Being liked by such a cute young man, who she also liked very much, made her feel young.

However, we should keep such feelings buried deep in our hearts. Naruto, we, cannot do that.

Regrettably, she stuffed the things back under Naruto's bed. Uchiha Mikoto had a complicated look in her eyes, and quickly closed the window of Naruto's room and jumped back to her own room.

She calmed down her mood and her hot body, and was about to take out some clothes from the closet to take a shower and change into cleaner underwear.

The moment her hands touched the handle of her wardrobe, she felt something was wrong.

It's a little, a little different, the feeling of touch.

She was always used to opening her closet door.

But today, it felt like someone else had touched this place before her. There was even a little sweat on the handle, which made her feel very different when touching it.

Thinking about it carefully, his youngest son Sasuke would definitely not enter his room for no reason and rummage through his closet.

Fugaku didn't come back. He didn't take any clothes from the closet and left to go to the security team.

My home is also very safe. It is impossible to be robbed in the center of the village, where a large number of Uchiha members gather.

404 Is it possible that the person Hong likes is not a man?


Uchiha Mikoto's eyes suddenly widened, and she remembered that when Naruto was cooking in the kitchen, he said he would pass by her room and jump back to his own room to get something.

In other words, is it most likely that Naruto did this?

No wonder she always felt like there was someone in the room above!

Mikoto swallowed, and her eyes began to scan the closet quickly.

She was not angry because Naruto rummaged through her wardrobe, but felt a little shy and a little anxious.

After seeing the chest of drawers below, Uchiha Mikoto's eyes suddenly froze.

She gently put her hand on it and touched it gently. Sure enough, there were traces of someone touching it.

With trembling hands, she opened the drawer.

It's finished, what's inside should have been seen.

Although Naruto didn't move anything or take anything away, when he opened the drawer, the contents inside were still slightly displaced due to the shaking of the drawer.

Trembling hands, trembling heart!

Uchiha Mikoto was confused for a moment.

Naruto, Naruto saw so many things in his room, no wonder his expression became so strange and he didn't dare to look at him at all.

Will he also wonder why there are so many such strange things in Mrs. Mikoto's room?

Will he also wonder how the custom-made thing in Mrs. Mikoto's is so similar to his? It's exactly the same!

Could it be that he felt that the two of them had strange thoughts about each other in their hearts, and even tonight after a fierce ideological struggle, he quietly came to her room to do some testing?

Should she refuse?

Should the door to the room be closed tightly, or should a small gap be deliberately left there so that he could easily see what was going on inside?

Uchiha Mikoto swallowed, grabbed her underwear, walked stiffly into the bathroom, and started taking a shower.


"Hong, can I invite you to have dinner with me tonight?

You have helped me a lot recently and helped me find my team. I would like to express my gratitude. "

Asuma's face was filled with a confident smile, looking at the beautiful, generous and moving Yuhi Hong in front of her, a trace of fascination flashed in her eyes.

As expected of being popular, she has always been such a beautiful woman.

Why didn’t I know how to cherish it before?

"Ah, Asuma, no need, this is what I should do."

Kurenai had just led her team to finish all the tasks and bid farewell to the team members when she met Asuma who seemed to have been waiting for her for a long time.

"You will help me when I am busy, right?"

Asuma became a little anxious when he saw that Kurenai didn't seem to have any desire to eat with her.

He has been training crazily and hard recently, just to continuously improve his strength.

That day, when there was a riot in the prison, the scene where Hong easily used extremely powerful illusions to bring down the criminals one by one would never be forgotten in his mind.

Yuhi Hong's power deeply stimulated him, making him feel at that moment that his weak self was not worthy of such a powerful woman.

The death of his father, the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, made him feel deeply powerless.

As an elite Jonin, he also seemed so powerless when Orochimaru invaded Konoha and carried out the plan to collapse Konoha.

Without sufficient strength, even an elite Jonin can only serve as a screw in a village or other forces that can be replaced at any time.

Sarutobi Asuma, who is determined to improve himself, has grown a lot in strength during this period. It cannot be said to be a rapid improvement, but he is still much stronger than before.

This gave him renewed confidence.

He felt that if he worked hard like this, he would always be able to let Hong see his feelings and make her feel that he was a hard-working person.

"Hong, please give me a chance. I can't take up your time and energy in vain without making any compensation."

Looking at Asuma who was a little anxious, Kurenai sighed.

"Forget it, Asma, I still have some things to do at home."

Yuhi Kurenai still didn't let go, and her attitude was very clear, which was to minimize contact with Asuma.

She and Asuma would never be the childhood sweethearts they once were, but they could still be ordinary friends.

Everyone was an elite Jonin in the Leaf Village, and they could not see each other without looking up. Kurenai didn't want to be so stiff with her colleagues, nor did she want to have a too close relationship with Asuma.

Asuma watched Kurenai leave, her eyes full of reluctance.

What is going on, and why is the Red Cross so determined to reject it?

Could it be that Hong has someone else he likes?

Looking at Hong's retreating back, Asuma felt a bitterness in her heart.

Could it be that Hong really has someone he likes? Otherwise, why would he turn a blind eye to him like this?

No, you have to see clearly who he is. You can't let a beautiful girl like Hong be deceived and played with by others!

