Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1703: Datang's dignity should not be offended

As a diplomat of the Datang Empire, this is the first time that Hu Qinyuan has traveled overseas on behalf of the official government!

Previously, Hu Qinyuan had always worked in the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He was transferred to Shanghai three years ago, and then he began to deal with those barbarians.

A month ago, he received an order to lead the diplomatic team to go to Baku to negotiate with Ottoman, and try to take down Baku by diplomatic means.

Because Baku has oil!

Since the Tang Dynasty opened up the Caspian Sea, it is natural to know that there are oil resources in Baku. In the Middle Ages, the local began to exploit oil by traditional manual methods, and it is still a local pillar industry.

After the news was known by the Datang people, it soon spread to the Datang Oil Company.

The world is looking for oil, especially the Datang Oil Company, which is easy to extract oil.

Under such circumstances, Datang Oil Company could not hold back. It directly used the upper-level relationship and directly urged Datang to send diplomats to prepare for trouble in Baku, and then occupy Baku.

Of course, there is no need to make it too clear if there is oil here, as long as the adults in the Royal Assets Department know about it, the government does not need to know it, just go directly to the upper level and let the empire take Baku. .

This is not to say that they are afraid of leaking secrets. Anyway, they are the only oil company in the entire Tang Dynasty, and they are not afraid of leaking secrets at all.

The reason why I don't say it is purely to avoid trouble.

It is impossible for the government to think that Datang Oil Company is for its own interests and pushes the government to take certain actions. In this case, those officials will be somewhat uncomfortable, and they will inevitably wear small shoes for the oil company after the event!

You have to let the government think that it was the government that took the place by itself.

After the government took it down, Datang Oil Company quickly followed and directly bought up all the local land for oil extraction. In this case, everyone would have nothing to say.

Datang Oil Co. was hiding behind the scenes, and Hu Qinyuan, a middle-level diplomat, naturally didn't know what oil was behind it.

He just received an instruction that Baku has great strategic value for the empire to control the West Sea, and the empire must take it down.

As for whether to take it down through military action, pure diplomatic negotiation, or other means, the bigwigs above don't care.

The empire only needs this place, and doesn't care about the specific operation method, nor the thoughts of the Ottomans.

Therefore, after arriving in Baku, the decision of how to seize this place is in the hands of Hu Qinyuan.

On the way Hu Qinyuan came, he had already formulated several plans with his subordinates and the navy.

It is absolutely impossible to take it directly. It will worsen the relationship between the empire and the Ottomans. Although the big bosses of the empire don't care about this, people are shameful, and it's not good if they look too ugly.

So you have to use a roundabout way!

For example, create an accident, then ask for justice through diplomatic means, fire a few shots if necessary, make Osman feel guilty, and his conscience can't live with it, and finally give the place to Datang on his own initiative.

As for the Tang Dynasty, it is not a country that is robbing and tyrannizing. As the only benevolent and righteous country in the contemporary era, the Tang Dynasty has always done things fairly. Even if you yourself insist on giving me the place, I will still give you a certain amount of compensation. .

For example, buy it at the price of one Tang Yuan.

In the end, Datang reluctantly took over Baku, Osman took the money and gained the goodwill of Datang, it belongs to you and I am happy.

Well, the most important thing is that this place is not actually owned by the Ottomans, and the Ottomans only took control of this place two years ago.

Even if it is sold for one Tang Yuan, there is no real loss to them.

This matter is difficult, but Hu Qinyuan has full confidence.

For things like this, Datang has done a lot more, and it is already very good to be able to send diplomats to talk with the natives. More often, Datang will directly block the warships to the ports of the natives, and after a live-fire shelling exercise on the port , you can often get what you want without any so-called negotiation.

Now, Datang has specially dispatched a diplomatic team to preside over this matter, which is already very good for the Ottomans.

If it weren't for the fact that the Ottomans were still fighting in the Balkans and the Caucasus and the Tatars, the Tang Dynasty would not be bothered to send diplomats, and would have just sent gunboats to bombard Baku.

The arrival of Hu Qinyuan and the others undoubtedly made the Ottomans in Baku uneasy.

This is not the first time the Ottomans have come into contact with the Tang people. They have been in contact with the Tang people for a long time. They know that the Tang people are not easy to mess with. It is rumored that the Tang people's warships and naval guns are enough to destroy an entire city!

Many Ottomans don't know how powerful they are, but they only need to know how powerful they are.

The Ottomans were beaten by the Tatars. Over the years, they lost half of the Caucasus. The Crimea Peninsula was lost long ago. In the Balkans, they also lost the rich Danube Valley. In the end, they could only retreat from the Balkans. Mountains, relying on mountain terrain for resistance.

However, such a powerful Tatar was driven all the way from the East to Europe by the Tang Empire!

The power of the Tang Dynasty is evident.

Now that these people from the Tang Dynasty have come to Baku, what do they want to do?

Is it good or bad?

