The United States on the other side of the strait and the Arctic barbarians have always boasted that their tough guy battles are simply weak compared to Chen Yong, what is a tough guy? This is called a tough guy! Not only in appearance, but also in ability.

Ordinary people with several times the physical strength, extraordinary agility, and extremely strong defense, what is this not a tough guy?

But judging from the tone of Chen Yong's answer, a pistol with a normal caliber power should be difficult to hurt him, and this "should" also proves that the critical point of his hard skin is also here, otherwise he would not use this kind of word to describe it.

As for the more powerful weapons, such as the famous "Desert Eagle", as well as rifles, machine guns, etc., it is estimated that Chen Yong's defense power will not be able to resist them.

"Sure enough, even with this level of defense, it still can't compare to a firearm. "After all, Chen Yong's ability is only hard skin, but hard skin, he is still flesh and blood.

After Chen Sen asked all the questions, Chen Yong still stood motionless, since he was born, he has been instilled with a lot of information, not only words, but also a cruel order to be loyal to his master, protect his master, and die for his master, which has become the most important command in his mind.

He was rewarded by the system for signing in, and the system also said that as long as Chen Sen was willing, he could even be erased.

Chen Sen looked at the big man in front of him, the more he looked at it, the more he liked it, with such a powerful bodyguard, no matter what happened in the future, there would be a guarantee.

Leaving Chen Yong at home, Chen Sen drove to the mall and bought a full set of large suits and came back, as well as all kinds of necessary daily necessities.

Chen Yong is 100% loyal to Chen Sen, so Chen Sen let him live in this villa, which can also effectively prevent the situation of Zhang Dan last time.

At this moment, Chen Sen's mobile phone suddenly vibrate, Chen Sen took out his mobile phone and saw the words Sister Bai on the screen, and then connected the phone, "Hey, Sister Bai, what's wrong with you?"

Bai Youxuan's crying voice came from the other end of the phone, "Chen Sen, come to my house!"

"Sister Bai, don't cry yet, I'll be there soon!"

Chen Sen heard that Bai Youxuan was already crying at this time, and it was not quiet on the other side, as if there was a sound of slamming the door, Chen Sen immediately took the car keys and took Chen Yong to Bai Youxuan's house together.

Chen Sen drove very fast, and arrived at Bai Youxuan's house in less than half an hour, Chen Sen rushed upstairs, but saw a middle-aged woman with a full two hundred pounds who was constantly slamming the door at the moment.

"You stinky and shameless junior, you come out for me!" the woman slammed the door and cursed.

Chen Sen walked over and said, "Auntie, what are you doing?"

The middle-aged woman glanced at Chen Sen and said, "Here is a prodigal hoof surnamed Bai, shameless, seducing someone's husband, being a junior!"

The fat aunt spat and splattered, her mouth spoke like a machine gun, and her turnip-like fingers pointed at the door.

Chen Sen pushed it away, and then said, "Sister Bai, I'm here." "

Bai Youxuan opened the door after hearing Chen Sen's words, and as soon as the fat aunt saw that the door was opened, she immediately pointed at Bai Youxuan and scolded: "You stinky little three, you can't die well if you seduce a man!." "

Chen Sen directly entered the door and locked the door without giving the fat aunt a chance to come in, Chen Sen frowned and looked at Bai Youxuan.

"Sister Bai, what's going on?"

Bai Youxuan's tears kept flowing, "How do I know, there is a man who has been pestering me recently, saying that he wants me to marry him, and I agreed to add him to WeChat when I was annoyed by him, but he sent me messages every day, and then it became like this." "

Chen Sen gently patted Bai Youxuan's back, and generally knew what the situation was, it was obvious that Bai Youxuan was not the kind of person who would seduce other people's husbands, and then looked at the aunt who was more than two hundred pounds outside, Chen Sen knew that this was the man who wanted to steal.

Just when the two of them were staying in the room, the people outside had been attracted by the fat aunt and slowly surrounded them. whispered.

"What's going on?"

"I don't know!"

"It seems that the original partner came to catch the junior, there is a good show to watch!"

The eyes of the people who were talking about it revealed excitement, and sure enough, no matter where they were, they had the Xi of watching the excitement.

At this time, the property of the community has also rushed over, "Don't do it, if you have something to say, don't hurt people!"

Just when the property person shouted, two men suddenly came out, looking very distinctive, especially ugly, but at a glance, they knew that they were relatives with this fat aunt.

The two men rolled up their sleeves and rolled their arms, making it look like they were going to fight.

Chen Sen dialed Chen Yong's phone, then asked Bai Youxuan to stay in the house and walked out alone.

"You, hurry up and open the door for me, the old lady is going to tear this little three!" the fat aunt pointed at Chen Sen and shouted.

Chen Sen frowned and said, "Auntie, you may be mistaken, my sister is not this kind of person." "

Just as Chen Sen finished saying this, the two men suddenly pointed at Chen Sen's nose and said, "Your sister, maybe you are the little white face she raised, let me tell you, don't be nosy, and don't call the police, otherwise you will be in trouble here in the future!

Chen Sen snorted coldly: "I said, my sister can't do this kind of thing, only your husband chases my sister, and my sister has nothing to do with him!"

"What are you, you don't have it, you don't have it, get out of the way!" one of the men jumped over and punched Chen Sen.

The moment the man made his move, the people next to him all exclaimed, they seemed to have imagined the bloody scene afterward.

The fat aunt and the other man had a sneer on their faces, thinking to themselves.

"Nosy, heroes save beauty, see who dares to help Bai Youxuan a little slut today, whoever will put me in the hospital"

Bang bang bang, the sound of three fists hitting the flesh sounded.

Then there was the sound of a heavy crash on the ground, echoing even in the hallway.

The man next to him who had closed his eyes opened his eyes.

Chen Sen was still standing there, and the ugly man who rushed towards Chen Sen was lying in the corridor at the moment, and in front of Chen Sen stood a strong man nearly two meters tall, his arms were stretched out as straight as a gun at the moment, and it was obvious that the man was sent out by him.

The people around were stunned at the moment, and the property came to help persuade them to be stunned at the moment.

The fat aunt and the other stinky man were all dumbfounded.

In just a few seconds, the strong bear-like man in front of him appeared in front of Chen Sen, and then quickly knocked a man out, and the three muffled sounds just now could be heard that this man had just punched three times, and in just a few seconds, he actually knocked this person down?

How is this possible!

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