Umbrella, The Light of Humanity

Chapter 547 Misjudgment: Teleportation Matrix

"It's such a pity that such a strong actually used on someone like you who is not very sensitive to the Force."

The guy who released the psychic coercion, after thinking that he had successfully controlled Ran Min, also used some kind of psychic sound transmission to resound his voice in the rainforest.


At the same time, in the dense forest around Ran Min, a "light saber" emitting a dazzling red light also flickered.

It seemed that the black-robed warriors who had fled earlier stopped pretending to escape after seeing their leader make a move, and turned to work together to capture the big guy who was nearly four meters in front of him.


On the other hand, Ran Min, who seemed immobile, didn't show any expression or expression from the beginning to the end.


The "light saber" cut off the nearby thorns and vines, and the three warriors who rushed to the front were about to strike Ran Min.

But at this moment, Ran Min, who was suppressed, seemed to have entered some kind of super speed movement mode, everything around him was slowed down, and he himself was using his body and spiritual power to fight.


In an instant, a looming shock wave quickly radiated around Ran Min with Ran Min as the center.

This blow directly blocked the attack range of all the warriors, and they were bounced back, and the three warriors at the front were "shattered" by this shock wave.

"Oh?" Realizing that Ran Min had broken free from the restraints, the guy who released the coercion couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "It turns out that he is also a force-sensitive person."

"Pretending to be a ghost." Ran Min let out a disdainful voice, then looked left and right with his eyes, and finally locked his eyes on the 10 o'clock direction where he was.


In the next moment, Ran Min threw one of the double-edged power halberds in the direction of 10 o'clock.

"Boom! Boom!"

At the same time, Ran Min is also like a "high-speed rail tank", rushing towards the direction of throwing, ignoring and crushing everything along the way.

A few of the warriors were unlucky enough to block Ran Min's path.

Just hearing "呵啦!" and "噗嗤!", these warriors hadn't recovered from the impact of the shock wave when they encountered the double-edged power halberd of the green lightning stand, either cutting in half or two valve.


When Ran Min charged halfway, he frowned slightly, then stopped quickly, turned sideways a little, and dodged his double-edged power halberd that looked like a large boomerang.

Passed by his own weapon.

Ran Min glanced back, stretched out his left hand, spread out his five fingers, and used the neural connection system between himself and the armor and weapon to stop the power halberd from spinning and return it to his left hand.

Ran Min, who had become a melee weapon in both hands again, showed a dignified expression.

Because they can resist, and there are even guys who can bounce back his thrown blows. Although it is impossible to determine the specific physical quality, the reaction speed can at least keep up with their Astartes.

In the multiverse, apart from Zero Three (Warhammer 40k) and Zero Seven (the Destroyer in the magic reform DC), there are few who can withstand a blow from Astartes, especially elites like Gray Knight.

Just as Ran Min was staring at the rainforest in front of him, trying to determine where that guy was, several black-robed warriors who had been bounced off by the shock wave earlier gathered behind Ran Min's right hand side.

It seemed that they wanted to take advantage of Ran Min's "distraction" to launch a sneak attack.

However, when they had just finished gathering and were about to disperse their formation, Ran Min, who was looking ahead, had already raised his right hand holding the power halberd towards them, and then...

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

The parallel muzzles of the storm bolter immediately poured out of the chamber, and immediately launched the second-stage accelerated bolter.

! !

This group of warriors didn't have time to deploy the so-called force shield, relying on instinct and perception to wield the lightsaber, wanting to use the blade of the blade to push away the blaster cannonballs, but also to push away the high-speed bolt bombs.

However, the moment the plasma blade of the lightsaber touched the bolt bomb, it triggered and detonated the warhead of the bolt bomb.

R~! ! ! Enough to light up the entire area, just like the light of day.

"Boom~——long~——!" followed by a violent explosion that seemed to be able to swallow everything, and was mixed with light green lightning, sweeping around at a speed far exceeding the speed of sound.

Psionic Bolts.

The warhead of the bolt bullet will continuously absorb the user's spiritual energy, then compress and store it, and after the warhead is detonated, a violent spiritual energy storm will be generated.

In terms of destructive power, after the warhead is filled with psionic energy, the explosive yield can be controlled according to the user's subjective consciousness, and the maximum yield is around 100,000 tons of TNT.

