Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1325: Feng Ni, who blocked his political future

Valley Emperor

Even if the Songjiang Prefecture's finances will come to the fore at that time, but this is a big hole of hundreds of thousands of yuan, even the Songjiang Prefecture's finances will feel enormous pressure!

More seriously, if something really happened, it could basically declare the end of political life.

This kind of thing is too politically risky!

Can't do it!

See investors like this, can't do it!

You can't do things like taking out a loan yourself!

However, there are other ways to do it. After all, Huating County is also under its own jurisdiction. If the third industrial zone can develop, it will be good for him.

Therefore, Chen Lifu also made a good decision. He called officials and held a special meeting to discuss the development of the third industrial zone, but this was only an internal official meeting, and no investors were invited to participate.

Then he personally led the team and invited the director of the Industrial and Commercial Office of the Gangnam-do Yamen to visit the third industrial zone together.

However, this is still an official formation. During the whole process, there was no contact with any investors, and no commitment was given.

What he can do is actually make a statement, stating that he will support the development of the third industrial zone, but the specific amount of support is a secret.

He also knows that the officials in Huating are all on the horns and dream of developing industry and commerce. With their own statement, they will definitely use it to make an article.

Sure enough, Feng Ni, the county magistrate of Huating County, who only took office last fall, started to preach that the third industrial zone would be the key development zone for the entire Songjiang Prefecture in the next few years, and investors rushed to invest. Ah, if you miss this wave, there will be no chance in the future.

This move has indeed attracted many businessmen, and many powerful companies have begun to take an interest in the third industrial zone.

After all, today's Datang Empire is still an official-based world. Even if Chen Lifu did not give any clear statement, it was just a meeting, an inspection, and one or two vague words, enough to make many businessmen Be tempted, and prepare to invest a lot of money to make a fortune.

One of the first to start action is Dayang Textile Co., Ltd.!

As for this company, the textile company Song Wanzi works for, they have been very happy to cooperate with the Datang Fusang Affairs Yamen Marriage Committee in the past two years. They have already accepted more than 10,000 Fusang female workers. Of course, the five thousand Among the famous fusang female workers, many people will find a man to marry or be a lover after only working for a period of time, or choose to leave after entering the green building or some other way out.

This is inevitable. Who asked Dayang Company to pay only about half of the normal salary. Those newly arrived Fusang female workers do not know, but after a few months of work, they will basically know, even if they directly change jobs to other textile companies , the income will double directly.

Not to mention, more of them will choose to marry, so as to get rid of the darkness in the textile factory, working at least twelve hours a day, sometimes even fourteen hours, sixteen hours a day.

However, this kind of thing is also under the consideration of Dayang Company. The Dayang Company does not expect these fusang female workers to be able to work for long. Anyway, their wages are low, and textile enterprises do not have too high requirements on workers. , as long as they work for an average of two months, the overall labor cost of Dayang will be lower than that of ordinary employees.

As for more than two months, that is earned, and the longer they work, the more they earn.

In this environment, although Dayang Company said that it has successively accepted tens of thousands of Fusang female workers, in fact, there are only about 2,000 Fusang female workers still working in Dayang Company.

Hiring female workers in Fusang has reduced the cost of Dayang Company a lot, thus making its products more competitive. The company's development momentum is getting better and better, so I'm thinking about opening a new branch.

However, in the textile industry, their Dayang Company can only be regarded as a medium-sized enterprise, but for the entire business community, it is still an uncompromising large enterprise. The scale of their branch factories will also be very large and require a lot of land. On the Shanghai side, it is already difficult to give such a large piece of land in the area along the river for them to build a branch.

So they set their sights on the third industrial zone on the Huating side.

As a local enterprise in Shanghai, they naturally know that the so-called third industrial zone, which is the original Huating Development Zone, has nothing to do with Shanghai.

Many of the things that Huating boasted about were also known to be false. As far as Huating's financial ability was concerned, all the plans for the third industrial zone could be truly implemented. They would rather believe that the female workers of Full Fusang would not need wages, no food or drink, and would give them to themselves for free. Work.

However, after Chen Lifu's two official statements, and officials from Huating have sworn to ensure that once the investment is in place, the industrial zone can have a certain amount of investment, can promote local development, and contribute to the future of tax revenue, they will Will take this future to the Imperial Bank and the Royal Bank of the loan for the construction of industrial areas.