They didn't know, but from their previous contacts with the Datang people, the Datang people had no ill will towards the Ottomans, and even supported them against the Tatars. They just liked the port and bought it from the Ottomans. There are several ports, such as Kuwait, the Persian Gulf port in the Basra area. There is nothing to do in that bad place, and I don’t know what those Datang people are coming for.

The business of the two sides was also doing well, and the merchant ships of the Tang Dynasty even went directly to Constantinople for trade.

Therefore, although they were uneasy, the Ottoman officials in the Baku area were not frightened to escape immediately, but rushed to the port to greet them.

As for resistance!

The neuropathy said, pulled it out and chopped it.

If it is an inland city, that's fine. A coastal port city like Baku can resist. As long as the people of the Tang Dynasty are willing, they can bombard Baku directly.

As a result, the local Ottoman officials welcomed the arrival of the Datang people very warmly, and a group of people gathered at the port to wait for the Datang people to disembark.

But no one thought that Hu Qinyuan took the people off the boat just a few meters away, and then returned to the boat with a straight face.

Then the two ships left the pier directly, and the gunboat No. 627 had already raised its muzzle and aimed at the pier!

The Ottomans didn't know what was going on.

And soon they knew why.

Datang people protested to them, protesting that they had seriously offended the Datang Angels!

Datang Angels should not be offended

Ask them to pay one million Tang Yuan immediately and withdraw from Baku immediately.

A group of Ottomans have no idea what happened from beginning to end.

From the beginning to the end, they haven't said a word to Hu Qinyuan, the representative of Datang, because Hu Qin just got off the boat, and he has not walked more than ten meters before returning to the boat!

There is no contact at all, so what is the offense?

At this time, a diplomatic attaché sent by Hu Qinyuan was actually a rank nine staff member who said in a very serious tone: "Master Gu is an angel, and you are dispatched by order. However, your actions seriously offended the angel and offended my Tang dignity!"

A group of Ottomans were stunned!

The ghost knows what kind of angels you are or not. Even if they are angels, all of our local military and political dignitaries came to the port to welcome them. This face is enough for you.

As a result, the Tang diplomatic attache opposite said that the loess should pave the road to welcome the angel, and greet him thirty miles out of the city.

With that said, people are even more speechless 1

The loess is paving the road, this is reluctant to say, but thirty miles out of the city, do you want us to greet us on the sea?

As for kneeling and shouting long live, this is your angel, not our angel, so what are you kneeling for? Long live it.

The Ottomans also have temperaments, so they kindly ran to the pier to greet them, but they were protested and threatened with compensation of one million yuan.

Therefore, the local officials also got angry, and the leading one came directly: "You are making trouble without reason!"

At this time, the attendant had a smile on his lips. It seems that the natives on the opposite side are not stupid, and they know that we are unreasonable.

But after a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he turned around and got on the boat!

So far, the task of their Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been completed more than half, and they have successfully given the military a sufficient excuse.

Here comes the navy!

In the eyes of outsiders, it seems that the etiquette question raised by Hu Qinyuan is unreasonable, but in the eyes of Datang people, this is not the case. The Datang people at this meeting are in an era of full of confidence, and China has attached great importance to etiquette since ancient times.

Even if Hu Qinyuan is only a rank six diplomat, he still has the title of Datang Consul in Baku on his head, and Datang's consuls, ambassadors, ministers, etc. are all in charge of one party's foreign The words 'Plenipotentiary and Plenipotentiary' are hung on them.

In the strict sense, he is also an imperial envoy, although it is only limited to foreign affairs.

But it's not an exaggeration to say an angel.

In this case, if the other party knows in advance, they will naturally greet them according to high-standard etiquette, but the key is that the other party does not know!

People just thought that a group of people from the Tang Dynasty came to Baku with nothing to do. They would know that Hu Qinyuan on the boat was a plenipotentiary representative.

But this is no longer important. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has already completed more than half of the task, and the other party has been charged with neglecting the Angel of the Tang Dynasty.

This charge is enough for the Tang Dynasty to start a war against them.

The dignity of the Tang Dynasty cannot be offended!

As a result, the gunboat No. 627 fired!

The 120mm main gun roared with a bang!

When the gunboats of the West Sea Fleet of the Datang Navy opened fire, the Ottomans on the dock were dumbfounded!

Damn, do you want to be so ruthless and fight if you disagree? Anyway, let’s negotiate one or two first. How do you know that I won’t agree to the terms of your indemnity and ceding the land? What if I agree?

The Ottomans were dumbfounded, and Zuo Chengsheng on the Shengyuan was even more dumbfounded!

He was planning to do business. I didn't expect that the navy would fight with the Ottomans as soon as the ship arrived in Baku. How can we do business?

However, Zuo Chengsheng was dumbfounded, and the other businessmen who came with him looked expectant, and many people shouted:

"Hit hard!"

"Let them know how powerful our Tang people are!"

"Be careful, don't hit the warehouse, that's all money!"

"Oh my god, those prodigals in the Navy!"

"The warehouse was beaten up by them!"


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