This type of bolt bomb belongs to the many anti-psychic weapons of the human empire, which is more commonly used by the Gray Knights.

And Ran Min, who was not irritable, but a little impatient, directly fired more than a dozen psionic bolts, which immediately turned the rainforest into a piece of scorched earth, and turned the warriors into ashes, even their souls. They were all burned and tortured.

At the same time, Ran Min did this intentionally to force out that pretender.

He was inside the energy shield, ignoring the explosion, and kept observing the movement around him.

In the end, when the aftermath dissipated, the nearby animals and plants were all forced to be wiped out, but the visual field of view also became extremely good.

I saw the guy who pretended to be a ghost, who seemed to be able to suppress Ran Min spiritually, finally couldn't use the terrain and cover to hide, and appeared in the scorched place about one kilometer in front of Ran Min.

That guy is also three meters tall, close to four meters in height, but his body is slender, his arms and legs are about the same as a wooden stick, and he can't support the hooded black robe on his body.

The skin is dry, cracked and rough like tree bark, dark red overall, with unknown meanings, it may be tattoos, or it may be natural black lines.

As for the face...

There are two pairs of eyes in the upper and lower rows, and the temples on both sides, as well as irregularly arranged holes of different sizes, are extremely unfriendly to patients with trysophobia, such as Ran Min.

Not only that, Ran Min also experienced Tzeentch's "stinky smell" from the other party...

Already "deadly ill".

Ran Min was also able to understand why the other party was able to catch up with Astarte in terms of reaction speed despite his seemingly thin body.

Because that thing Tzeentch gave a blessing.

Either he likes to pretend to be a ghost, or he looks even more disgusting than the followers of Nurgle and Slaanesh.

According to Ran Min's aesthetics, followers of Nurgle are disgusting, but more of it makes him feel physically uncomfortable, while followers of Tzeentch make him feel sick both physically and mentally.

At this time.

The "wooden stick" looked like he had found a treasure, and he took off the hilt at his waist with his shriveled hands, and flicked it left and right, forming a very unstable, red-light sword blade with a beating burr.

In a confident and arrogant tone, he said: "Sensitive person, I am Pasco Srirange, an advanced warrior of the Dark Templar Order!

I didn't expect you to have so many types of weapons on your body, and you managed to see my face, hehe... Being exiled to such a remote and wild area, I thought I could only kill some rebels who couldn't sense the force...

But with you coming to my door, I can finally release the anger that I have nowhere to vent! Hahaha~! ! "

While laughing wantonly, that wooden stick, or that Pascoe jumped at a very fast speed, thinking of actively shortening the distance with Ran Min and launching a melee attack? ?

In this regard, Ran Min resisted the desire to shoot, and did not pour explosive bullets at Pascoe's exposed defensive loopholes.

He wants to correct mistakes.

Because Pascoe is only slightly stronger than him in terms of psychic power, but even if he obtains a different kind of blessing from Tzeentch, and his body grows by leaps and bounds, he still can't really reach the level of Astartes.

For example, Ran Min had no choice but to admire Pasco when he leaped hard, which was no different from sending him to death. He put aside his psychic powers and prepared to finish close combat with him.

It is really "courage".

Fortunately, he wanted to set out some details.

Then Ran Min took control of the timing, and before Pasco approached, he made the movement of raising the double-bladed power halberd, and used the blade wrapped in the lightning stance to force the opponent back.


Ran Min still resisted the urge to split the opponent in half with a halberd, and had a "evenly matched" confrontation with the opponent.

During this period, Pascoe, who thought he had the upper hand in both spiritual and physical abilities, began to chatter as Ran Min expected after gaining the pleasure and satisfaction of being a strong man.

After cooperating with the relevant information uploaded to the individual system by Bai Hou, Ran Min was finally able to piece together a relatively comprehensive history of the First Empire.

The first is the branch of the 332nd Fleet. To put it nicely, it is a suppressive force composed of the Imperial Navy and the Army to control and guard the galaxy where Kedisanger is located.

In fact, the officers above the school level who lead this unit, as well as the dark warriors it leads, are a group of "no-names" who have no hope of promotion or political defeat and are forced to come to the edge of the star field.

