Ye Si still trusts the binding technology of the big flower-eating flowers.

After all, it's a skill they need to survive!

Therefore, Ye Si is not worried that the mount goat will take the opportunity to break free from the restraint and run away.

In fact, he was dragged all the way by the giant swamp monster, and was looked at by the pure big eyes of the four seasons deer who were helpless next to him......

The goat's brain has been emptied, and it has entered a state of no joy and no sorrow!

"This area in the heart of the forest is on the high side......"

As he walked forward, Ye Si did not forget to observe his surroundings.

The terrain is on the high side, which means that the open space in front of it does not appear because there is water flowing through!

This area is the territory of the Great Flower Eater.

After several of the Great Eaters ran away, there were no surprises to stop Ye Si from reaching the edge of the clearing.

Glancing around, Ye Si frowned slightly.

As he had glimpsed before, the clearing was indeed unshaded by trees.

But what is certain is that the soil in this area is not a problem.

There was also low grass growing here, even more lush than the dwarf grass Ye Si had seen along the way!

The only thing is that there are no shrubs or trees, not even a small sapling!

The same cannot be said of it......

In the middle of this area, there is still a bare tree trunk!

The trees outside the clearing are basically at a height of more than ten meters, and this trunk is estimated to be just over three meters.

"The problem must be with this tree that looks dead......"

Ye Si found that this open space was faintly a circle centered on this tree!

With so many details combined, everyone knows that this trunk is not ordinary!

"But it doesn't seem to be much different except that it's a little thicker......

Observing closely, Ye Si couldn't help but muttered in a low voice.

The leafless tree in front of me doesn't have any outstanding bark color!

"However, the shape of this bare trunk ......"

Squinting, Ye Si's heart moved, and he walked around the trunk of the tree.

In fact, he didn't move a few steps, and after going around ninety degrees, he stopped.

Under his eyes, there was a little bit of uncertainty in his eyes.

First of all, the part above the ground of this tree is divided into horizontal lines by the middle of the trunk, which is symmetrical up and down!

In ordinary trees, the branches and roots are almost symmetrical, but that includes the part below the ground!

Ye Si had to wonder if the trunk of this tree had gone into the ground!

But this is not the source of Yes's hesitation.

Walking ninety degrees around the tree, Ye Si found that no matter which angle he looked at......

The trees all present a near-uniform silhouette!

Big ......

Type X!

In this world with Pokémon, the 'X' is naturally more than just an English letter.

The meaning behind it is intriguing!

Combined with the situation in front of him, Ye Si already had a bold guess in his heart.

Could this be a ......

X God - Zernias?!

In the original book, there are three legendary Pokémon in the Carlos region, codenamed X, Y, and Z!

In addition to the X-god Gernias......

Gods Y and Z are Iferthal and Kigeld respectively!

God X has the power to give life, God Y has the ability to bring life to an end, and God Z is the overseer of the ecosystem!

Among them, the X god Jernias, after sharing his life, usually falls into a thousand-year-long slumber in the form of a tree!

It is based on this that Ye Si has such a bold idea.

"So...... Will it be like this?"

Yes felt his heart beat faster.

The Pokémon civilization of this world has lasted for thousands of years!

Even though science has only developed in recent times, humans are not ignorant of legendary Pokémon!

There are even a handful of legendary Pokémon that have a clear record of appearance!

But after all this time, Ye Si has never really seen the legendary Pokémon with his own eyes......

If the guess is accurate, then this is probably the closest Ye Si has come to the legendary Pokémon!

As for the Zernias, which is based on the Tree of Life, it should have appeared in Northern Europe......

For the legendary Pokémon, there are no borders, they have always run all over the world!

Maybe it happened to be here before the last time it slept!

"It's just a pity, I don't know when it was last asleep......"

The palm of his hand was gently pressed against the tree in front of him, and Ye Si sighed faintly.

If you can't see Zernas wake up, no one can say if his guess is accurate.

It is also because of the thousands of years of sleep time in Zhenias, not to mention modern times, I am afraid that there are not many records of it in the entire history of mankind!

That's why a time-traveler like him is here, and someone else is ......

Even if you think that this tree is hiding a secret, you can't even come to the conclusion of this step!

But when Ye Si's palm pressed on the trunk of the tree, one side suddenly appeared.

Under the palm of his hand, a turquoise light full of life began to glow!


Not under the palm of his hand!

It should be said that the whole tree in front of Ye Si lit up with the same turquoise light!

The breath of life spreads, so that the entire forest is covered with a faint light.

The Swamp Monster and Lucario were the first to cast their eyes.

The mounted goat, which was tied, did not give up on itself, and struggled to raise its head.

In the forest, King Nido, who was blown away by Lucario's punch, and Eater, who was frightened by the Swamp Monster and fled......

Countless Pokémon stopped to look in this direction.

Ye Si clung to the shining tree.

He watched as the outline of the tree gradually changed in the light, and finally outlined the shape of a deer with a special beauty!

The light quickly dissipated, revealing one of the Pokémon......

It's the Jernias that Yes guessed!

Looking at the imposing and heroic Zhernias, who was close at hand, and didn't know what to think, Yes glanced back at the mounted goat on the ground.

He's floating!

He actually thought about using God X as a mount!

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