Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 2051: poor edward

At the same time, most other cities also adopt this method. Urban development does not strive for space from the sky, but extends to the outside. This also leads to the fact that many cities have very large urban areas.

Of course, the reason for doing so back then was out of desperation.

Restricted by the technical problems of construction, it was impossible for the city buildings to be built too high back then. Even now, elevators are a new and expensive thing in Datang.

This building is not high, the population that can be accommodated in a unit of land area is relatively limited, and the number of urban personnel is increasing, so it has to develop towards the periphery.

At the same time, there is another important reason.

That is, a considerable amount of land in cities and suburbs is actually in the hands of private individuals. It is not good for the government to push up housing prices with all their efforts. Those who benefit are those landlords.

Therefore, many local officials have adopted the strategy of developing to the periphery, where it is easy to do it, but they will not limit their attention to this one-third of the land.

It has something to do with the fact that the Tang people like to stay in the suburbs, even in the countryside.

Contemporary Datang people do not live in the middle and upper classes in the city, but in the suburbs and even the countryside.

Many factors have also led to the development of many cities in Datang, which originally belonged to the type of flat development.

Even in Songjiang Prefecture!

The population of five million in Songjiang Prefecture is not only concentrated in the core urban area, but branched out throughout the entire Songjiang Prefecture.

However, the flat development in the past belongs to the flat development of the city itself.

Now, the Datang Empire is flattening development across the country, allowing localities to develop their economies.

The meaning here is different.

And the effect of this flat development policy, even Edward, an Englishman, can deeply feel it.

In the various Datang newspapers he sees every day, most of them can see the development of other places. For example, a certain company invested and established a steel plant in a certain place in the north, which has brought many jobs to the local area.

A meat products company has set up a slaughterhouse in the northern grassland area, which not only provides jobs, but also can purchase a large number of livestock from local herdsmen nearby.

In Songjiang Mansion, he could see that the basic living materials such as food and clothes are very cheap, and there are all kinds of other things.

In Songjiang Prefecture, there seems to be nothing that cannot be bought.

However, every time he went shopping, Edward felt that he was poor!

For the first time in Edward's more than 20 years of life, he felt so poor!

When he was in England before, he was a son of a nobleman. Although he couldn't afford a lot of things, he really didn't feel that he was poor, because there were even poorer people around him, and there were a lot of them.

How should I put it, in England, he is a nobleman, although his assets are not much in Tang Yuan, but he is also considered a contemporary high-class person.

But after coming to Datang, he found that he was really poor!

The existence of more than 100 Tang Yuan that his father gave him, at first he thought it was quite a lot, it was a huge sum of money.

But slowly, he just felt that the more than 100 Tang Yuan was not much. For example, on the way here, he had never been to the restaurant on the passenger ship and could not afford it.

The things in the ship's shop were just a few tang yuan to buy a few necessities.

This was the case when I was on the boat, and it was even more so when I arrived in Shanghai.

Although it is said that there is no money for food, accommodation and clothing in the embassy, ​​and it is supported by the diplomatic funds of England, if it is personal expenses, you have to pay for it yourself.

This month, Wu Tang Yuan's salary is not much, and it will be used up if he sells anything.

Especially recently, he has also become obsessed with going to watch the North Shore team's football game live. Even if he just buys the most common tickets, he will cost two Tang Yuan to watch it once.

His salary can only be seen in two and a half games...

After he went to see it twice in a row, he just didn't go!

Can't afford to go!

Although he still has more than 100 Tang Yuan in savings, he is an asset given to him by his father to settle down, so he didn't dare to spend it indiscriminately.

In the end, after thinking about it, he still felt that his income was too low.

If the monthly income of Wutangyuan is in the London area, it is properly high income, but in Songjiang Prefecture, this is only the minimum salary standard. If you pull out a working Datang person, their monthly salary is generally more than Five Tang Yuan.

In fact, the average salary of front-line industrial workers in Songjiang Prefecture is generally around seven or eight yuan.

Edward, who felt that he was too poor, began to think of ways to earn more income.

It is impossible to increase the salary. The monthly salary of Norris, the deputy minister, is only eight Tang Yuan...

He wants to find other ways to make more money.

He has been here for a long time and found that most of the people in the embassy area live without wages, and they will more or less have other sources of income.

For example, Norris is a writer who writes books, and a copy of "England Tears" can now bring him hundreds of Tang Yuan royalties every year.

At the same time, when Norris went back to England, he also held a lecture tour, dedicated to the Tang Dynasty!

This is all for money. If you hold one, you can get hundreds of Tang Yuan in the account. The last time Norris returned to England, he held more than ten consecutive games in England and even France across the strait. The lecture tour alone is worth at least a thousand Tang Yuan.

For example, there is a diplomatic entourage from the Ottoman Empire next door. He is a part-time musician who specializes in playing West Asian-style music. He goes to different restaurants every three days to play, and he also earns more than ten Tang Yuan this month.

However, they still act as various brokers, contacting the sources of goods for their domestic firms and nobles.

One of his colleagues is a part-time consultant for more than ten firms in England, specializing in purchasing all kinds of in-demand commodities in Datang for these firms, and his income is quite generous.

Others act as translators, or Tang language teachers and the like.

In short, everyone has their own way to earn extra Edward is also deeply lacking money. He wants to find some way to make money, but after thinking about it, he can't do many things.

In the end, in desperation, I can only find Norris!

When Norris heard him say that he was short of money and wanted to find a way to make extra money, Norris thought for a while and said, "I think your Tang Yuan is not very good, although the spoken language is still poor, but the writing skills are still good. Yes, the embassy area is recruiting translators, I will write you a letter of recommendation, you can try it, although the income is not high, but it can subsidize one or two."

After Edward found a job as a translator, he earned more than three Tang Yuan every month, which made his money a little bit more comfortable.

But I still can't go to the game frequently.

This makes Edward very distressed!


Remember Aishang in 1 second:

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