Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1613: Flintlock Turns Cabbage

For the eldest son of the emperor, Li, even if he didn't say anything else, the fief stipend alone could bring a lot more.

Relatively speaking, the other princes are not so lucky. Although the adult princes are all overseas, and most of the territories are not small, there are great differences in economic development.

The economy is not good, and naturally there is nothing to do.

Therefore, the other princes are also trying their best to promote the complete localization of their fiefs, but it is not easy to completely localize them. There is still a lot of work to be done. At least in recent years, there is no place to complete it. Completely localized.

Time passed day by day, and soon it was the thirty-two years of Xuanping.

In the spring of this year, Li Xuan received a report from the Western Expedition Army, saying that the 14th Army defeated the last Tatar main force of more than 10,000 people in the Ta Shi area.

This also declares that the 14th Army of the Empire's Western Expedition has completely wiped out the Tatars entrenched in the mountains of southeastern Central Asia, and has successfully made land contact with the Mughal Dynasty further south.

However, it was also reported that the Tatars had premeditatedly abandoned this part of the area many years ago, and had already forcibly relocated a large number of local craftsmen, cattle, sheep and even ordinary young people.

Therefore, in this part of the mountainous areas in southeastern Central Asia, there are actually very few people.

And for this situation, the Empire is also happy to see it.

Otherwise, in the past two years, the Tatars would not have to sit back and watch the migration of the local population. If they really wanted to stop it, it would be quite simple to send cavalry to attack and intercept them, but why do they do this?

The Tatars needed more populations to fill the plains of Central Asia, and even the plains of Eastern Europe.

And the empire is also unwilling to accept a large group of local indigenous people, so this kind of thing is also good for the empire.

Even in order to allow time for the Tatars to migrate the population, the Fourteenth Army took the initiative to suspend the offensive for several months. Otherwise, it would have been able to kill it last winter and then return to the Mughal Dynasty.

In addition to the 14th Army that went south, several other units of the Western Expedition Army are now tossing with the Tatars in the vast Central Asian plain.

The Central Asian Plain is really too big. In this vast plain terrain, the infantry cannons are basically useless. They can only be used steadily and steadily in the rear, mainly to cover the construction of railways.

In combat, we mainly rely on cavalry!

To this end, the empire has already invested more than 80,000 cavalry in the direction of Central Asia!

These more than 80,000 cavalry did not include the divisional cavalry in the infantry, but were independent cavalry. These cavalry were turned into three armies, and they tossed with the Tartar cavalry on the steppe.

But because both sides are cavalry, and there is no strategic location in the local area, more importantly, both sides intend to avoid a large-scale strategic decisive battle.

The Tatars avoided strategic decisive battles naturally because they avoided strategic losses. Their strategy on the eastern front was established, and they traded space for time.

Their core expansion direction is still in Europe!

Last year, the cavalry vanguard of the Tatars entered France for a while, but in the end it was because the front line was too long and the advance speed was too fast, resulting in poor supplies and almost running out of ammunition. In order to resist the offensive of the Tatars last year, European countries once reached more than 500,000 troops on the front line. In order to defend the enemy outside the country, France has already launched a comprehensive nationwide. Forced conscription, many peasants are sent to the battlefield after training for a month.

Although the Tatars withdrew in the end, they have successfully maintained the front in the German region, even Berlin was occupied by them, and now even Viana has become the front line against the Tatars.

They killed at least 200,000 European troops before and after. You must know that last year they directly beat the Holy Roman Empire. Under the iron cavalry, countless principalities were destroyed by the Tartars, and even the French suffered losses. heavy.

But then again, the Austrian Hasburg family took a big advantage. Although they were also captured by the Tatars, they lost almost all the territory in the northeastern part of Viana.

But after the Tatars made a strategic retreat, they also took the opportunity to annex the territories of many annihilated principalities.

Up to now, the territory directly controlled by the Austrian Hasburg family has not decreased much compared to before the war, but just changed the place.

It's just that this is just a simple territorial change, and it doesn't mean that the strength of this family remains unchanged. In fact, their strength is already very weak.

A large number of core territories have been occupied, and the annual wars and military expenditures are heavy, not to mention the loss of personnel. Even now, they have taken the opportunity to occupy the territories of many principalities, but it is actually impossible to restore their strength. of.

The strength of the Austrian Hasburg family has been greatly weakened, and they are unable to serve as the main force.

Although it is still at the forefront, it is actually very dependent on the support of the allies in the rear. France, Denmark, the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Naples and other countries almost all send reinforcements to the Holy Roman Empire, and even provide material assistance .

Naturally, they were not out of kindness, but because they wanted the Hasburg family to stand in the forefront and help them block the attack of the Tatars.

They didn't want to face the ferocious Tatars directly.

