Chapter 126 I’m in an interview?

The four female stars suddenly stopped talking.

Originally, I wanted to sit down together and listen to what the three singers came to find Shen Zhi.

But hearing Shen Zhi’s words, he seemed to dislike them for delaying things.

Thinking of this, they looked at him angrily.

The three singers were also embarrassed.

They knew there were four female stars on the show.

But I didn’t expect this male amateur to get along so well with four female stars.

This time I came rashly, which disturbed their good time a little.

“I’m really sorry that we suddenly came to visit, didn’t it bother you.” Park Shu said apologetically.

Gao Yuanyuan waved his hand, “No, no, we just plan to celebrate for a while.” ”

“Celebrate?” The three men muttered and repeated.

Without asking again, Cui Jian said directly, “We admire Shen Zhi very much, we want to make friends with Shen Zhi, and we are bored to discuss music-related things together.” ”

Make friends?

Traveled thousands of miles to come to the magic capital just to make friends?

The four female stars looked at the three singers in shock.

That’s it?

“Okay.” Shen Zhi nodded.

Several people took their seats.

Four female stars returned to the living room to prepare ingredients.

Look into the living room from time to time.

Although they were far away, they could still be faintly heard.

“Shen Zhi, can you tell us how your “When You Get Old” was created? Because we have also suffered from creation these days, there is no trace of inspiration. Park Shu asked.

Shen Zhi pondered for a moment, then said, “I wrote this poem to my mother, and that day I suddenly thought that when I was young, my mother looked dim under the window, and I wrote this poem with emotion. ”

In a previous life, the original author of “When You Are Old” wrote it when he read a poem by a foreign poet.

He was in memory of his mother.

And in this life, the original owner of Shen Zhi’s body died since he was a child.

He didn’t talk about it

But everyone seemed to feel the sadness in his tone.

Then there was a sigh.

“It is indeed good poetry, and it is no exaggeration to say that we can’t think of poetry of the same level if we want to break our heads!” Li Zongsheng said very honestly.

Park Shu nodded in deep agreement, sighed and said, “We wrote a lyric for a month, and we locked ourselves in my room every day, but we just couldn’t think of it. ”

“Me too, this time has hit a bottleneck.” Cui Jian shook his head.

“Just go out and walk around and find inspiration.” Shen Zhi said lightly.

Although he said this, he actually has the skill of “memoirs of past lives”, and he does not need to go out to find inspiration at all.

Several people were convinced and nodded thoughtfully.

“What about “Daoxiang”? We listened too, could it be that inspiration comes from your country life? Cui Jian then asked.

Shen Zhi pondered for a while, and then said, “It is indeed my life experience when I was a child for creation, when I was a child in the countryside, running barefoot in the fields, stealing fruits, having fun and frolicking, it was a carefree childhood memory, when I was young, I envied the children who lived in the city, and these memories made me this lyric.” ”

He said according to the interview Zhou Dong gave at the time.

After speaking, Shen Zhi raised his eyebrows and asked, “I feel as if I’m being interviewed.” ”

The three of them smiled awkwardly.

It’s a bit like it really.

But they also desperately want to know how Shen Zhi can create good words and songs!

It was in this hesitant and tangled mood that they asked.

When asked for the exit, they were nervous and excited.

Shen Zhi’s answer was completely consistent with their thoughts.

Art comes from life and is higher than life!

That’s the truth!

Now, the mood of the three people is only excited.

They are very glad to be here this time.

Be able to know Shen Zhi!

“Sorry, we’re excited.” Cui Jian said apologetically.

“We just want to know more about you and make friends!” Park Shudao.

“Are you still used to being on this show?” Li Zongsheng asked.

Shen Zhi nodded, “It’s okay.” ”

“This is his home, life is business as usual every day, there is nothing unaccustomed to.”

The three looked around the house layout.

It looks very atmospheric from the outside.

It’s even more like this when you enter the house.

They looked at Shen Zhi dressed simply and cleanly.

He doesn’t look like a rich man.

Which of the rich people is not a famous brand now?

Or wear gold and silver like an upstart.

But I didn’t expect him to be the owner of this house.

They nodded secretly and looked at him appreciatively.

He is a rich man, and he is also very low-key and talented.

“So do you have any ideas for entering the music scene after the show?” Park Shu asked nervously.

As soon as they heard this question, Cui Jian and Li Zongsheng instantly sat up straight, waiting to hear Shen Zhi’s answer.

Like Pu Shu, they looked at Shen Zhi nervously.

I couldn’t help but feel that the three of them swallowed their saliva together.

They have a hunch that if Shen Zhi enters the music world, it will inevitably set off a violent wind and waves!

At that point, they are more stressed.

They stared at Shen Zhi tightly.

I saw Shen Zhi slowly said, “I, ah, want to try filming and singing.” ”

After all, his system is a “superstar cultivation system”.

There is certainly more than one profession.

Actors and singers all have to take over.

The three gasped.

Many people in the entertainment industry today are both singers and actors.

But you can do both!

Most of them are singers or actors, and then in order to make money, they chose two paths.

It is undeniable that Shen Zhi has a talent for singing.

But acting…

Can he?

The three people couldn’t help but ask such doubts.

But I didn’t dare to say it.

After all, they came with the mentality of making friends with Shen Zhi.

Plus it’s a live stream!

Millions of people!

Talking goes through the brain!

Yang Mi, who was observing from a distance, heard Shen Zhi’s words.

She immediately rushed out.

“Shen Zhi, you can come to my company.”

At this time, Reba also ran out, “Okay, okay, we are colleagues when you come.” ”

Shen Zhi pursed his lips, and then said, “I haven’t thought about entering the company yet. ”

Several people were stunned.

What was he thinking?!

When the entertainment industry is their own home casual entry?

How to mix in without a company?

Even if he participated in this variety show, he showed his face.

It’s not so easy to say!

If it were so easy to enter, there wouldn’t be so many actors now.

Eighteen-line stars!

“It’s hard to accept notices if you don’t enter the company.” Park Shudao.

“Yes, you have to recruit your own agents and assistants, no one trains you, no one looks for you to film, a lot of things.” Cui Jiandao.

Li Zongsheng put on a picture of a person who came over and said patiently, “I think you just think of the entertainment industry too simply.” ”

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