The officials in Huating know Dayang Company, and they know even more that Dayang Company is a local company in Shanghai, and they know Huating well. It is impossible to lie to them, and they can only rely on future development to impress them.

To this end, Feng Ni, the magistrate of Huating County, personally met with the top management of Dayang Company!

This only 28-year-old Zhengliupin county magistrate, a political star of the new generation of grassroots officials in the empire, vowed that they would definitely get a loan from Huating.

This Feng Ni is not a simple person. If he were a simple person, he would not have been the magistrate of Huating County when he was only twenty-eight years old.

Don't look at it as a genuine sixth-grade county magistrate, but this is Huating, and he is only twenty-eight years old!

It is rare to see a local leader in his twenties and a top county leader.

This person can climb so fast, naturally because he dares to do it!

For the sake of development, the guy who dares to directly use the loan of the uncertain future, such a person is destined to be rich or rich, or to die without a place to die.

For Feng Ni's future fate, the people of Dayang Company don't care. They only care about whether the planning and construction of these industrial zones will be in place, and they have obtained clear official commitments. Even in the investment agreement, they directly and clearly determine what projects are. When the time was completed, Dayang Company decided to invest in the third industrial zone.

As long as the infrastructure construction of the third industrial zone can keep up, they don't care whether Huating Finance can afford to repay the loan in the future, and it has nothing to do with them. The road and the pier may have been confiscated.

After the Dayang Company confirmed the investment agreement, it finally let Feng Ni, who had been running up and down for several months for the third industrial zone, even had his political future under pressure, heaved a sigh of relief!

There are huge political risks in the development of the third industrial zone. He knows it, and it can even be said that these risks are created by him!

No one knows better than him what the consequences will be if they fail!

First of all, Huating's finances will definitely become the same as Tongzhou's. The county yamen office may be taken away, and his political life will also end at the same time. Even if he is lucky, it is estimated that he will be distributed overseas. There is no hope of returning to the homeland for a lifetime.

But he still insists on doing it!

Because he has ambition, he is not reconciled!

He was a 22-year-old middle official, and he has been an official for six years now. He climbed up step by step from the grassroots level, and finally climbed to the position of Huating County magistrate. He paid more efforts than others, and also took greater risks.

In these years, if you want to make great achievements, in addition to hard work, you naturally need to take risks, because some projects that seem to have very high returns are always accompanied by huge risks.

Fortunately, he has been successful all the time!

Before taking charge of Huating, he served in Jiujiang Prefecture, Jiangxi Province. At that time, he was promoted because of several important things, and then he was directly transferred to Huating as county magistrate.

This time, he also believes that he will succeed!

Once he succeeds, he doesn't have to serve for three years before he can be promoted to another level, and it is even possible to jump directly to a two-level jump just like before.

Because if the third industrial zone can be successfully built, its political achievements can be included in the top ten even if it looks at all the county magistrates in the, and the future will be very bright.

For him, the career is one gamble after another, and every time it is a life-and-death gamble that puts all the capital on it, either making a lot of money and going to the peak of life, or completely finished!

Today, this big gamble in the third industrial zone has a bright start. With shamelessness and pestering every day, Chen Fuzun finally stood on the stage twice, although it was only an official internal statement, without giving any A clear commitment, but that's enough.

Taking advantage of Chen Lifu's official statement this time, he brought in Dayang Textile Company. Although this Dayang Company is in the middle reaches of the textile industry in the country at most, it is still an uncompromising large enterprise.

The company decided to build a branch factory in the third industrial zone, with a total investment of 200,000 yuan. After completion, this branch factory will become the largest production base of Dayang Company.

With this company as a role model, Feng Ni took advantage of the victory to pursue and continued to personally contact several other interested companies to settle in the third industrial zone, and negotiated a few again.

When all the investment intentions were determined, Feng Ni personally took these investment agreements and found the respective heads of the Imperial Bank's Shanghai branch and the Royal Bank!

He wants to loan a huge sum of money to solve the funding gap required for the infrastructure construction in the various plans of the Third Industrial Zone!

And the guarantee, on the surface, is Huating County Yamen!

But everyone knows that the real guarantee of this loan is the political future of himself and the officials involved in the matter.

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