Unlimited cheating in the horror world

Chapter 239 Urban Strange Talk

The bus driver saw a girl who was at the platform, but when the bus was about to arrive, he left on his own. Seeing that there was no one on the platform, and no one wanted to get off the bus, he drove over directly.

Pang Shuiyue felt in a trance for a while, and when she came back to her senses, she found that she had walked out of the platform, and the bus was speeding past.

No, she obviously wanted to leave by car.

She opened her mouth to ask for help, but there was no one alive here except herself, and she couldn't utter a single word.

She was manipulated to walk out of Chunxi Road.

Pang Shuiyue had a flash of thought after being frightened, a mahogany sword in his hand.

With the mahogany sword in hand, it dispelled the chill and unknown control on her body. After releasing the control, Pang Shuiyue stepped back holding the sword, and quickly took out her mobile phone to call her teammates.

Fortunately, the phone can be used normally and connected quickly.

"Hey Captain, are you off work now? I met a ghost, and it directly manipulated me to go out of this way. I want to wait for you to come to get off work together."

When Rao Menghua heard her call, she felt a little irritable, "I've said it all, don't be stingy with props when you meet a ghost. Although you only have one weapon, you have several talismans... so, I'm going downstairs now, you Wait for me there for a while."

Hearing that the captain would come, Pang Shuiyue felt relieved.

Rao Menghua on the other end didn't want to talk to her, so he hung up the phone and packed his things to go downstairs.

Pang Shuiyue didn't dare to go back to the platform after seeing that the other end hung up the phone, she always felt that the ghosts were there.

After standing for a while, she realized that there was fog around her, and she stood there anxiously holding the mahogany sword.

The fog was getting thicker and thicker, making Chunxi Road look unreal, as if it was covered with a layer of dust.

She wanted to walk back to the platform, but was afraid of the ghost there.

Just watching the fog getting bigger and bigger, until she couldn't see the platform in front of her clearly.

"Is there anyone..." This situation is too intrusive.

After this inquiry, footsteps sounded in front of her. They were high heels. She wondered if the captain had come.

"Is that you, the captain?"

But no one responded to her, Pang Shuiyue could only stand still.

After a while, I heard footsteps coming to her side after a pause.

It's just this sound, which seems to be stepping on the tip of her heart, which makes people flustered.

click click click——

As the footsteps got closer and closer, the fog in front of him surged and suddenly retreated to both sides. Pang Shuiyue stepped back holding the sword.

Then I saw a pair of light pink high heels appearing in front of me, no one was wearing them at all!

Pang Shuiyue let out a low cry unconsciously in fright, and the high-heeled shoes rushed towards her at a faster speed.

While stepping back quickly, she raised her hand and swung the mahogany sword at the high heels, but she actually chopped something, but it wasn't the high heels, but something else.

There was only one thought in Pang Shuiyue's mind, that there was still a ghost standing in front of her all the time.

Flames appeared where the mahogany sword swung, and she felt that there was more than one ghost here!

I have dealt with ghosts in previous missions, but I only encountered two or three of them at most. I have never encountered a situation like this surrounded by ghosts.

Pang Shuiyue swung the sword around, and almost every blow could hit the invisible ghost.

When she regained consciousness, her head was covered with sweat, the pair of high heels were gone, and her mahogany sword was almost completely black.

Trembling, she took out her mobile phone and called Rao Menghua, but the mobile phone showed no signal, and she called the police again, but she couldn't get out at all.

Pang Shuiyue panted, but dared not speak, for fear of attracting the pair of high heels like before.

She doesn't even dare to raise her hand now, she only hopes that Rao Menghua can find her.

All the talismans in the storage were taken out and placed on him, and they were all hot without exception.

The situation on Chunxi Road was even more terrifying than she had imagined.

Suddenly something pressed against her heel, Pang Shuiyue's eyes widened and her body froze.

Then the force behind her feet became stronger and stronger, trying to squeeze her feet to move forward.

Pang Shuiyue naturally refused, "Go away!"

She swung the almost useless peach wood sword and slashed back, but unfortunately the blade of the sword broke directly, and a burst of golden light flashed, clearly reflecting the ghosts surrounding her.

But all of these are like golden light flashing away, but Pang Shuiyue can still see clearly.

Her lips quivered, her pupils trembled.

All the talismans on her body burned together, and the force behind her feet pushed her directly.

The quiet Chunxi Road, in the eyes of normal people, has no fog at all. There is only one girl walking out of this road with strange steps. She does not lift her feet when she walks, but the soles of her shoes rub against the road.


After Rao Menghua packed his things and went downstairs, he rushed all the way to the platform.

But when she arrived, there was no sign of Pang Shuiyue at all.

"Did you leave by car?"

Feeling strange in her heart, she looked for Pang Shuiyue in the discussion group, but unfortunately the other party didn't reply.

When she got to the platform, a bus happened to arrive. She got on the bus and left without knowing that her teammate had been controlled by the ghost.

It was past ten o'clock in the evening, the traffic on the road was not so heavy, the road condition was good, and the speed of the car was not slow.

Pang Shuiyue just watched her body go to an unknown road, and then stood on the side of the road.

The people passing by didn't pay attention to the girl, and pedestrians came and went.

When a big car drove up, Pang Shuiyue trembled all over, she knew what this ghost wanted to do.

When the car was about to arrive, her legs didn't seem to be her own, and she ran straight to the middle of the road.

The driver of the cart braked quickly, but still couldn't resist the force of inertia, and directly ran over the young girl.

There were people on both sides of the road screaming in fright, the scene was too bloody.

I don't know what happened, the girl was crushed directly from the middle, her head was crushed, and she vomited out bloody.

That night, Shen Congran and the others who arrived at the platform did not encounter any ghosts, and they were still wondering what was going on.

Later, I saw the local channel report on the accident, but they didn't recognize it as Pang Shuiyue at the time, after all, people were run over beyond recognition.

On the contrary, Rao Menghua and the others couldn't get in touch with anyone until the police contacted her based on Pang Shuiyue's last phone call, and they didn't know what happened.


As soon as Shen Congran returned home and opened the door, he heard Ji Yuanming exclaim in surprise: "What! She's dead?"

As a result, when he heard the door opening, he stared at Shen Congran. Finally, Ji Yuanming got up and went back to the room, and continued to understand the matter with his teammates on the phone.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Feng Yichen came out of the room.

Shen Congran glanced at Ji Yuanming's room and asked, "Did something happen to their team?"

Feng Yichen nodded, "It should be, he received a call just a few seconds before you came back, and I didn't hear what it was exactly."

Shen Congran: "What about the other one?"

Feng Yichen shook his head, which means he didn't see anyone.

The two looked at each other, probably knowing who had the accident.

Ji Yuanming deliberately lowered his voice in the room, the two people outside couldn't hear anything.

But they didn't figure out what happened, but Gu Tiantian and the others had something to gain.

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