Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 2060: car drive home

Qixiang Automobile Company began to promote that they have developed a private car that is affordable enough for middle-class families under their painstaking efforts, and will soon complete the final test and launch it on the market.

Not those two-wheeled cars, not trucks, but four-wheeled personal cars.

This time, is it an instant detonation of public opinion?

A car that middle-class families can also afford?

A lot of people are just starting to guess what the price is?

Four thousand Tang Yuan, don't be kidding, Zhongyuan Automobile Company had launched a luxury car at this price before, but it ended up on the street, because the rich look down on it, and the middle class can't afford it.

If it is less than four thousand Tang Yuan?

is it possible? Everyone knows that the cost of automobiles is high now. If the price is lower than 4,000 Tang Yuan, the automobile company will lose money.

Could it be that the technology of Qixiang Automobile Company has made a big breakthrough and successfully reduced the cost?

Facing the publicity of Qixiang Automobile Company, the enthusiasm of the people, mainly those of the high-income groups, was suddenly detonated.

Especially for some high-income people with an annual income of more than 500 Tang yuan, they also follow the trend of the rich and get a car of their own.

They are also well-heeled people in the local area, and they are also in urgent need of a car that can set off their identity.

Not the two-wheeled car kind, but the four-wheeled kind.

If Qixiang Automobile Company can really come up with it, many of them are already considering whether to spend years of savings to buy a car.

When these potential customers began to look forward to it, several other major domestic auto companies were also paying close attention.

The people of Songjiang Heavy Machinery Company are the most calm. Their automobile business is mainly heavy machinery and equipment, and they are not involved in the consumer consumer market. Today, the domestic heavy machinery and equipment market is actually much larger than the civilian market. The gasoline engine tractors and gasoline excavators they introduced Based on the current production capacity, the three major products such as machine and bulldozer are all lined up five years later.

Countless large enterprises are waiting for their machinery and equipment to be constructed, especially the construction companies of several large-scale projects, which have placed huge orders.

Among them, more than a dozen large construction companies responsible for the Yellow River diversion project are waving cheques and begging them to supply them.

They have been busy expanding their production capacity, and have no intention or excess energy to set foot in the consumer consumer market.

And they also have a share in the field of gearboxes, relying only on gearboxes, their profits in the field of civilian vehicles are not low.

"The Qixiang Automobile Company has already formally ordered a formal contract for 5,000 gearboxes from us, and also signed an expected contract for 10,000 units. Looking at their posture, I am afraid they have really controlled the cost, especially It's the cost of the engine!"

"It's a good thing for us, the more cars they sell, the more gearboxes we sell, but how do they reduce the cost of the engine? The production cost of the engine is also reduced?"

"I have already inquired about it through the Patent Office. In the past three months, Qixiang Motors has intensively submitted more than 300 patents, all of which are related to automobiles, and most of them are patents in the field of engines!"

"Our technicians analyzed their patent application documents, and although the application documents are only brief descriptions, if these patents are true, then they can really reduce the cost greatly!"

"As for the introduction of technology, this is not easy!"

The patents of engine technology, the four major auto manufacturers are all caught by themselves, because this is where they live.

The big four car companies say that they sell cars, but to put it bluntly, they sell engines for cars...

If Songjiang Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. can remain calm, then Hangzhou Power Machinery Co., Ltd. and Zhongyuan Automobile Co., Ltd. cannot be calm.

Songjiang Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd., whose main business is engineering equipment, has nothing to do with the civilian consumer market. At the same time, it can also make enough profits in the civilian automobile market through the core component of the transmission.

Therefore, they are happy to see Qixiang Motors trying to reduce costs and promote low prices to expand the private market.

Anyway, no matter how much your car costs, Songjiang Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. should make no less money in the field of transmissions, and the bigger the sales volume, the more money they make.

But the other two companies are different.

Especially Hangzhou Power Machinery Company, their main business is West Lake brand luxury cars, even if they are positioned in luxury cars, their customers are the rich and powerful. Same.

But in fact, Hangzhou Power Machinery Co., Ltd. has been trying to further reduce the manufacturing cost of automobiles and expand the market, and their next major customer targets are those small and medium-sized rich people, local upper-class people, and those with annual income. High income earners with more than one thousand Tang Yuan.

their next strategic plan.

