Unlimited Rewards In Marvel

Thirty-seven, you are not afraid that I will not give

The bodies of Raza and the others fell to the ground.

Tony and Ethan were completely stunned.

From his appearance to the present, Russell's actions have become more and more unexpected.

At first, he ignored the threat, and even bewitched the Ten Rings Gang to kill Tony.

Then he further stimulated the Ten Rings Gang, for fear that they would not shoot.

In the end, unexpectedly, he directly killed the people of the Ten Rings Gang.

Is this guy crazy?

Wasn't he afraid that the Ten Rings Gang would really shoot me?

Tony looked at Russell viciously, as if he was going to eat him.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm not a good person either."

"If you keep looking at me like this, maybe I'll do what they should have done."

Russell pointed to the bodies of Raza and others.

Then, in front of Tony and Ethan, he released the venom form, took the pistol controlled by the black tentacles in his hand, and revealed his true appearance.

After hearing Russell's threat, Tony was even more dissatisfied, but he still restrained his angry eyes when his desire to survive had already risen.

"Sit down."

Russell pointed at Tony and Ethan at gunpoint.

"Who exactly are you?"

After sitting down, Tony asked immediately.

"My name is Russell Bradley, a private investigator and hitman living in New York."

Russell said with a smile.

Tony didn't expect that Russell would actually answer this question, and also revealed his real name and occupation.

"Private detectives and killers?"

"Then are you a detective or a killer now?"

After thinking for a few seconds, Tony continued to ask.

"Whether I'm a detective or a killer depends on whether you can get out of here alive."

"If you can get out alive, then I'm a private detective."

"When you die, I am the killer."

Although Tony is a genius, he still can't keep up with Russell's ideas at this time.

From the appearance, Russell is a young man in his early twenties, handsome, and looks harmless to humans and animals.

But it was this young man who single-handedly broke into the stronghold of the Ten Rings Gang, and under their noses, he killed the terrorists who took them hostage without changing his face.

"You want money? How much, ask for a price, no matter how much you want, I can satisfy you."

Tony said quickly.

"I do want money. After all, it cost me a lot of money and time to come all the way to Afghanistan."

"However, how much money it takes to let you go, let others decide."

With Tony's net worth, he can indeed give an exciting reward.

But Russell was a man of principle.

"What's the meaning?"

Tony didn't want to guess what Russell was thinking now, and asked directly.

"You'll find out in a moment. By the way, I'll tell you an inside story. This time the kidnapping was arranged by Obadiah."

"As for why, it should be easy for you to guess why."

Russell took out the satellite phone while answering Tony.

With Tony and Ethan watching, he dialed a number.


After dozens of seconds, the phone was connected.

Before waiting for the person on the other end of the phone to speak, Russell took the lead and said, "Mr. Stanley, good afternoon!"

"No, Afghanistan is 12 hours and 30 minutes ahead of Los Angeles, so it should be late at night. If you don't mind, Mr. Stanley, you can go to the toilet later."

Stanley on the other end of the phone thought it was a harassing call from nowhere.

However, after hearing the word Afghanistan, he dismissed the idea of ​​hanging up.

"Who are you?"

I don't know if it was because I was woken up in the middle of the night, or I felt something, Obadiah's tone sounded gloomy.

Russell pressed the speaker button to let Tony know that Obadiah, whom he regarded as a mentor and friend, was on the phone.

Just when Tony was about to say something, Russell pointed the pistol at him and motioned him not to speak.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that Tony Stark is in my hands now."

"Mr. Stanley, since you planned the kidnapping, I believe you shouldn't mind spending money to kill Stark." Russell said slowly.

"I don't know what you are talking about. If you are the one who kidnapped Tony, and you want a ransom, I can give it to you, but you must ensure Tony's safety." Obadiah said righteously.

"If you don't know what I'm talking about, then you should contact the military."

"Stark Industries has a good relationship with the military, and you should be able to easily contact the commander of the US military base in Afghanistan."

"By the way, Stark's good friend Colonel Rhodes is also in Afghanistan now. You can contact him." Russell said with a relaxed expression.

"Who are you and what do you want to do?" Obadiah's tone became even colder.

"As I said, it doesn't matter who I am, what matters is how much you are willing to spend to kill Tony Stark."

"You can pay Shijie Gang a lot of money to buy murderers, but you can't come to me, so you don't want to pay a penny, right?"

"If you really don't want to pay a penny, that's fine. I believe Tony Stark wouldn't mind spending a lot of money to buy his life back."

"I'll give you ten seconds to think about it, and I hope you can give a price that is acceptable to each other."

"10, 9, 8, 7..."

Russell immediately started the countdown.

Just when he was about to count down to the last second, Obadiah finally gave an answer.

"Three hundred million dollars!"

"I can give you three hundred million dollars, how do you want to receive it, transfer, cashier's check, bearer bond, or equivalent?"

Tony originally had the last shred of fantasy about Obadiah.

But now, this last shred of illusion has also been shattered.

Glancing at Tony, Russell said slowly, "Transfer the money."

With that, he gave Obadiah an overseas bank account that was never used, not even in his own name.

As a killer, you need to know where to get the guys to eat and what to do with your pay.

America's tax department is no joke!

This is a magical department that dares to collect taxes from drug dealers, and has its own armed organization, prison cells, and courts.

Only death and paying taxes are eternal in this world!

This phrase was born because of the US tax department.

"I need a little time to deal with it!" Obadiah said slowly.


After speaking, Russell hung up the phone directly and threw the phone to Tony.

This guy has a quirk of not taking things from other hands.

So he chose to toss the phone to Tony instead of handing it over.

"Obadia is willing to spend 300 million US dollars to buy your life, then you should not mind buying your own life back with 600 million US dollars."

$600 million is a lot, but that's for everyone else.

For Tony, his life is far from being measured by $600 million.

"You want me to transfer the money to your account?"

Tony asked.

"No, the phone is for you to ask for help."

"You know my real name and occupation, I'm waiting for you and your $600 million in New York."

Russell stood up and said with a smile.

"Aren't you afraid that I won't give it?"

Looking at Russell standing up, Tony asked suddenly.

"$600 million is not a big number for you."

"Besides, if you don't give it, I'll ask you for it myself, you wouldn't want to see me in that situation."

After speaking, Russell turned around and left.

Just as he was about to leave the cave, Tony stood up and asked him loudly, "Where's Obadiah? You take his money, so why don't you do anything?"

After hearing Tony's words, Russell shook his head helplessly, and said without looking back, "He won't transfer money!"

"What he needs time to deal with is not to transfer money, but to find someone to kill you and me."

"If you don't want to die here, you'd better contact your good friend Colonel Rhodes as soon as possible."

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