the "chaos" when the universe was just born.

Everything is "disorganized", a vast ocean may not need a bottom bed at all, but it can float there, everything seems to be "at will", without restraint at all.

Mo about three hours later.

Under the escort of the void whales, the elite expeditionary fleet came to a "paradise", literally.

I saw a seemingly endless island floating in front of the fleet within sight.

The reason why it is called Xanadu is that the island has rainforests, grasslands, mountains and other common terrains on the earth. The most important thing is that there are many beaches and harbors on the edge of the island.

With the small sun hanging above the island and the icy moon below the island, the entire expeditionary force can't help but think of the resort they went to for vacation and rest.

And the island is even more beautiful!

"Om~! Om!!"

As the whale song sounded again, the void whales seemed to have fulfilled some kind of entrustment, and they turned their huge bodies away from the expedition fleet and the island.

The control room of the Gungnir.

"Sir." A member of the civil service had a strange expression, turned his head to look at Ruth Hui behind him and reported: "We have arrived at the coordinates given by His Majesty, which is the island in front of us.

and also…

We have detected a large number of pure psionic reactions at the edge of the island. "

"Pure spiritual energy?" Ruth was puzzled.

"Yes, after scanning and testing, this is the real-time image sent back, sir, please take a look."

While the civilian members were reporting, real-time images were also projected on the holographic screen.

I saw that the so-called pure psionic reaction turned out to be hundreds of thousands of "Astartes" equipped with ceramic armor?

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