In addition, Sweden in northern Europe also contained many Tatar forces.

The Swedes are very good at fighting in the ice and snow. The Tatars have won Russia for a long time, and they also entered the Finnish area a long time ago. There are psychological shadows in the area.

In addition, on the Balkans side, the Ottomans have always been the main force against the Tatars.

Strictly speaking, the Ottomans were actually the biggest enemies of the Tatars. From West Asia to Eastern Europe, the two sides had hundreds of thousands of troops, fighting each other in three days.

However, the Tatars did not intend to fight the Ottomans now, so they just kept the strategic defense as the main force, and the main force was still facing west.

As a result, countries such as the Holy Roman Empire and France are in bad luck!

But last year's battle also gave them hope of blocking and even defeating the Tatars!

Because last year, Spain was finally equipped with flintlock guns. Although there are only a few, only more than a thousand guns, but they still played a huge role in actual combat.

To be more precise, it should be a percussion flintlock gun.

Because a few decades ago, Europeans were widely equipped with revolving flintlock guns, especially cavalry equipment. However, this thing is expensive and complicated to use, so it is difficult to promote it on a large scale.

After the appearance of the Tang Dynasty's flintlock gun, Spain and other European countries have always wanted to come up with a percussive flintlock gun.

They also tried to purchase, but without exception, they were strictly rejected by the Empire. The Empire has never exported flintlock guns for so many years.

If you can't buy it, you can only make it yourself!

The flintlock gun is not something too advanced. Everyone knows the principle. The only difficulty is how to improve the ignition rate, which involves the spring.

The small thing of the spring may seem inconspicuous, but it is very important. It not only needs elasticity, but also needs to be durable. A spring that cannot be used after a few uses is useless.

If you don't take into account the durability, if you only use it a few times, in fact, Europeans have been able to come up with a reliable flintlock gun for a long time.

But after so many years, so many people are buried in it, and with the support of the state, even the English people can come up with something like a steam engine, not to mention the spring.

Last year, the Spaniards came up with their own reliable springs and went straight to mass production of flintlocks.

They are much more generous than the Tang Empire. In order to defend against the Tartars, they even directly sold the technology of flintlock guns, although they were said to be quite dark and charged a lot of money.

But overnight, the technology of percussion flintlock guns has become Chinese cabbage in Europe, and any country will do it!

This matter made the Tang Empire somewhat dissatisfied.

Because this also means that the arquebuses that have been selling well in the Tang Empire for more than 20 years cannot be sold in Europe. Now some people in the empire are considering directly exporting flintlock guns on a large scale. Anyway, Europeans are now all Once you have mastered the flintlock gun technology, the blockade will be meaningless. It is better to take the opportunity to make a profit and continue to suppress the development of their defense industry. Even if it is just a handicraft workshop, it is necessary to prevent their small workshop from becoming a big one. ...

In fact, it is inevitable for the Spaniards to come up with a flintlock gun. Even if their technical foundation is not as good as that of the Tang Dynasty, the flintlock gun does not have much technical difficulties. One point is understandable, but if you can't figure it out, it's just a joke.

In the history of later generations, even if there was no stimulation from the Tang Empire and the Tatars, they also began to widely equip flintlock guns in the 1680s, and they played a big role in the Thirty Years War.

Now it's just a few years ahead of It's just that, the diplomats in Datang are a little worried that the situation of the Tatars this year will not be very good.

Last year, the Europeans had only a small number of tests equipped with flintlock guns by the Spaniards, which did not affect the war situation.

But starting this year, I am afraid that it will be popularized quickly. After all, it is not difficult to change the arquebus to a flintlock gun, just change a bolt.

Perhaps this summer, the army of the Tatars will be hit by a hail of bullets.

I don't know how the Tatars will respond then.

But it is estimated that they also have a way. They Tatars are not unfamiliar with flintlock guns, because the Tang Empire has used flintlock guns to fight them for a long time, but they themselves can't master the key technology for a while and can't equip them. That's it.

But you have to say how to deal with enemies armed with flintlocks, the Tatars are quite experienced.

For war, although weapons are important, sometimes they are not so important. There are many examples of armies with backward weapons hanging over armies with advanced weapons.

However, when the diplomats of the Tang Empire were worried about the Tatars, the Tatars had already started related actions!

In April of the 32nd year of Xuanping, a small steel workshop under the Holy Roman Empire that supplied springs for new flintlock guns caught fire.

This workshop is not large, so few people care.

But no one knew that several craftsmen who had just mastered the spring steel technology also disappeared at the same time.

If there are people from the Tang Dynasty here, then it is easy to guess that it must be the Tartars.

The Tatars are very skilled at stealing technical drawings and materials and kidnapping craftsmen!

Otherwise, how do you think the guns that the Tartars are using now come from!

That's how it all came.

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