It is relying on the luxury brand image established by West Lake Motors to enter the mid-to-high-end market and prepare to launch mid-priced models with an estimated price between 3,000 and 5,000 Tang Yuan.

And this has already conflicted with the strategy of Qixiang Automobile Company, which has led to direct competition.

"How did they reduce their cost?" At the high-level meeting of Hangzhou Power Machinery Company, a vote of executives did not look very good. Thinking that they had learned the accurate news, the **** Qixiang Automobile Company, the price of the new car may be lower than three thousand Tang Yuan.

The selling price is not the point, the point is the cost control behind it.

These days, the cost of a gasoline engine with four horsepower, size and weight are within the standard, the cost is very high.

Hangzhou Power Machinery Company produces such an engine in its own factory, and the ex-factory price is nearly 2,000 Tang Yuan.

If you add the cost of the transmission, the chassis and many other components, plus the assembly cost, the production cost of a standard Xihu brand luxury car will exceed 4,000 Tang Yuan.

This is also the fundamental reason why their Xihu brand cars start at 8,000 Tang Yuan.

Because the cost of their cars is already very high, and the sales volume is extremely small, which leads to higher costs, and requires high selling prices to maintain profits and follow-up research and development, production funds.

However, Qixiang Automobile Company, the price of a new car will not exceed 3,000 Tang Yuan!

If this is replaced by Hangzhou Power Machinery Company, even the cost will not be enough...

So at this time, everyone knows that Qixiang Motors must have found a way to reduce costs.

And what are their ways? This is actually not a big secret, and anyone with a heart will know it as soon as they inquire.

The method used by Qixiang Automobile Company to reduce costs is a real industrialized mass production, using cheaper materials, and at the same time turning the previous manual manufacturing model into an assembly line production model similar to that of large factories such as textile factories. Only after the methods are combined can the cost be controlled so low.

Now the question, can they do it?

Part of it works, but another part doesn't!

For example, streamlined production has no patents, and it has long been popularized in other industries. The popularity of the automotive industry is slow, and it is still in its infancy. Major manufacturers are actually still in the stage of manual assembly and production.

But if they are ruthless, they can do it.

The part that doesn't work is naturally the technology that Qixiang Motors holds a patent, especially part of the core technology of the engine. Even if they find out, they can't use it if they know the technical details, because it will infringe the patent.

Datang's protection of patents is extremely strong. Even a wholly-owned enterprise under the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises such as Zhongyuan Automobile Company, if it dares to infringe the core patents of Qixiang Automobile Company, will be accused of bankruptcy in minutes!

In this regard, both West Lake Automobile Company and Zhongyuan Automobile Company chose the method of bypassing technology patents.

Anyway, Qixiang Automobile Company has already pointed them in the direction, although the road has been blocked, but the latecomers at least know the direction, so they can completely open another road by themselves.

Isn't it just avoiding other people's patents, this kind of thing is a compulsory course for every enterprise in Datang!

It really doesn't work, if you spend money on it, you can't believe it can't be done.

The only thing that makes them fortunate is that their existing business will not be encroached on whether it is the West Lake brand luxury car of Hangzhou Power Machinery Company or the Zhongyuan truck.

For Xihu brand cars, you don't need to consider the cost issue. The rich don't care whether it is 8,000 or 10,000. What they care about is face.

And now the West Lake brand cars, is synonymous with face!

And Zhongyuan Automobile, now their civilian private car business is already very bleak, even if it is hit and wiped out by the army, it doesn't matter.

Their core business is trucks now, and around the new compartment of trucks, they have established a complete patent blockade consisting of more than 500 In most of the core patents fifteen years to Before the deadline, other companies should not expect to be able to bypass their patent pools to build trucks. Even if they manage to do it, it will be a congenitally disabled thing.

At present, the four companies engaged in the automobile industry in Datang all have their own core technologies, and have built a close patent pool around their core technologies to ensure their core competitiveness.

That won't change for at least a decade.

As for more than ten years later, when most of the core patents expire one after another, I am afraid that there will be another fierce battle.

Qixiang Motors ignored the concerns of several other car companies and was soon announcing the price of their upcoming first private car in the newspapers.

For only two thousand six hundred Tang Yuan, you can drive the car home!


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