Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 2040: tears of england

This Central African Kingdom is actually the former Annan Kingdom.

However, since the Tang Empire set up new local provinces such as Annam and Siam in various parts of the Nanyang region, in order to avoid conflicts in terms of names, and even more to avoid suspicion, the people of Annam were the first to react, and then took the initiative to call them The name of the country was changed to the Kingdom of Central Africa.

The other countries in the Nanyang Twelve countries followed suit and changed their names directly. They didn't even mention that they were Nanyang people before, and they always said they were Africans...

This is obviously afraid of annoyed the Datang Empire!

However, the Datang Empire is not such an unreasonable country, they will care about these things.

However, when people changed their names themselves, Datang was too lazy to care.

Therefore, the 12 Southeast Asian countries in the central region of the east coast of Africa have become the 12 Central African countries!

Among the 12 Central African countries, the Central African Kingdom is considered to be relatively strong, mainly because the territory allocated to them at the beginning is not bad, while the combat effectiveness of the Central African Kingdom's past guards is not bad. The local indigenous people who fought in the early years Unable to take care of himself, he later acted as a mercenary for businessmen from Spain and other places, helping them hire African natives for free, and made a lot of money from it.

At the same time, their land is still relatively fertile. After the development, in addition to planting food, they also widely plant various economic crops, and they also found a copper mine and then carried out primitive mining.

So don't look at people's population of only one million now, but people's small life is actually quite good.

Although their King's Guard is small in number, not to mention in Africa, even in Europe, it is well-known. When people talk about African mercenaries, they will talk about the Central African Kingdom's Guards.

This Central African Kingdom has lived a good life, and its economic model, in addition to relying on mercenaries to make money, most of its economic income still relies on the export of copper mines and economic crops, and this export is only for people from the Tang Dynasty.

Therefore, they also attach great importance to the diplomatic relations with Datang.

Otherwise, it would not have spent a huge amount of diplomatic funds to rent a high-quality embassy area in the embassy area, and the number of people in the embassy area is full of fifty people.

Well, Datang has a quota for the diplomatic personnel sent to Datang by each indigenous kingdom. They have a relatively good relationship with Datang. Those who sincerely hug Datang's thighs are called Dad every day. Generally, they are given a quota of 50 first-class people. .

In other such countries there are forty, thirty, or twenty people.

If there is no limit, one of these indigenous countries can send a lot of diplomats to come here...

Datang, who doesn't want to come!

Even if the cost of living in Datang is high, except for a few countries, in fact, many countries' diplomatic expenditures are generally only used for renting and a few living expenses. Most of the people who come to Datang as diplomats have to pay for themselves. life in the Tang Dynasty.

However, even so, countless people broke their heads and wanted to run over.

Viscount Norris, his salary is actually very low, equivalent to Tang Yuan, only four Tang Yuan a month, um, this is paid according to the latest salary standard of Tang Songjiang House.

But as a diplomat, if he wants to live decently in Songjiang Mansion, this amount of money is far from enough. The extra cost of living is actually borne by him.

Of course, as a senior diplomat who has been stationed in the Tang Dynasty for many years and a Viscount of England, in addition to the fixed income of the domestic fief, he also has a lot of additional income.

For example, when he returned to China this time, he gave speeches in many places, telling many things about the Tang Dynasty to the rich and powerful businessmen in England. At the same time, he also used his own dictation and asked people to ghostwrite several books, some of which are basically in the It is widely distributed throughout continental Europe. Although there is no copyright awareness in Europe, it can still make some money.

More importantly, he published a book on the Tang side called "England's Tears". The main body of the story is the story of a noble woman and a poor man falling in love. At first glance, this is a love story. But in fact, it only shows the unique social aspect of contemporary England through the perspective of the hero and heroine.

In particular, it focuses on depicting the brutality of the nobles in the rural areas of England, the misery of the serfs, and the helplessness of the free people.

Enlarging it, in fact, this is a book depicting contemporary medieval European society. If hundreds of years pass, it is estimated that this book can be used to restore many details of European society in this world, which is of great reference value.

But now, this book is considered a novelty book in Datang, and the sales volume is very average. Occasionally, some people from Datang will buy it for the sake of curiosity. After reading it, most of them will sigh: wow, it turns out that there is still such a backwardness in this world. What a savage place!

Relying on this not-so-good book, Viscount Norris actually lived a pretty good life.

In Datang, there is nothing to say about copyright protection. The sales of this book written by Norris are also average, but if there is no piracy, he can still get a lot of income. Relying on copyright income plus other income, It would also allow him to live a decent life in Songjiang Prefecture.

But it was also in the Tang Dynasty. If it was in China in later generations, even if his book became popular ten times, he would have to starve to death, because few people would buy his genuine book to read.

Maybe Norris will starve to death on the street that day, and when he is dying, he will cry out in a low voice: You who watch pirated copies, will your conscience not hurt?

As for the other diplomats, they are basically not ordinary people, because ordinary people simply cannot become a diplomat and then come to the Tang Dynasty. Therefore, it is an individual who has his own way and can probably maintain a living in Songjiang Mansion.

Living in Datang, some places are actually quite cheap, while others are very expensive. Songjiang Prefecture is undoubtedly the place with the highest cost of living in the Datang Empire.

For the embassy area and the accommodation buildings for diplomatic personnel, the rent is not cheap, and meals and other living expenses must be added.

The Central African Kingdom spends several thousand Tang Yuan every year on diplomatic This is still public expenditure, but it does not include the beginning of maintaining a decent life for the diplomatic personnel. They only pay the minimum salary to ensure that the diplomatic personnel are hungry. Not dead.

Diplomats want to live a decent life and find their own way to...

Well, even for diplomats in Datang, their salary levels must be in accordance with the labor laws of the Datang Empire to ensure minimum wage income.

The Central African Kingdom spends several thousand Tang Yuan a year for its diplomatic office expenses. If this figure is placed in the Tang Dynasty, it is nothing at all. For a country like the Central African Kingdom, it can also be taken out.

But some indigenous countries can't get it out.

After all, the indigenous countries are generally quite poor, and they will use some money to buy the weapons and equipment of the Tang Dynasty.

Of course, there are also big countries with money! l0ns3v3


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