Umbrella, The Light of Humanity

Chapter 99 Change of Mentality

Central camp.

The disorganized and disorganized rebels were eating dinner around the campfire.

"Crack~" The sound of the bonfire burning.

"Hahaha!" And the rebels couldn't help laughing imbecilely after saying the extremely vulgar words.

The main reason why the Amin faction allowed this group of rebels to station here was to test the attitude of the extrajudicial 13th semi-mixed brigade, otherwise they would not have sent 14 foreign tourists here for guarding.

In a sense, these hundreds of rebels are just pawns who came to die.

However, seeing that the rebels only care about enjoying and abusing without any sense of crisis at all, you know that the IQ of the rebels is not enough to think about complex issues.

Not far to the west of the center of the camp, there is a wooden warehouse here.


"Shut up! Or take your guts out!"


There were cries for help in the warehouse, as well as impatient yells from the rebels, and more helpless low cries.

"Haha~! I've had enough fun today, Shu Tan!"

"The boss is really good to us~ hahaha!"

"That's right, stay behind and stay!"

At this time, two disheveled rebels walked out of the warehouse shoulder to shoulder.

Looking in through the gap in the gate, you can see that there are still several rebels who are violent and sadistic to the unarmed captives, doing things that even animals would not try.

If you use "beasts are not as good" as a comparison, you may insult the beasts.

Not worthy of being human!

At this time, the little Astartes who had already secretly surrounded the warehouse determined where the captives were.

Going deep into the enemy's camp and witnessing what was going on here made the patience of the Astartes reach the limit.

Now that the captive is found, then...

"Eh? Why is the front so empty?"

Just looking at the two rebels shoulder to shoulder, they found that they seemed to be blocked by some invisible things in front of them.

"It's a bit, what is this... Puff! Uh! Uh!"

The rebel on the left just wanted to reach out to touch it stupidly, but found that his abdomen was penetrated by brute force.

He wanted to call out loudly, but his head was covered by an invisible big hand.


Like a watermelon slamming into the ground and bursting, the rebel's head was crushed and exploded, splashing blood and brain tissue.

? !

The rebels on the right were a little slow to react.

What's the situation? The buddy who was chatting just now, why did his head explode suddenly?

This guy also instinctively licked the blood and tissue splashed around his mouth.

a little salty...


The last impression of the guy on the right was that it was a bit salty, and immediately after, his head exploded.

The falsely hidden door of the warehouse was pushed open.

The dark side of human beings staged inside can be seen at a glance.

The few rebels who were enjoying the violence did not realize that several giant figures had already entered the warehouse.


The children and women on the side who were abused vaguely saw behind the rebels, as if they were standing ethereal giants.

what is that?

But it can't be God.

The victims of violence would rather feel dazzled than think they are gods.

Because God has abandoned this place, God is not omnipotent, if there is God, why would such a cruel and inhuman thing happen?

But the next second...



The rebels who were enjoying themselves had either their brains crushed, or they were torn into two by brute force.

! ! !

how can that be? !

The victims were stunned and dazed.

"Hey~!" (x10)

Accompanied by the sound of electronic sound effects, ten small Astartes lifted the optical camouflage effect.

Robert, who was standing in the middle of the warehouse, used the translation function of the nanosuit helmet, and said solemnly to the still somewhat dull prisoners:

"(Swahili) Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, we are here to rescue you."

"God... is God..."

"Thank you... the earth... thank you... Mother God..."

"Are you... angels sent by God?"

The captives, who had been tortured to the point of being extremely weak, struggled to kneel down with great difficulty.

The local residents of Uganda, as well as the 14 foreign tourists, feebly spoke words of admiration to the Astartes.

The delirious captives had long since put aside their mindless thoughts.

Besides God, who else could "come down" silently, and then destroy those scumbags with crushing force?

Only God can do it.

"." (x10)

The Astartes watched silently, the captives kneeling before them.

After clearing out those rebels and saving these captives, why is there an unspeakable emotion in my heart?


This is the word that the little Astartes can think of to best describe this emotion.

According to what their father said, they became the heroes who rescued the captives, but they didn't get the sense of accomplishment they imagined.

Yes, they just felt pity for these captives who were brutally persecuted.

At the same time, there is endless anger.

Take it easy.

"Captain Marini, I request that the next annihilation mission be carried out by our Astartes."

Restraining his anger, Robert opened the communication helmet and contacted Marini who had already ambushed outside the camp.

"Reason." Marini's voice came through the communication immediately.

"I hope to let those rebels experience the despair these civilians experience." Robert responded in a deep voice.

"I need to consult with the extrajudicial side."

"it is good."

In less than half a minute, Marini agreed: "Approval is requested, and we will be responsible for the caught fish on the periphery, but don't forget your primary task."

"Captain Marini, please rest assured, we will protect the safety of civilians." Robert replied impatiently.

After finishing the communication with Marini, Robert looked around at the brothers standing around, and ordered in a deep voice:

"John, you and the two brothers will stay here to protect the safety of the civilians, and the rest of the brothers will follow me to destroy the garbage."

"Okay." John and others didn't have any comments.

Although Sui Bian didn't directly appoint a captain, the Astartes still regarded Robert, who had the most commanding ability and was the oldest, as their elder brother.

Next is the most taciturn, and the most executive John.

Next, Astartes, do a quick check of the .50cal heavy pulse machine gun in your hand, and the wrist knife, boomerang and telescoping spear as the melee weapon.

everything's ready.

John and two brothers stayed in the warehouse, while Robert led the six brothers out of the warehouse with the optical camouflage on again.

Not long after...

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

Around the camp, 50cal heavy-duty pulse guns opened fire.

"Puff! Puff!"

The fragile human body could not withstand the .50cal caseless explosive bombs, and they exploded like balloons filled with water.

"Ah! Ghost! It's a ghost!"

"No...don't come here! Don't come here!"

Finally, the impotent cries of the rebels.

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