Asuma, who was smoking, took the cigarette butt out of his mouth, threw it on the ground, and stamped it with his foot!

Then he followed Hong's leaving figure.

After Hong bought some side dishes, she quickly returned home.

The aroma slowly wafted out of Kurenai's kitchen, and Asuma felt as if the glutton in his stomach was being drawn out when he smelled it.

It doesn't matter, as a ninja, starvation often happens, so it doesn't matter if you skip one or two meals!

As long as you can see which other man is Hong close to besides yourself, it will be worth it!

From a distance, Asuma was smoking a cigarette while watching Kurenai's situation.

Soon, something surprised him. An uninvited guest came to Hong's door.

Mitarashi red beans!

What made him feel even more weird was that when Kurenai Yuhi opened the door to welcome Mitarai Anko in, Mitarai Anko was so careless that she even reached out to touch Kurenai's butt!

Although Kurenai gently slapped her arm away and glared at her, Asuma felt that Kurenai didn't seem to be really angry at Anko's behavior.

It's okay, it's okay. I heard that weird fights often happen between girls!

The two of them have a very good relationship, maybe they greet each other like this often.

Asuma swallowed and continued to stare at Kurenai's house, but a strange feeling vaguely arose in his heart.

405 Hong turns out to like Hongdou?

Asuma waited for a long time and kept looking in the direction of Hong's home, but Anko still didn't leave Hong's home. It seemed that he was going to sleep at Hong's place tonight.

I see, it seems that the relationship between the two of them is already so close! It seems that they are good sisters who can sleep together for a night.

Asuma was really envious of him, seeing the two of them playing and laughing with each other at the door.

It is estimated that when they lay on the big bed at Hong's house at night, they would hug each other very closely and talk quietly there.

Think about it, two girls who have taken a shower, exuding the special fragrance of shower gel mixed with body fragrance, and are slippery and white, are wearing underwear, lying side by side, talking and sharing interesting stories between sisters. Tell them about interesting people and things they have encountered recently.

This is such an eye-catching scene, just thinking about it makes people excited.

This kind of behavior really makes Asuma envious of him. It would be best to lie alone between two beautiful girls who are completely obedient to him.

Alas, Asuma sighed.

After all, this can only be thought about.

Moreover, the way Anko was at the door just now, sneaking up on Hong's ass. At Hong's house, she might touch her best friend Hong's breasts with a smile, and then say with a bad smile, "Hong" , you have grown bigger again!


Why can't that person be me!

But fortunately, they are just best friends, just good female friends. No matter how much they go too far, they just lie down together and sleep together at night.

With this thought in mind, Asuma took out a new one, lit it, took a puff, slowly opened his mouth, and blew out a puff of mist.

After he relaxed a lot, he continued to look at Hong.

Swish swish swish.

The night wind blew the leaves on the trees, swaying gently and making a sound.

The lights of Konoha Village looked quite bright and bright at this moment, but it gave Asuma a strange and strange feeling.

The smoke from the cigarette butt lit in his hand was quickly dissipating in the wind and disappeared without a trace.

Asuma's eyes were a little blurry, and he raised his head to look at the moonlit night sky. Suddenly, he missed his father, the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

If my father had not died in that battle, but was still alive, he would definitely support me in pursuing Hong again now.

Or maybe you just want to share and share! Small, said resources; source'group: 9? 8; 0; 2? . 0'. 5,8"5.;6 He was so stubborn that he couldn't live up to his expectations. He was such a big man, and he threw away the girl who once liked him and could never get her back.

If he could become a lover with Kurenai again, get married and have children, the old man should have retired long ago, stayed at home honestly, and helped take care of Konohamaru and his children.

Really, why did I suddenly think of these sad things.

Sarutobi Asuma rubbed his red eyes. It must have been the night wind that blew fine sand into his eyes, which made him look like he is now.

Otherwise, he is an elite jounin of Konoha Village and a powerful ninja. How could he suddenly become so fragile?

The light in the sunset-red house has become very weak.

Only her bathroom room seemed to have a faint light, which continued to emanate through the windows and curtains.

What made Asuma feel a little strange was that after a while, two people were probably taking a bath together. In the room where the bathroom was located, the dim light projected outward made him feel that someone was in Hong's room. It's like being hung up?

Moreover, why vaguely, he even saw another vague figure, like holding a whip, constantly approaching the struggling person who was tied up and hung.

Then he swung the long whip in his hand fiercely, swinging it out again and again, and landed on the man.

"Is it my imagination?"

Yes, that's right, it must be an illusion.

It must have been while taking a shower. The two girls were playing around, and then the light was reflected, creating a strange scene.

Hong is not such a person!

This was the time when he was on the side of the daimyo and served as the twelve guardian ninja warriors of the daimyo.

Most of the gameplay is only seen among nobles and even daimyo. Shouldn't it be done by those high-ranking nobles whose lives are too boring and who are secretly looking for excitement?

Hong, Hong is a ninja with ideals, ambitions, and pursuits. She wouldn't do this, right!

After all, Anko is now the elite among the female ninjas in Konoha Village. Together with Hong, she has become the coveted guy who has risen among the female ninjas in Konoha.


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