Unorthodox Beast Control

43. Chapter 43 New Residents Of The Nursing Home

Chapter 43 New Residents of the Nursing Home


After the thin boy left, a deep voice appeared in the foster care shop.

In the surprised eyes of Xu Ran and Zi Yun, a pet lizard with black scales and completely black eyes walked out of the shadows in front of the counter step by step.

Looking at this guy, which was two meters long and in the medium-sized category, Xu Ran realized belatedly that it was the pet animal that the boy had fostered here.

Xu Ran can now identify some of the more common pet beast races without using the system identification function, and the dark guy in front of him is one of them.

A dark pet beast that hunts shadow lizards.

This pet lizard covered in black scales has the ability to escape into the shadows and is a powerful assassin in the night.

"Since your master has fostered you here, consider this as your new home." Xu Ran walked up to the Shadow Hunter Lizard and spoke softly, "Come with me, and I will take you to see the foster care environment. "

"Zi Yun, look after the store!"

"Meow~" (Put it on me~)

Zi Yun stood up and slowly lay down, with his front paws in his arms, looking at the store calmly.


The Shadow Hunter Lizard didn't seem to be in high spirits and was in a very depressed mood. It followed Xu Ran towards the back door step by step.

Looking at the performance of the Shadow Hunter Lizard, Xu Ran had a thoughtful look in his eyes.

This pair of beast masters and pet beasts seemed to have some problems.

When Du Heng came to the foster care store before, he first checked the space of the foster care store, then made sure that the foster care store had an environment suitable for the life of the steel-armored rhinoceros, and finally observed a feeding process.

After judging in this way that Star Fire Pet Store was worthy of entrustment, he left with peace of mind.

This should be a necessary process for a responsible animal master when inspecting a strange foster care shop, but the skinny boy just took one look at the price and readily paid for one month's foster care.

He paid the money and left without saying a word, as if he wanted to leave his pet as soon as possible.

Combined with the low mood of the Shadow Hunter Lizard at the moment, it was obvious that something happened between the two.

Under normal circumstances, there is no need for Xu Ran to meddle in other people's business.

But with his previous experience with Rainbow Cloud Parrot, he knew very well that the pet's depressed mood would have an impact on his ability to obtain Pleasure Points.

I don’t know if the Shadow Hunter Lizard’s spirit will get better. I’ll cook a delicious meal for it later to see if it can cheer it up.

In a blink of an eye, Xu Ran and the Shadow Hunter Lizard had arrived at the foster care area on the underground floor.

"Wait a minute." Xu Ran took out the control center and adjusted it a little. Soon there was a stone forest in the originally undulating wilderness.

The strange-shaped rocks are ten meters high and more than three meters low. Their shadows are intertwined under the illumination of artificial light sources, forming a large shadow. Rich dark power gathers in the shadow. .

“This should be an environment you’ll enjoy.”


The Shadow Hunter Lizard glanced at Xu Ran, then walked step by step into the shadows, hiding in it as if sinking into water, and soon disappeared.

Although it didn't get Pleasure Points, judging from its actions and reactions, it should be satisfied with such an environment.

Xu Ran nodded slightly.

Next, let’s make it a delicious meal!

There’s nothing that one delicious meal can’t fix, and if so, two!

In order to get more Pleasure Points, he must use his dexterous hands to bring pleasure to this shadow hunting lizard... Oops, he stayed with the system for too long and got a little infected.

Shaking his head, Xu Ran walked into the preparation room and got busy.

From time to time, deep sounds could be heard in the huge foster care facility, which was the sound of the armored rhinoceros pacing in the wilderness.

It immediately noticed that there was a stone forest in the wilderness that it was already very familiar with. It tilted its head and showed a puzzled look.

When did you get the extra?

But soon, the Armored Rhino thought of something, and his expression suddenly dawned.

It looks like a new resident has moved in at the foster care facility.

"Ho~" (Do you want to play in the mud with me?)

As it approaches the stone forest, it sends out a warm invitation.

In the shadows under the stone forest, a pair of pure black eyes vaguely emerged.

The Shadow Hunter Lizard looked at the Steel Armored Rhinoceros who was stronger than him, with surprise and sympathy flashing in his eyes.

Was such a powerful guy also given up like himself?

"Eh? Why are you here, Armored Rhinoceros?" Xu Ran, who walked out of the preparation room carrying the prepared Shadow Hunter Lizard rations, looked at the Armored Rhinoceros who had appeared at an unknown time and asked in surprise.


Turning his head and seeing the food bowl held up by Xu Ran, the armored rhinoceros's eyes lit up.

"Ho!" (I want to eat too!)

"No, your next meal will be in a few hours." Even if he couldn't directly understand the language of the Armored Rhinoceros, Xu Ran could guess this guy's intention and immediately refused without hesitation, "Go and have fun with you. Bar!"


The rejected Armored Rhino didn't lose heart. It turned around and ran towards the distance. It jumped into the mud with a "plop", splashing the mud high and rolling happily in it.

Looking at the leisurely look of the Armored Rhinoceros, Xu Ran also smiled dumbly.

This big guy is adapting very well.

He walked to the stone forest with the food bowl in hand, "This steel-armored rhinoceros just arrived yesterday. It has adapted to life here. I hope you can adapt to it soon."

After saying that, Xu Ran saw the food bowl placed in the shadow slowly sinking, and finally disappeared. From time to time, the sound of chewing could be heard in the shadow.

The strange way of eating, if you don't know that there is a shadow hunting lizard hiding in the shadow, you will even feel a little Anomaly.

[Pleasure Points+3 from Shadow Hunter]

[Pleasure Points+3 from Shadow Hunter]

[from… ]

With so few Pleasure Points, it seems that it is not that easy to make this guy happy.

In the shadows, the shadow hunting lizard was eating the delicious food in the food bowl one after another, and what Xu Ran had just said came to mind.

"It has adapted to life here, and I hope you can adapt soon too."

Adapt to what? Life after being abandoned by the beast master?

Looking at the armored rhinoceros rolling happily in the quagmire from a distance, the shadow hunting lizard was thoughtful.

Maybe, I should cheer myself up again?

Perhaps, the beast master will remember that day?

The Shadow Hunter Lizard was encouraged by the Steel Armored Rhinoceros' optimism. His eyes became a little more determined, and his cooking speed also increased a little faster.

[Pleasure Points+4 from Shadow Hunter]

[Pleasure Points+5 from Shadow Hunter]

[from… ]

Seeing the Pleasure Points provided by the Shadow Hunter Lizard gradually increase, Xu Ran had a smile in his eyes.

See, let me just say there’s nothing a good meal can’t fix!

When the empty food bowl floated up from the shadows, Xu Ran picked up the food bowl and walked away.

If you feed it again after a while, the shadow hunting lizard will definitely be in a better mood!

In the shadows, the Shadow Hunter Lizard looked at the Steel Armored Rhinoceros rolling happily and nodded seriously.

I have to learn from this optimistic senior!

(End of chapter)

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