He couldn’t figure it out, and Higashino Shinobu, who had just talked to him, talked to him a few heart-wrenching words in a blink of an eye.

With the strength of Shinobu Higashino, if he wants to kill him Nagato head-on, there will be no accident, why did he do such a thing?

Could it be that Shinobu Higashino is the kind of villain who first gives hope and then extinguishes it with his own hands? Is the purpose still for my reincarnation eye?

And just when Nagato was thinking so, Higashino Shinobu withdrew his hand without the slightest change in his expression.

Pressing one hand on the hole in Nagato’s heart, Higashino Shinobu mobilized the Yang energy of the Jade Dream Realm and began to repair the damaged wound on Nagato’s chest, while explaining: “There is a spell mark on your heart that can control you, and I just helped you break it.” ”

“That spell mark can control you, I can’t guarantee that you will do something crazy at that time, you know that the organization has not caused any irreparable huge losses now, so I can tolerate you!”

“Just now let you absorb Chakra to restore your body, I was also afraid that you would die suddenly by me when I took out the nest of my heart, and now that it has been solved, it will be fine for a while.”

Saying that, Higashino Shinobu let go of Xiaonan, and then tried to put away this large piece of detonation charm.

These are all money spent for nothing!

And Higashino Shinobu’s answer and Konan’s worried comfort did not calm Nagato’s mood, but more doubts appeared in his mind.

Feeling the heart that was wrapped in the warm Yang Shu Chakra and gradually began to repair, Nagato did not dwell too much on the matter of Higashino Shinobu taking out his heart, and thought of something else.

“I have never noticed that I have been placed under a spell, especially when I grow up, I can use the pupil power of the eye of reincarnation, even if it is as strong as Higashino Shinobu, it is impossible to approach me silently and place the spell seal, and then leave silently.”

“And when I grew up, I basically didn’t lose consciousness for a long time, and there was no one around.”

It’s terrifying to think about!

As if sensing Nagato’s thoughts, Higashino Shinobu explained in a calm tone: “This pair of reincarnation eyes of yours does not belong to you, he belongs to Uchiha Madara, and the spell mark in your body is also planted for you while changing your eyes.” ”

“The reason why I chose you is because you have the excellent bloodline of the Vortex clan, are born with huge vitality and chakra, and are one of the few people who can carry the pupil power of reincarnation.”

“The death of your parents, your encounter with Yahiko and Konan, Yahiko’s death, the establishment of your organization, and even your idea of pursuing peace, all of this happened by someone who deliberately led it.”

“Even Yahiko and Konan, whom you know, their personalities are set by Uchiha Madara!”

“Madara aims to control you with a spell mark and sacrifice your life at a critical moment of success, and to resurrect him using the art of reincarnation.”

Hearing this, Nagato was stunned.

He did not suspect that Higashino Shinobu was deceiving him, Higashino Shinobu had no need to deceive him, and he had nothing that Higashino Shinobu coveted.

But because of this, Nagato Sanguan collapsed.

Everything from childhood to adulthood is arranged, and your life is like a puppet, how sad should such a life be?

At this moment, Nagato felt that the world he knew in front of him was becoming false, whether it was friendship, family affection, strength, or the dream of pursuing peace, it was as illusory as a flower in the water.

Nagato even wanted to push Higashino Shinobu’s hand away and give up the treatment, so he died like this, escaping everything false.

“You should have noticed the weirdness when Yahiko inexplicably committed suicide in front of you, if after Yahiko died, you still believed in the understanding that Jiraiya preached or something, Xiaonan would also find a chance to die in front of you!”

“Isn’t it… Miss Xiaonan? Higashino Shinobu looked at Xiao Nan, who lowered her head at an unknown time, and the chakra around her was surging!

“Xiaonan! So are you? Nagato asked worriedly, and at the same time stood up with great strength, but because he had not walked for a long time, he was no longer used to using his legs, causing Nagato to fall at Konan’s feet after taking a few steps.

Nagato raised his head, and from this angle, he just saw Xiao Nan’s numb expression and the sudden appearance of Sangoyu in his godless eyes!

At this moment, Xiao Nan suddenly struck, a large number of pieces of paper flew up, and the target was pointed directly at Nagato’s eyes, Nagato seemed to have been greatly hit, and looked at the familiar Xiao Nan’s indifferent killer appearance now.

Just when the piece of paper controlled by Konan’s was close to Nagato’s reincarnation eye like a drill, it suddenly stopped moving, the paper pieces were scattered all over the place, and then looked at Xiaonan’s eyes, a brand new kaleidoscope replaced the rotating three-hook jade, but it was Higashino Shinobu who took over Xiaonan’s control.

Looking at Nagato, who fell to the ground with a dead heart, Higashino Shinobu sighed, ordered Konan to help Nagato back into his wheelchair, and said to Nagato: “Konan… Or that this female character named Xiaonan does not actually exist… The Xiaonan character you know is actually a false personality shaped by hypnosis, and the real Xiaonan is the one you just saw,…… Once the effect of hypnosis is gone, Xiao Nan will become the last tool to control you, she will commit suicide and drag you into the darkness, and if nothing can be done, she will kill you and take away your reincarnation eye…”

At this moment, Nagato still had a dead expression, Higashino Shinobu sighed again and said to Nagato: “Get a good night’s sleep!” ”

Then Higashino Shinobu ordered Hydrangea to pick up Nagato, and then the four disappeared into this tree hole together!


Konoha Village, Higashino Shinobu’s secret base, a burst of spatial fluctuations, Higashino Shinobu appeared here with Konan-Nagato and Hydrangea flowers, and busy ninjas greeted Higashino Shinobu one after another.

The Xiao Organization has become a thing of the past, Obito and Kuro have also been arrested, and the only obstacle left for Higashino Shinobu to unify the world is the mysterious Six Dao Immortal Otsuki Haji.

In order to deal with the Six Dao Immortals, Higashino Shinobu specially developed the ultimate forbidden technique of Xi and Bathing Day, this forbidden technique was developed for the Six Dao Immortals, Higashino Shinobu did not believe it, a hydrogen bomb could not kill him!

The power of the hydrogen bomb explosion of Shinobu Higashino has nothing to do with Chakra, so even if the six immortals can absorb all Chakra, it is useless, the nuclear bomb is here, there are no taboos!

But Higashino Shinobu grew so big and didn’t see himself slapped to death by the Six Dao Immortals, so Higashino Shinobu thought that the Six Dao Immortals also agreed with his plan!

Now Higashino Shinobu’s grand plan to unify the ninja world only has the last step, that is, to train enough administrative talents, and only with enough administrative talents can the unified world be properly governed, otherwise there will be no difference between Higashino Shinobu and Xiao Organization. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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