Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 193: This is another war of turmoil

In a small valley on the edge of the mountain, thousands of Ming troops crowded here, crowding the small valley.

These Ming soldiers did not just pull up simple tents in order to hurry up with the usual pursuit, or simply sleep on the ground without setting up tents, but this night they set up a serious camp and erected them. Lots of tents.

This also allowed the soldiers of the Ming Army who had been drilling in the deep mountains and forests for seven or eight days to finally get a good night's sleep.

In the past seven or eight days, in order to pursue the pseudo-Tang thieves in front, whether it was Diao Leixun or Su Jiakang, they all chased after them with their soldiers without stopping for a long time. It only stopped when night fell, not only making Su Jiakang and the others tired to death, but also making the soldiers below complain.

If it is said that it can catch up with the pseudo-Tang bandit army, it is fine, but it is impossible to catch up!

Just like the women on the street, the pseudo-Tang thieves in front of them would occasionally stop and wave their handkerchiefs and shout to the Ming Army gentlemen, "Come on, sir, the slave's house is waiting for you. Look, I'm not wearing any clothes inside. Underwear!"

But when Su Jiakang took the Ming army to forcibly drive for a long time, he found that the pseudo-Tang bandit army had disappeared again.

The first two days were fine. These Ming troops had not yet noticed the sinister intentions of the pseudo-Tang thieves, but in the next two days, even Su Jiakang, who was intent on chasing the pseudo-Tang thieves, was aware of the pseudo-Tang thieves in front. Is it to lead them in circles on purpose?

Su Jiakang is not a stupid person either. He quickly thought of the fact that he was led around in circles by the pseudo-Tang bandit army two times. root.

I'm afraid it won't work if I continue to chase. Since I can't catch up, I don't plan to continue chasing. That's why today I will camp early in the afternoon, get ready to rest for a night, and then go out tomorrow. As for those pseudo-Tang thieves Jun, do what you love, anyway, Su Jiakang doesn't plan to accompany them in circles.

That night, several generals such as Su Jiakang and Diao Leixun discussed it, and finally decided to go out and not continue to go around in circles with those pseudo-Tang thieves.

The movements of the Ming army were naturally monitored by the spies sent by Li Xuan at any time. Therefore, when the Ming army got up early the next morning, not only did they not set off to pursue them, but turned around and walked out of the mountain, the spies of the Tang Dynasty immediately became Feifei reported the relevant situation to Li Xuan.

"They are leaving? Are you sure?" Li Xuan asked with obvious doubts.

These days, the Ming army has been chasing them so eagerly, and it looks like they will not give up until they catch up. Why did they suddenly stop chasing them today?

The spy immediately said: "It's true, the little one watched them leave with his own eyes, and in order to prevent them from cheating, we still have someone to keep watching!"

"It seems that these fake Ming thieves are indeed going out of the mountains!" Qian Mengjiu said with a look of relief: "The chase has been tight enough these days, and if we continue to chase like this, I'm really afraid of appearing. What an accident!"

At this time, Fang Dongquan also said: "Since they are gone, then we have to follow!"

Hearing Fang Dongquan's words, several people looked puzzled. Wang Danxu said, "It's not good to keep up. What if these Ming troops pretended to retreat, but actually wanted to ambush us on the way?"

Butcher Chen also said, "What are you going to do with us? We can't stop them on the road. They are more than a thousand people. With our current number of three hundred people, it's not easy to fight!"

The disparity in the strength of the two sides is too large, which has always been the main reason why the King of the Tang Dynasty was afraid of fighting head-on when facing the Ming army.

Not to mention how the Ming court will react after defeating the Ming army, will they send a dozen or twenty guards to suppress them, but the key point is that even if they want to fight, they may not be able to beat them!

Three hundred to more than a thousand, these bandits are so guilty no matter how they look at it!

Therefore, these bandits in Huangzhushan fought with the Ming army for a limited number of times, and they were secretly beaten by dozens of people to more than a hundred people. Whether it was a grain transport team or a striker, this was the case.

But once encountering the main force of the Ming army, it doesn't take much. When encountering three or four hundred people, these bandits turn around and run away immediately, and stay behind to fight hard battles. Whoever is stupid will fight, and they are not stupid, naturally they are not. will hit.

Unless they had to, these bandits would never want to fight a head-to-head confrontation with the Ming army, because if they lost, they would suffer, and if they won, they would suffer.

Li Xuan also said after thinking: "Don't worry, let people watch the movements of the Ming army, we have tossed for half a month ourselves, let's take a few days to rest before we talk about it!"

Since they came out of the mountain before the summer harvest, the new army of the Tang Dynasty has been running around for more than half a month so far. Even if they actually fought two small-scale battles that were easily resolved in this half month, the physical strength of the soldiers was still very high. big.

Are you tired of running around all day?

Since the Ming army took the initiative to retreat, regardless of whether it is true or false, Li Xuan will take this opportunity to rest for a few days, but after resting and resting, this battle will definitely continue to be fought, and it is impossible to go back like this.

The two goals they have come out of the mountain this time have already been completed one of them: harvesting grain. And the next second goal is to firmly contain the Ming army and prevent them from having the opportunity to attack Huangzhu Mountain.

Therefore still have to go out and continue their plan after the rest in order to achieve the second goal.

With the active retreat of the Ming army, the pursuit and escape of the two sides can be regarded as a temporary end, but what makes Li Xuan a little depressed is that when the Ming army came out of the mountain, he handed over a post that was captured by the Huangzhushan bandits in front of him. Called back.

The Huangzhushan bandits who stayed at the post were only more than 20 ordinary young men and none of the new army soldiers. They naturally did not have the guts to confront the Ming army head-on. When the Ming army came, they ran away in a hurry, thus making the Datang new army lost. There is a transfer station connecting Dashan and the outside.

However, Li Xuan didn't take it seriously, it was just a sentry post, and it wasn't the only checkpoint for entering and leaving the mountain. Since this sentry was taken back by the Ming army, they had to build another level as an entry and exit passage. He didn't believe that the Ming army could still guard all passages in and out of the mountain. He really wanted to do this, Su Jiakang. There must be at least tens of thousands of horses under his hands.

This time, the new army of the Tang Dynasty rested for three days, and only rejoined the cargo team led by Huang Xueren before re-emerging, thus opening the fourth battle that was enough to determine the survival of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Xuan looked at the bandits under his hands and couldn't help but sigh: This is another battle of the country!

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