On the way back to the village, Naruto asked Kakashi-sensei curiously, and Sasuke and Sakura also looked over.

Anko looked to the other side, but a voice came out of her mouth.

"Don't ask these questions, kid. These are not things you little guys should think about."

This is something that only ninjas who bear darkness can bear and do.

You are all too young and too bright.

"There is a special torture officer in the village, and Morino Ihiki is in charge of the first competition of your Chunin Examination.

And some ninja information requires the Yamanaka family's exquisite mystical skills to find out.


The water is too deep and too deep for your discomfort.

"In short, you don't need to think too much about this aspect. Ninjas are determined people. It is difficult to get them to speak without some special means.

There are specialized people in the village who do specialized things. "

Kakashi also doesn't want innocent children like Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura to be involved in these darkness prematurely.

"Can I give it a try? I think that female ninja doesn't seem to have a good mentality."

Kakashi and Anko both stared at Naruto, and Naruto also looked in the direction of the female jounin of Iwagakure Village.

He really wanted to try out how to use his compulsive strategy ability on others outside.

How can you not try such an interesting and fun thing?

"Okay, okay, I'll let you give it a try when we stop later."

Kakashi was a little helpless, Naruto was too lively, why did he want to try all these things.

Soon, during the break, under Naruto's guidance, Sasuke and Sakura also showed full interest.

The Iwagakure female Jounin, who was already a little bit broken, couldn't accept that she had brought so many teammates, but fell into the hands of a woman who didn't look very strong and an imp. She saw three imps coming to her. In front of me, I felt even more humiliated.

"You bastards, you'd better just kill me!"

Iwagakure kunoichi hates sharing, sharing! Small, said resources; source'group: 9? 8; 0; 2? . 0'. 5,8"5.;6 It makes my teeth itch, you Konoha actually let these three brats torture her, are you looking down on her firm will as a female Iwagakure jounin!

Do you think it’s so easy for you to torture her out of information?

Stop insulting people!

Even if you keep whipping her, even if you torture her, make her bleed, and make her suffer, there is absolutely no way she will reveal any information to you!

"Get her down."

On the carriage used to transport these incapacitated Iwa ninjas, Sasuke held the ropes around the female ninja's hands and feet with one disgusting hand and lifted her out of the carriage.

"You bastard brat, I'm going to kill you!"


Seeing the Iwagakure female jounin roaring at Sasuke, Naruto sighed.

She is obviously pretty and has a mean figure, but why is she so grumpy?

Didn't Sasuke treat you like a pig butcher?

"First of all, we need to strengthen her restraints. I feel that such a rope binding method cannot completely trap her. She may find a chance to break free while we are interrogating!"

Naruto's voice gained approval from Sakura and Sasuke.

The other Iwagakure ninjas on the carriage looked dejectedly at their leader, being manipulated at will by three brats.

They were not even asked to be tortured by the most professional torturers. This was really insulting to the ninja.

Captain, you must hold on!

"But, how else can we tie them up?"

Under Sasuke's question, Naruto suddenly felt inspired.

His hands began to move coolly, as if dancing.

The light ropes were threaded in his hands, and then the ropes, as flexible as snakes, quickly wrapped around her body.

Then it got tighter and tighter.

Kakashi was curious at first, then slowly opened his mouth, and finally, he was stunned.

Hongdou and Uoyuki Xiyan were a little curious at first, then slowly turned red, and finally covered their cheeks with their hands, but did not cover their eyes between their fingers.

The Iwagakure female jounin first cursed loudly, then slowly began to ejaculate painfully, and finally she couldn't even cry anymore.

Her thighs were spread open by the rope, like a big M, and were forcibly fixed.

The upper body is even more bound by the power of the rope. It is stretched forward with force, pushing the chest forward, clasping the hands forward, and squeezing the front into a rough wave.

Moreover, the more she struggled, the tighter and tighter the rope became, making certain parts of her body more prominent, fully displaying the inner workings of her body.

The most important thing was that, for some reason, she felt that after being tied up like this, her whole body seemed to become particularly sensitive.

Even a breeze blowing over her body would give her goosebumps.

Even if a casual glance passed over her body, she felt that the other person was looking at her body seductively, looking at some places that she didn't want to be so exposed and displayed.

These strange eyes and these strange touches made her whole body tense up.

She felt that she was suffering an extremely cruel punishment all the time.

"Naruto, how did you do that?"

"I don't know, I just moved my fingers?"

Sasuke and Sakura both looked in disbelief!

You look so proficient, can you do this without anyone practicing?

"Stop looking, I told you not to look, damn kid, I must kill you, I must kill you, kill you!"

The Iwagakure female jounin even felt that her subordinates couldn't help but glance at her with that strange look. When she cursed Naruto with shame, there was a trace of it in her voice. Crying.

At this time, there is no doubt that she is full of hatred for Naruto and Konoha Village, enjoy! Small, said resources; source'group: 9? 8; 0; 2? . 0'. 5,8"5.;6 Meaning, at this time, she was full of the most determined will to resist Naruto and Konoha Village.