The overall composition of the First Empire is similar to that of the Human Empire.

The supreme leader and commander are both a guy named Palf Palpatine, and this guy has titles and titles such as "the strongest force user" or "the most sensitive person" .

The Milky Way is divided into multiple star regions, and each star region is divided into multiple star regions. This is almost the same as the human empire, and a star region governor has also been established.

It's just that the star governor of the human empire is the Primarch, the heir of the human emperor, and more than half of the star governors of the First Empire are Palph Palpatine's confidantes, and the other half are some nobles , The person in power of the aristocratic family will take on the role.

In addition, there was a military organization in the First Empire that was highly respected by nobles, families and the people——

The Knights of the Dark Templar.

This organization regards the god (Tzeentch) who leads mankind out of the wilderness and then on the journey of the star river as the supreme, and its status is much higher than that of the first emperor.

However, at the beginning of the establishment of the First Empire two hundred years ago, the Knights of the Dark Templar were dormant underground.

At that time, the ruler of the galaxy advocated the coexistence of multiple races, and everything was dominated by peace and harmony. It belonged to the Galactic Republic, a parliamentary republic.

Palf Palpatine was the Supreme Chancellor at the time.

However, as each star field and star area was guided by the gods, they liberated their natures (rebellion), and the bureaucratic system of the Galactic Republic was too complicated, which made Palf Palpatine take the opportunity to launch a series of measures, even mutiny , successfully forced the transition to the First Empire.

So far, the First Empire can officially announce the existence of gods to the society, and human beings and various races have also begun to believe in gods, pray to gods, and pray for blessings.

What made the First Empire crazy was that the gods actually responded, and those extremely devout and loyal believers would be blessed.

Extended lifespan, strong physique, and even the ability to use supernatural power, the original force (spiritual energy), all made the newly established First Empire completely recognize the dominance of the gods and Palph Palpatine.

Therefore, the dark templar will follow this trend and successfully stand in front of the public, with power, honor and other aspects, which are no less than, or even higher than, the status of the star governor.

The most important thing is that before becoming a real dark warrior, when studying as an apprentice in the Dark Temple of Coruscant, the capital of the empire, not only must you have absolute belief in the gods, but you must also maintain absolute loyalty to Palph Palpatine.

After two hundred years of accumulation, leaving out the elite troops, the number of dark warriors in the First Empire alone has as many as 20 million, and each dark warrior has at least the combat power to rival an Imperial Star Destroyer .

Therefore, the power and status of Palf Palpatine, surrounded and guarded by 20 million dark warriors, has completely taken root in the empire, and there is no longer any internal force that can pose a threat.

external forces...

At present, the First Empire has no intention of colonizing or controlling extragalactic galaxies for the time being, so naturally it cannot talk about confronting other civilizations and empires.

What can be regarded as external, seems to be only the remnants of the Galactic Republic who are unwilling to accept the rule of the First Empire, and some aristocratic families and civilians who are dissatisfied with Palph Palpatine and the high-handed rule of the First Empire. of the Rebels.

As for this Pascoe, and the dark warriors under his command, there is no problem in loyalty.

But they were still exiled, and the reason why they followed the 332nd Fleet branch to come here is because a star district governor they were responsible for monitoring had actually funded the Rebel Army under their noses for more than six years.

This made the emperor of the Pa First Empire furious, and beheaded the governor of the star region and all the officials and generals involved, and even Pascoe and his dark warriors were implicated.

hear here

"Thank you." Ran Min, who flew a lightsaber with a halberd, said thank you for the first time.

? ?

But before Pascoe could react, the last sight his sunken eyes saw was Ran Min turning into an afterimage, making the lightning positions of the two power halberds approach.

The bodies were separated.

After getting enough information, Ran Min stopped acting with him at all, and directly used his almost unrivaled physique to beat Pasco in seconds.

Obviously the psionic power can be suppressed, but if you insist on playing close combat with him, this is not "courage", what is it.


at the same time.

Somewhere in the colonial metropolitan area of ​​universe zero three.

In the underground sewage system, on the side of a reservoir without monitoring equipment...


There was a flash of pink-purple teleportation light?

Seems to be a teleportation matrix that can link to other universes or dimensions.

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