You bastard, you **** brat, for making her, a female jounin who fights and devotes herself to the village, into such a despicable appearance, I will absolutely, absolutely not let you go!

Kill you, I must kill you, woo woo woo!

"Naruto, isn't this good? Although we are enemies, she..."

Sakura couldn't bear to see the female jounin like this.

286 You, what have you done to me?

"Hmph, don't pity me, kid, I don't need the pity of you Konoha ninjas!

If you put away that weak look, if you are caught by me, I will torture you severely, then destroy you and take you back to the village, making you a tool for reproduction and birth of ninjas! "

He was obviously very ashamed, and his posture was very seductive, as if his whole body was being staged.

But, at least you can’t admit defeat even in words!

Even if my dirty chest rises and falls because of being angered by Naruto, even if my lower body is spread out like a crab, my heart, which is as hard as a stone and is a female jounin from Iwagakure Village, will never give in!

You can manipulate my body, but you absolutely cannot manipulate my will.

Let me show you what is the will of earth that is as tough and unyielding as a rock!

And kid, be angry or feel uncomfortable, it’s better to kill her, it will be easier to die.

"See, Sakura, there's no need to pity her.

She is our enemy, no matter what we do to her, no matter how excessive we do, it is all as it should be, and they deserve it. It is even their medal, a praise to them!

If they catch us, they might be more cruel and terrifying than us!

That woman might torture me day and night, treating me as a ruthless tool. Just to get my excellent genes, she would arrange for ten or eight girls to take turns to drain all my sperm. ...force! "

It sounds reasonable, but why does it feel so strange?

Kakashi rolled his eyes when he heard Naruto's words, Naruto, look at you!

"And now, we torture them, we anger them, we hate sharing! Small, said resource; source'group: 9? 8; 0; 2?. 0'. 5,8 "5. ;6 They, doesn’t this also prove that everything they do is very, very bad for us? "

"That's right, kid, I suddenly appreciate you a little bit, so if I have the chance to kill you in the future, I will definitely torture you well and I will never let you die easily!"

"Did you hear that? She thought the same way, so I did the same. Isn't that okay?"

Sakura looked at Naruto who was talking nonsense seriously, and then at the Iwagakure kunoichi who seemed to agree with this very much. The corner of her mouth twitched, "I have a mouth on you, you can say whatever you want!"

"But next, how should we start to torture her?"

Sasuke asked, should I use a whip?

He thought about it, but in the end he still didn't have the nerve to do it.

After all, he was from the Uchiha clan, and he didn't bother to attack such an enemy who had lost the ability to resist.

Naruto scratched his head, and a golden exclamation point seemed to flash on his golden hair in an instant.

After tying up the female jounin, although she couldn't move at all, she was still unable to be used by Naruto to force him to attack, so she was not under his absolute control.

"I see!"

Naruto took off her shoes at once, then pinched her nose, and used his other hand to take off her socks.

"Kid, what are you doing, what are you going to do!!!"

Damn it, you stinky brat, what do you mean by pinching your nose? She doesn't stink so much!

You'd better kill her, you bastard, and stop insulting her!

Her companions, on the other hand, couldn't bear it, and looked at their captain's feet with their eyes wide open.

Woohoo, captain, take care of yourself.

War is cruel, especially the war between ninjas. Regardless of men or women, once you are captured by the other side, unless you are particularly important and valuable.

So, anything is possible.

Kunoichi's no misfortune is not just talk.

Could it be that they haven't been able to pursue the captain with a curvy figure, and today they are going to be humiliated at the hands of a brat who doesn't even have full hair?

No, that’s their goddess!

Although she has a bad temper, she has a good figure!

Although she has a bad mentality, she looks good!

Woohoo, Konoha, you bastards, we Iwagakure ninjas are at odds with you!

Naruto pinched her chin, forced her to open her mouth, and then stuffed her smelly socks into her mouth.

"This way, she won't be able to bite her tongue and kill herself."

Anko snorted and couldn't help laughing. When she saw Naruto taking off this woman's shoes and socks, she thought he was going to do something, but it turned out to be to prevent this!

"Naruto, biting your tongue will not kill you. Didn't you listen to the teacher during class? Guys who bite their tongue will only die from excessive blood loss."

Sakura reminded Naruto kindly, and Naruto felt a little regretful.

It seems that it is not a problem in this area that prevents him from using the forced strategy ability.

"Hahaha, sorry, I forgot, then let's do this."

Naruto found a branch and carelessly tickled the soles of the kunoichi's feet, causing a ferocious and twisted smile to appear on her face.

In fact, she is thinking about what else needs to be done to put this female ninja in a state where she can be controlled by her forced strategy ability.

What other conditions need to be met?

The rope on her body was tied by herself, and it was herself who was responsible for causing her to be unable to move freely.

Oh, Chakra, by the way, how could you forget such a crucial part of Chakra?

When the Kyuubi was sealed in his body, Uzumaki Naruto could use that seal to absorb the Kyuubi's chakra and use it for his own use!

So, do I still have to be able to control the other party's chakra?

What a coincidence, although Naruto doesn't know the sealing technique, he does know the soft fist.

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